“Feeling like the one you love is starting to love you less is probably the worst feeling in the world.” When someone is really into you, they […]
Sometimes love doesn’t exactly turn out the way you wished it would. Things may not always work in your favor, and the timing always takes a toll […]
“Is this too good to be true?” a question we always ask ourselves when things are going good. Finding the most consistent someone for your innocent heart […]
Learning how to improve self-esteem in relationships can be very difficult. The reflection of how you see yourselves is self-esteem. What you think about yourself and how you […]
Being disappointed after meeting someone in person can be a real bummer. Online dating has been all the rage lately, and in this modern era, where communication […]
Learning how to deal with taking a break in a relationship is never an easy task to do. “Let’s take a break,” I told her while we […]
Breakups are hard to digest, but they are even more depressing when your friend goes through one. It feels disheartening to watch a friend cry— the situation […]
Figuring out what to do when a guy texts you after ignoring you can be difficult. No doubt, dating can leave you stressed and broken when a […]
Figuring Out How to Stop Romanticizing Your Ex can be a difficult task. The phase of getting over your ex is the most CHALLENGING one. There will […]
Learning how to get over someone you never dated can be a tough one. Oh, what it’s like to love and to love alone! One-sided love is […]
Learning how to be friends with your ex can be a difficult thing to do. Do you believe you can be friends with your ex? Don’t worry; […]
Ghosting after a serious relationship can be a hard one. Ghosting is a term that I came to know a few years back, and probably you are […]
Learning how to regain confidence after a break up is a tough one. Breakups are an inevitable part of life; we have all gone through them once/twice, […]
Online Dating Red Flags is one of the most important things you need to spot while meeting people. Dating apps and social media are undoubtedly the mainstream […]
Texting red flags can be difficult to spot sometimes. To find true love & the much-needed attention, we may as well deliberately ignore these texting red flags […]
Long Distance relationships, *sighs* Long Distance Relationships BREAK UPS, *even bigger sighs* All we can say is—“they are tough.” We know all different kinds of relationships have […]
Learning how to not feel lonely when single can be a really hard task. First of all, I don’t think there’s any shame in being single— I […]
Learning how to reassure your boyfriend is such an important thing to learn in your relationship. “Love is a game that two can play and both win.” […]
Figuring out a way to make your boyfriend happy is actually a really simple task. Many people think that love is all about men showing their undying […]
Dating sucks, especially when you are seeing signs you are his back up plan. So, you’ve been seeing someone for a while and things are going great. […]
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