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What Solo Travel Taught Me About Myself

March 28, 2024

Traveling alone can seem like the scariest thing in the world. Setting off somewhere on your own, somewhere you’ve never been before, is by no means easy. In fact, it can be quite uncomfortable.

However, solo travel can be an incredible way to get to know yourself better. It can help you overcome all kinds of fears and unlock your fullest potential. Here’s what it has taught me.

I Am Not As Awkward As I Thought

Before I started traveling on my own, I saw myself as a socially anxious, shy, awkward person who didn’t know how to talk to people. I have since discovered that most of that is not true.

Traveling alone is a great way to gain confidence in yourself. Since there’s no one to rely on for anything, you’ll have to brave the world sooner or later. Talking to strangers, often in languages neither of us speaks perfectly, has shown me that I don’t have to be so afraid of what others will think of me. Most people are friendly and think of themselves as awkward too, in fact.

The World Is a Really Small Place

While the Earth is huge, distances are much smaller than ever before. You can easily find a cheap flight to practically any destination. You can find yourself on the other end of the globe in less than a day, with a good connection.

This opens you up to infinite ability. There is nothing holding you back but yourself. No matter what you dream of, you can do it. All you need is a bit of courage. Traveling alone can very quickly make you aware of this fact.

Fear Can Only Be Overcome by Doing

If you are an anxious lass like me, you’ll understand just how difficult it can be to do the simplest of things. Especially if you’ve never done it before.

Solo travel has taught me that the only way to overcome the fear of doing something is doing it, despite the fear. The longer we put something off, the worse it will be. Our thoughts will turn it into something practically insurmountable, and we’ll struggle even more.

When you travel alone, doing uncomfortable things becomes routine. And they very quickly stop being uncomfortable, and turn into a part of everyday life.

Time Spent Alone Is Precious

Most people imagine traveling alone as being completely alone. The truth is, you are only ever as alone as you want to be when solo traveling.

There are hundreds of other people doing the exact same things, at the same place. You can connect with them online or in person, and always have as much company as you want to.

You will also always be exposed to other people, whether in shops, in restaurants or on the street. You won’t be alone.

What I have learned, however, is that being alone is something we all need. Whether that’s at home or while visiting a new destination, we all need some time with our own thoughts and feelings, uninterrupted. Try to make some time in your weekly schedule to sit with yourself without distractions. It can be great for your mental health.

Life Is What You Make It

Ultimately, the most important lesson solo travel has taught me is that life will be whatever you make of it. If you want to see the world and set foot in every country on the planet, you can. If you want to live a slow, small life in your hometown, you can do that too.

The only limitations that truly exist in the world are the ones we impose on our own way of thinking. Traveling alone will give you the confidence to believe in yourself. It will show you that what others think of you matters but very little. It will help you shed a lot of fear, especially the kinds centered around uncertainty.

Whatever you have always dreamed about is right there, waiting for you. You just need to make an effort to reach for it.

Wrapping Up

If you want to start traveling alone, take it one step at a time. Go on a one-day trip to a local destination you’ve already visited. Work your way up to a local overnight stay. Once you have a bit of solo mileage under your belt, you can take yourself across the globe on your own.

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