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Mama pig

I always hear the saying that ‘you have to be a good child to your parents’. However, I now understand the opposite… To be a good parent to a child.

I understood that from ‘mama pig’. Mama pig was the first person I made eye contact with in this world. She carried me for 6 months. I probably don’t remember but I definitely know I felt her warmth and grace even before my birth. How careful she was with every thing she did, how she fed me with nutrients and spoke to me and the selfless characteristics she had. She carried me after birth, quit her job to take care of me and taught me every thing in life. She held my hand tight until I slowly let go.

As a teen, I went to her for advise and when I needed someone to listen to my choices in life. She was there to share with me her thoughts in a logical way. The values I embrace and carry today, are because of her knowledge and upbringing and my personal insights. She was there protecting me from my nightmares. She was there to comfort me when I cried. She worked hard to provide for her piglets. She never ever said ‘no’ even if we couldn’t afford it. She made adjustments in her life. She had and still has her piglets’ best interest in mind. As piglets we might not always see eye to eye with her, but her intentions were always pure and genuine. It was all laughter and light even through the darkest of nights until the piglets witnessed mama pig getting older.

As piglets, we couldn’t comprehend what aging did to mama pig. The grey hair, the wrinkles, the loss of physical strength… despite it all, mama pig stood in front of our eyes as the beautiful, strong and courageous individual she is. Even in shock and denial, she smiled while we cried. She held her tears back to not make her piglets worried or be frightened. Even then, she was our pillar of strength. We hope she knows that even if she cries, she is a fighter; for her vulnerability is bravery in our eyes.

We know mama pig will continue to fight, and that we will forever be by her side. Just as how she was and continue to be throughout our lives.

Thank you and Love you mama pig!

(Your piglets always and forever)

by Thiviya

Thiviya. A is a writer and poet from Singapore. She first discovered her passion for writing when she started using writing as her coping mechanism when faced with challenges in life. Writing has helped her to process her thoughts and encourage herself. She created @wingsofwords_poetry on Instagram in June 2021 to create a positive and safe space for the community. She believes that as long as she helps an individual, her goal in poetry writing is fulfilled. Through the years, she took part in many anthologies and competitions. She also wrote her first poetry collection, titled 'The Survivor Spirit' which discusses about healing and hope amidst the struggles one faces in life. Outside of poetry and writing, Thiviya is just an ordinary woman who goes through the motions of studies and work. She is currently a graduate in Diploma in Social Sciences (Social Work) and can't wait to continue on with her life's journey.

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