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Embracing New Beginnings: Myania Sade Rankins and ‘The Virgin Wears Moonstone’

April 13, 2024

Introducing Myania Sade Rankins: A Chicago native and the creative mind behind “The Virgin Wears Moonstone.” From a passion for crystals to a journey of self-discovery in the vibrant cityscape, Myania’s blog is a testament to embracing new experiences and breaking free from the confines of comfort zones. With a blend of personal anecdotes, insights on life’s twists and turns, and a touch of humor, Myania’s writing inspires readers to view life through a different lens and take those exhilarating steps towards their dreams, one moonstone at a time.

What inspired the name “The Virgin Wears Moonstone” and how does it reflect the mission or message of your blog?

I started the blog at 22 and at that time i was getting my life started. i was also getting into tarot and crystals (and i mean HEAVY) so with my love of crystals (my fav is Moonstone) and me just figuring out life for the first time (dating, going out with friends, just doing things by myself without parents’ consent) the name kinda just wrote itself! 

it refeclts the mission/message of my blog becasue in a huge sense, i’m doing someting brand new. i was popping my cherry in this new expreince and i really want my blog to refelt that yea, doing new things is fun, scary, kinda nuts and tantlizing. 

You mentioned being a “virgin in life” when you started the blog. Could you elaborate on what that means to you and how your experiences have shaped your perspective?

Sure! being a “vigrin in life” is just a reminder to me that there will always be things/expereinces that are new. as adults nobody tells you that you really don’t know what you’re doing and you never will because there’s ALWAYS something new to learn. there are people that’s never travelled outside of thier home state, people that never tried new foods, people that never done anything outside thier comfrot zone. 

when i realize being a adult is being a big kid with money and a lot of responsibilties, i threw the stigima out and kept my childlike wonder on lock.  

Living in Chicago your whole life, what were some of the initial challenges you faced when venturing out to explore more about your city and yourself?

Whew…this is good question! a lot honestly.i had to get those “stories” i heard my whole life out of my system. you know the typical “you need to be careful! everyoene is out to get you and you’re gonna be one of the 3: robbed, raped and beaten up.” learning how the city moves and how to move with it. and lastly really learning to take everyone’s advice by a grain of salt and have your OWN experiences.

Could you share a pivotal moment or experience that stands out to you from your journey of exploration and self-discovery in Chicago?

This spark of a moment was when my best friend and a new person we hung out with was in Wicker park. we hopped from bar to bar to club and after moving to our next destination tipsy and all, this guy who looked exactly like Chadwick Boseman started talking to my bff. after the conversation, we all looked at each and said “was that chadwick boseman??” and we died laughing. we ended up hanging out with him a week later. that expreince really made me fall in love with my city and my new life being made which was something i was wanted for years.

Running a blog requires consistent effort and dedication. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in maintaining and growing “The Virgin Wears Moonstone”?

Oh no, this is the part where i hide! but seriously, some of the big challenges is translating my experiences into good prose. sometimes my ideas stay as ideas just because i’m in my own head thinking “noone wants to read this” or “ugh i’m not a professional in this topic enough to talk about it.” if it’s not that, i don’t have the time to write. working full time to pay you bills can really slow down productivity. 

What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of running your blog?

Honestly, people reading it and genuinely enjoying what i write! saying that i accomplish one of my biggest dreams since i was 10 and having tangabale proof that i can do it and it can be done by a regular person. i’m noone speical, jsut a creative soul who can’t sleep till she’s done writing. my frineds and family tell me they are proud that not only i’m always stepping outside of my comfort zone but keeping grounded to share the story.

Along your journey, what are some key lessons you’ve learned about yourself and life in general?

I’ve learned that life isn’t a race. i use to think that everything had a timeline or a due date, it really doesn’t. 

also learned that you are respobline for the “plot” and more so respoblinse of the countiation of that plot. a huge thing i learned about myself is i overthink often and i have to step outside myself and say girleipop, you got this. just create bro.

For those who may be feeling stuck or hesitant to explore new experiences, what advice would you offer based on your own transformative journey?

TRY NEW THINGS. think about what your childhood self always wanted to do and take it from there. do something that would positively shake you up. if you’re hesitant, ask yourself: if i keep doing the same thing i keep doing now, will i be happy with myself in a year? if you get that unsettleing sinking feeling, let that be the fuel to let go of that hestiantcy. i know it’s easier said than done but you don’t have to 360 your life overnight. baby steps. 

How do you hope your blog inspires or impacts your audience, particularly those who may resonate with your story of breaking out of comfort zones and embracing new experiences?

I really hope it just inspires people to see life in a different lenses. to have their own experiences outside from everyone else’s advice, lessons, etc. i hope my blog lets people know that life ins’t linear and you can really built the life you always dream about while being regular, everyday person.

Blog: Myania Sade Rankins | Substack

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