Meet Meaghan Dunham, the inspiring entrepreneur behind Meaghan Dunham Creative. Meaghan’s journey is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and a deep commitment to helping women thrive in their own businesses. From starting out as a yoga teacher to pivoting amidst the pandemic and incorporating her passion for astrology and yoga philosophy, Meaghan has continually evolved her business to better serve her clients. Fueled by personal loss and motivated by the desire to honor her grandmother’s memory, Meaghan’s story is one of courage, compassion, and unwavering determination. Her journey is filled with valuable lessons and heartwarming successes that will inspire anyone considering their own entrepreneurial path.

What inspired you to start Meaghan Dunham Creative, and how did you come up with the concept?
I started my business in the fall of 2019 because I originally wanted to be a yoga teacher. I had just graduated from my 200 hour training and knew I wanted to have the security of an LLC so that I could expand my business. When the pandemic hit, I pivoted to teaching women how to market their own yoga businesses (I have a background in teaching and yoga). I expanded to start teaching women entrepreneurs from all backgrounds. In 2022, I pivoted yet again to bring back my love for Astrology, Yoga Philosophy and other modalities. I now teach women how to build their businesses by cultivating confidence and self-compassion through understanding their unique energetic blueprint.
Can you share a bit about your personal journey and how it led you to entrepreneurship?
Personally, I took the leap into entrepreneurship full time 2 months after my grandmother passed away. She was my biggest fan and best friend, but didn’t get to live a life she fully deserved, for a number of reasons. I always saw how afraid she was to try new things and to go after her dreams. Her untimely death hit me like a ton of bricks and inspired me to start pursuing my own dreams … in honor of her.
What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your own business, and how did you overcome them?
One of my biggest challenges has been finding women who I want to work with and who want to work with me. There are plenty of people who need the support I can give, but I found that my ability to hold space and facilitate deep transformation was too much for some people. I never want to push anyone too far past their comfort zone, but I wouldn’t be a good coach if I didn’t at least nudge them in the right direction.
Did you have any mentors or role models who influenced your entrepreneurial journey? If so, how did they impact your path?
Yes! I’ve had a number of mentors and role models who have influenced my journey. First, my Dad. He’s been an entrepreneur for 20+ years and has been through many ups and downs in his business. Seeing him rise to the occasion every time with grace and humility gave me a lot of courage.
I have also been inspired by a lot of the women in my community here in Charlotte who own their own spiritual and holistic businesses, as many of them had years under their belt before I started my own business. Watching them thrive has been an honor.
Finally, my fiancé has been one of my biggest mentors and role models. He is a freelancer/business owner and has given me so much support, advice and compassion.

Can you talk about a specific moment or experience that reaffirmed your decision to pursue your own business?
Recently, a client expressed to me that she had her most successful month yet in business and that she felt it was in large part because of our work together. It meant SO much to me to hear that from her, as it reassured my confidence in what I bring to the table. Every time a client drops into my inbox, sends me a voice memo, or a DM on Instagram about how they felt during our session(s), it fills my heart with immense joy.
How do you maintain a work-life balance while running your own business?
WOW! This is actually something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. I was not maintaining a good balance in 2022. It was my most financially successful year, but emotionally and energetically, I was pushed past the point of burn out. I ended up landing in the hospital in December of that year and spent most of 2023 trying to recover. I learned that what I thought I had let go of when I left my 9-5 was still plaguing me … a constant need to do more in order to satisfy my “worthiness”.
It wasn’t until I started treating myself more like a client — exploring my astrology chart, practicing self-compassion, mapping out my work weeks — that I really learned to have better balance. I worked with my own coach to set up a decision tree before making any major decisions in my business, which has helped immensely. I feel like I’m on a much better path now, but gosh, did it take learning a hard lesson to get me there.
What advice would you give to other women who are considering starting their own businesses or pursuing their passions?
First and foremost, I’d say to make sure that you’re not making any decisions that will put your health (mental, emotional, spiritual) at risk. Your life and happiness is too precious to take any radical steps. This might mean that your growth is slower, but in my personal opinion, it’s the only way to create something that will last. Don’t be afraid to keep your full-time or part-time job for years so that you have reliable income to support your nervous system as you build something. Reach out for help when you need it. Don’t forget about past clients — they will (almost) always support you in ways you could never have imagined! Finally, remember: this is YOUR experiment. Your business doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. You get to make the rules.
Have you faced any specific challenges as a woman entrepreneur, and how did you navigate them?
Yes. I’ve mostly come up against comments and concerns from people about my gender. For instance, I once spoke with an older gentleman who couldn’t believe I could own a business, let alone coach other women to own their own businesses. When I got engaged, the first thing a few people asked me when they found out was if I would work after I got married and had children. Typically, I try to gently steer the conversation toward an educational experience where I kindly share my perspective and help them try to see things a bit differently. I find that works most of the time.
What motivates you to keep pushing forward during tough times or setbacks?
Honestly? It’s hilarious, but at this point I think what motivates me the most is that I never want to have a 9-5 job again! I feel like I wouldn’t be a very good employee anymore — I’m too independent!
Can you share a memorable success story or milestone from your entrepreneurial journey?
In 2022, I had my best financial year. I matched the salary I made in my first year of teaching (I used to teach in public school) and that was a really big deal for me. I’m very proud of that milestone.
How do you stay creative and innovative in your work?
I network and join memberships. When I have the opportunity to meet new people and have new conversations, I find that it gets my creative juices flowing in a way that nothing else can.
What are your future goals and aspirations for Meaghan Dunham Creative?
I once lost out on a job opportunity because I couldn’t give them a perfectly detailed description of where I’d be in their company in 5 years. I’m not the kind of person who has really high long-term aspirations. I’d rather set reasonable, actionable goals for the near future and leave the long-term open. I find that when I do that, things unfold better than I could have planned it for myself.
My aspirations for the rest of 2024 are to launch and nurture my membership community (it’s opening June 3!) and to guest on at least 10 podcasts (I’ve made it to 5 so far!)
How important is community and networking in your entrepreneurial journey?
Community and networking is EVERYTHING. There is no way my business would be where it is without those two things. I joined an online women’s entrepreneurship community in 2019 and that group alone has done more for my business than just about anything else. I have learned and grown with over 100 different women over the last 5 years in that group and it’s been an honor to see how everyone has changed.
Can you share any valuable lessons you’ve learned along the way that have shaped your approach to business?
Don’t let your clients boss you around. No matter how good you want to be to them, some people will never feel like it’s enough. If you feel like your clients are starting to take advantage of you, set firm boundaries and maintain them. No one is looking out for you except for you.
What legacy do you hope to leave through your work and impact on others?
Honestly, although I don’t have one yet, if I do have a daughter I hope I show her that she can do anything she puts her mind to. I also hope that the love, compassion and care that I show to all my clients continues to impact them far beyond our time together. If only one person is positively impacted by our work together, I think my business will have been a success.