Poetry & Art

Heaven, Hell, and Earth

I’d write my name in sacrilegious books 


Condemn myself to fates unknown for the chance 

To dance with the devil

Again and again, 

And learn the hard way,

The best way, 

The only way, 

To love the parts of me that exist for the sake of Hell 

Because Hell exists for the sake of Heaven.

Today, I know that higher, otherworldly place

Because I look in the mirror, 

And face the artist, artwork, and muse

All in one. 

It burns and brands me new. 

If I could do it all again,

I would, 

Like Eurydice be stuck, 

Or Persephone be it all at once. 

Heaven, Hell, and Earth 

For the sake of Love. 

Could it be

That these violent ends have violent delights? 

Passion is so intimately connected with death and so like
Romeo and Juliet I’d die again 

And again. 

My only love sprung from my only hate, 

Could it be that death is great

And love remains

Despite the ashes to ashes 

And dust to 

Dust. I must 

Not fear the constant change that I am

Or think it fatal, 

Flawed of me to know 

Heaven, Hell, and Earth so


Because they exist for the sake of 



by morgandaehn

Morgan Dähn is ruled by Venus & curiosity; two powerful forces you can find in all of her works 🫀 Though she is grounded in Cologne, Germany currently with her head in the cosmos mostly, Morgan calls Wisconsin, USA home.

Morgan puts her bachelor degree in Psychology, quantum healing hypnotism certification, energy work abilities, and tendency to feel everything so deeply to work by writing/speaking on the topic of fear through a lens of love and guiding clients through healing. She is actively pursuing her writing career in many mediums, but is currently most excited about her upcoming, yet-to-be-named romantasy novel and her podcast, A Spiritual Journey: the Podcast.


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