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Sophia Belle’s Journey from Motherhood to Writing

April 30, 2024

Meet Sophia Belle, a passionate writer whose journey into the world of storytelling was sparked by a dream and fueled by her roles as a dedicated mother of three. Balancing the joys of parenthood with her newfound creative passion, Sophia embarked on a writing journey that led to the birth of her debut novel, “Connected by Souls.” In this interview, Sophia shares her experiences, challenges, and insights as an author, offering valuable advice for fellow parents looking to pursue their creative dreams.

Can you share a bit about your personal journey as a writer, particularly how being a mother influenced your decision to pursue writing as a passion?

My personal journey as a writer began rather quickly. As a stay-at-home Mom of three, I poured my passion into my kids. Now that they are older, I realize that outside of them, I really didn’t know who I was or what I was even passionate about. I spent many days just asking for a sign or something to come into my life that would inspire me. I’ve always been an avid reader and a dreamer, having stories in my head, but I never believed I could actually write a book.

One night I dreamed of the characters of Connected by Souls. I remember waking up in the middle of the night just knowing that I needed to get their story out there. I grabbed my iPad sitting next to my bed and started typing in the middle of the night on this little keyboard and forced myself to just keep writing. I had no clue what I was doing, but the words just kept flowing, and before I knew it, I had a full novel sitting in front of me. A story that I was so proud of that even if no one else read it, I didn’t care because it brought me so much joy and something outside of being a Mom that I could own for myself.

What were some of the biggest challenges or struggles you faced while writing your debut novel, “Connected by Souls,” and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was believing in myself. I had no writing experience, and I struggled with doubt that I could do this. I kept telling myself to just keep writing their story no matter what, and the more I wrote, the more I felt that this was something I was meant to do.

How did you find the balance between your roles as a mother and an author, and do you have any tips for other parents looking to pursue their creative passions?

I still struggle daily with balancing being a mother and discovering this passion. My advice is not to put too much pressure on yourself. Let the little things go. The house does not need to be perfect, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Take little moments to yourself throughout the day to work on your creative passions. I find myself writing before my youngest wakes up and after she goes to sleep. Three days a week, I’m sitting in my car for an hour while she’s at dance or gymnastics. Anytime I can squeeze it in, I do it.

What lessons have you learned along your writing journey, especially in terms of honing your craft and developing compelling characters and storylines?

I’ve learned a lot since my debut novel but the most important thing is to always write from your heart. Find something you love to write about and hone in on that creative space. All my books have pieces of me scattered throughout, and I connect with my characters on a deeper level. If you can put yourself in their shoes and see the world through their eyes as you write, the readers will feel that connection. I’ve cried and laughed right along with my characters as their story unfolds.

Can you describe your experience of bringing your characters to life and seeing them resonate with readers? What has been the most rewarding aspect of being an author for you?

When I brought these characters out into the world, the fear was real. I had no idea how readers would react or if they would even like my writing style or books. I love them so much, and I was afraid anything negative would tarnish what I felt about them. I couldn’t have been more wrong. My experience with my readers resonating with my characters has been more than I could have hoped for. They connect with them just as I did, and the reviews have left me in tears. The most rewarding aspect of being an author is readers reaching out to you and thanking you for writing these books. I’ve connected with several of my readers on a personal level and have made friendships along the way that I will treasure forever. To see someone do a review or post a video about your book explaining how much they loved it is something I will forever hold in my heart.

Have you encountered any setbacks or moments of doubt in your writing career, and if so, how did you stay motivated and keep pushing forward?

I think it’s normal to have doubts and setbacks. Every time I hit publish, I fear this book won’t be accepted or that it isn’t as good as my last one. I just push the doubts and negative talk away, focus on the positive, and move forward.

As you prepare to release your third book this Spring, what new challenges or goals are you setting for yourself as an author?

With my new release in the Spring, I’ve set new goals: I want to write two novellas in between writing two more books this year. I’ve never written two side by side, but I’m going to give it a try!

How has your perspective on success and fulfillment evolved since you began your writing journey, and what advice would you give to aspiring authors who are just starting out?

When I started my social media pages in October 2023, I had zero followers. No one knew who Sophia Belle was. In the beginning, I was hung up on the numbers and the views, but as I grew and developed real relationships with my readers, I realized that it’s the smaller successes that mean the most. It doesn’t matter how many likes I get on my posts. All that matters is that I show up and connect with my readers. I give them my genuine self and do my best to let them know how much they mean to me. My advice to aspiring authors is to get that story in your head down on paper. Even if your head is full of doubt, just keep writing, and when that story is done, don’t sit on it too long! The longer that novel sits there, the more the doubt creeps in, and you’re less likely to hit that publish button. I didn’t give myself a chance to back out of it. I started writing in June and hit publish in October. You will never know what you are capable of if you don’t give yourself the chance to find out.

In what ways do you hope your “Connected Series” inspires and connects with readers on a deeper level, beyond just the story itself?

I hope the Connected Series inspires readers on a deeper level that is beyond the story itself. There is a lot of love in my books, and I want the readers to walk away feeling it when they are done. I want them to be inspired to find that light in the dark and to never settle for anything less than your happy ever after. Love really is the most powerful energy we can hold, and if I can share just an ounce of it with my readers, then I’ve fulfilled what I’ve set out to do as an author.

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