Poetry & Art

When I Say

When I say
I want
to be the sky to you
I don’t mean
look how big I am
not because
I don’t want
to be
looked up at with awe
to be immeasurable
to inspire wonder
to be ever able to change
to evolve
to colour myself in
to revel in the beauty
of both my darkness
and my light
I do
these are incredible things
but when I say
I want to be the sky to you
what I mean is
I want to help your dreams
find their wings
I want to see you soar
I want you to know
what it is to feel weightless
but not untethered
wild but not lost
when I say
I want to be the sky to you
what I mean is
I want to to be the place
where you can
finally feel free.

by BeautifullyDefected

Writer and founder of Beautifully Defected. Ultimately, our mission is to inspire individuals to embrace their beautifully imperfect selves, to recognise their inherent worth, and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Together, we can redefine beauty, shatter societal expectations, heal trauma and create a world where mental health is prioritised and celebrated.


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