Unleash Your Full Potential!

Crafting Joy: A Conversation with Mara McDonagh of Rolly Poly Studios

March 11, 2024

Welcome to the enchanting realm of Rolly Poly Studios, where whimsy meets creativity in the hands of Mara McDonagh. In this interview, Mara shares her journey from childhood artistry to co-founding a thriving ceramic and illustration business with her sister, Caitlin. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Mara's passion for art propelled her forward, leading to the establishment of Rolly Poly Studios. Join us as we delve into Mara's inspirations, cherished moments, and invaluable advice for fellow artists and entrepreneurs.

Can you share a bit about your personal journey as an artist and how it influenced the direction of your business?

I have always been a creative person. As a kid, I loved all things cute (still do) and was always interested in photography and collage. My sisters are also artists so we were always making things together. When it was time to apply for college I was unsure what I wanted to major in. I ended up attending Queen’s College and discovering ceramics. I fell in love with the craft and spent most of my time practicing in the school studio until the pandemic hit. The pandemic pushed me to start my business, when I lost access to my creative outlet it made me realize that I really wanted to pursue a creative career. 

What challenges did you face when starting Rolly Poly Studios, and how did you overcome them?

When I first started my business as a ceramist, it was the middle of the pandemic and I lost access to my college studio. I decided to transform my bedroom into a studio and started sleeping on my family’s couch. In 2023, I decided to join forces with my oldest sister, Caitlin, who had also begun creating in ceramic while completing her master’s degree. The biggest challenge we had when starting out was fear of failure. We knew we couldn’t keep working out of our basement and would need to find a new place to create our work. So we took a big chance renting out a studio and writing up a business plan together. We made our business official and just started doing it!

Could you discuss a particularly memorable moment or milestone in your journey with Rolly Poly Studios?

When we got our keys to our studio, we couldn’t believe we got to work there everyday!

How do you balance your time between your personal projects, day jobs, and running the studio with your sister, Caitlin?

Our schedule is a little hectic, haha. However, Caitlin and I have been lucky enough to be able to schedule our weekday jobs so that we are working similar schedules. We make our way over to our studio around 5pm right after our work days end. Weekends are dedicated to studio time or craft shows. We do, of course, take the odd day off and sleep in a bit on Sundays, because we get pretty burned out. My parents have always told my siblings and I to find what it is we love to do, so that even when we work it will feel less like “work”. That advice helps us to power through long days because we know we are doing what we love!

Can you share a story of a time when you felt especially proud or fulfilled through your work at Rolly Poly Studios?

Whenever a customer tells me that looking at my designs makes them smile, I feel really happy and glad that I get to make ceramics everyday! 

What inspires your whimsical and cute designs, and how do you translate those inspirations into your ceramic pieces and illustrations?

Most of my inspiration comes from everyday interactions and emotions. I really like to make animals and anthropomorphized objects that have their own personalities. I am also inspired by some of my favorite artists like Ikegami YoriYuki, Charles Shultz, & Mary Blair

Have there been any unexpected surprises or lessons you've learned along the way in building Rolly Poly Studios?

Take chances when they come up! If Caitlin and I didn’t take a chance and go tour our studio or decide to work together, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. We are learning as we go and just really happy we get to create together everyday.

How do you stay motivated and creative, especially during challenging times?

Sometimes it can be really tough to stay motivated. We are still learning all the in’s and out’s of what our business should look like. We realized it’s important to take time away to recharge and find new inspirations. 

What advice would you give to aspiring artists or entrepreneurs who are considering starting their own creative business?

          Social Media isn’t everything, so don’t stress yourself and get distracted by it. Making connections in person is just as important. It’s always so amazing and surprising, to meet people who have supported me and followed me on my journey!

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