A whisper like a faint breeze stirring the water
causing concentric ripples to appear
A whisper like a faint breeze rustling the leaves
that crinkle underfoot
A whisper like a faint breeze moving the clouds
into pillow like shapes nestled in the sky
A whisper like a faint breeze carrying the wafting scent of
warm vanilla, soft lavender with a hint of spice
All is well, serene and content, but what is being whispered and why?
Piercing eyes that stare, shy away, study
Laughter that drills into the core
Words that wound deep in the soul
Surrounded by stairs, raised door jambs, heavy steel doors
Indifferent shoulder shrugs, freeing footsteps, and covert comments
Surrounded by tight spaces, cobblestone streets, narrow sidewalks
Exclusion, Isolation, Frustration
Surrounded by broken elevators, steep ramps and faulty railings
Ignorance, Intolerance, Inferiority
Surrounded by wide platform gaps, entrances through bustling kitchens, cluttered store aisles
All is well, serene and content, is that true?
Over time this whisper is replaced by a plea
A plea like a mild breeze stirring the water
causing concentric ripples to appear
A plea like a mild breeze rustling the leaves
that crinkle underfoot
A whisper like a mild breeze moving the clouds
into pillow like shapes nestled in the sky
A whisper like a mild breeze carrying the wafting scent of
warm vanilla, and soft lavender with a hint of spice
All is well, serene and content, but ears open just a little more to hear
“Not again!”, “ How is this fair?”, “Is there another way in?”
Still surrounded by stairs, raised door jambs, heavy steel doors
Cancelled plans, countless tears and crushed dreams
Surrounded by tighter spaces, cobblestone and pothole filled streets, narrower sidewalks
Excluded, Isolated, Frustrated
Surrounded by broken elevators, steeper untreated ramps during winter and faulty railings
Ignorance, Intolerance, Inferiority that is now intentional and increasing
Surrounded by wide platform gaps, entrances through bustling kitchens, cluttered store aisles
even in new transport systems, establishments and shopping malls
All is NOT well, serene and content, discontent is rising and rumbling within
like an erupting volcano, like screeching metal, like a howling hurricane
The plea has now erupted into a SCREAM, a blood curdling scream that raises the tiny hairs on one’s neck
A blood curdling scream that reverberates in the depths of a wounded, traumatized soul held captive
Unchained, unhinged and unshackled finally
Within a blink of an eye that SCREAM releases decades of insurmountable pain, intense anger and paralyzing grief
In its place serenity, solace and spirit renewed
Voice emerges from within with vigor, vitality and vision
Voice echoes hidden wishes, words and wonderings
Voice exclaims interests, innovations and intentions
My voice