Unleash Your Full Potential!

(6) Resilience and Empowerment: Malak Ouza's Path to Healing [email protected]

October 9, 2024

Meet Malak Ouza, a dynamic force in the world of mental health and personal empowerment. As the founder of Malak Ouza LLC, she seamlessly blends her passion for writing, travel, and women’s empowerment into a thriving business that reflects her unique spirit. A licensed mental health therapist and mentor, Malak is dedicated to guiding others on their journeys while nurturing her own growth and well-being. Her vibrant approach to life and work embodies the belief that we can all beat to our own drum, creating spaces where freedom, flexibility, and inspiration flourish. Join us as we delve into Malak’s journey, her insights on resilience, and the powerful lessons she’s learned along the way.

  1. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind Malak Ouza LLC?

I have always loved to beat to my own drum as they say and help others and so this allows me to do exactly I also love freedom and flexibility, so this also allows me this blessing. I am a licensed mental health therapist who operates as a mentor amongst sharing  my writings, travels and lifestyle so it’s like a win-win situation for all ! 

If you would love to read more about me, feel free to do so here:

  1. How did you get started with your business, and what motivated you to begin this journey?

I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset and have had a few other businesses prior related to fashion, writing, women empowerment and travel and so this one just blends them all plus some! 

  1. Could you share a bit about your personal story and how it has shaped your work?

Wow! Hmmm I may have to have you all come back to this as I’m still writing my story…. however what I will state now is every experience has led me to the power within and my passion to help others! 

  1. What are some of the key challenges you've faced in your journey, and how have you overcome them?

Another wow question lol! I have a lot to share here, however we’ll keep it short and sweet. I would state the hardest challenge was experiencing injustice especially since I take pride in being an honest and ethical soul. I overcame them by listening to my soul,  taking one inspired step at a time, and by growing my mind, body and soul! Some ways I did that was by getting higher training in my field so I can be the best therapist/mentor I can be, traveling,  self caring as much as I could( to whatever felt right to me in that moment), giving myself grace,  hiring the right mentors, spending time with loved ones and generally speaking just doing what fed my soul as much as I could. 

  1. How has dealing with personal hardships, like the loss of your brother, impacted your approach to your work and your mental health?

Actually I wrote this yesterday on my social media and I believe it answers this: “ The clients that come to me for grief  💔😭. I have always been empathetic but some things you just can’t understand unless you have been through it and though we can never fully understand a person as we are not them, I can relate more to their pain though after my brother's death. God uses our experiences to help others if we do the work. 🫶🏻” 

  1. Can you describe any specific injustices you’ve encountered and how they have influenced your perspective or your work?

That requires an in depth answer, however I will state that it has made me become even more open minded and even more compassionate! I have always loved to help and have always done my best to be a kind and just soul, and I would say this just elevated it even more! 

  1. How do you maintain your mental health while managing your business and personal challenges?

I do my best to live by what I preach, be kind and not nice!

  1. What role does self-care play in your life, and how do you incorporate it into your daily routine?

You probably realized by now this is huge for me!!!! You can’t pour from an empty cup, just like they tell you on the plane, put your own mask first before helping others. Now I’m not perfect by any means, however I'm always growing and learning, that’s all we can do!  

  1. Can you share a moment or experience that made you feel particularly proud of what you've achieved with Malak Ouza LLC?

Honestly I see the impact on my loved ones, followers, and clients lives and it just melts my heart! There are many other lives I have inspired but let’s not say who those are lol! IYKYK. ( if you haven’t noticed I like to add humor any chance I can to my life and work, it just makes it all a little better!). 

  1. How do you stay motivated and inspired, especially during difficult times?

We have to be the good in this world if we want to see change. Like I stated above, we are humans and not perfect, however I’m always desiring to grow and be the best version of me, our best can vary from season to season at times and that’s totally normal and okay. 

  1. What advice would you give to other women who are facing significant challenges in their personal or professional lives?

We all have flaws and a shadow side to us. The goal in life is to love yourself as you are whilst growing the parts of you that you desire to and can. There are parts of us that we may not be able to change and so do your best to love yourself as you are and if you can’t do that then at least accept that this is a part of you, it is what it is kinda of thinking! We are made up of different parts & the good news is just like you learned your unwanted habits, you may unlearn it. And just like it took time to learn these habits, it will take time to unlearn it so give yourself grace! When we give ourselves grace, we are able to extend it to others as well. 

Also… I have stated this prior to my clients/followers: As long as you are taking inspired & aligned action( without forcing and manipulating), then trust that it’s always this and if not this then something better is coming along, always. I also believe it’s important for others to believe in a higher power, as life can get challenging and we even disappoint ourselves at times, thus when things get tough, you will want to know a higher power is taking care of you! There is more to this that I work on with my clients, but this is the gist of this. 

  1. How do you balance your personal life with your professional commitments?

Balance is all about trial and error, you have to find what works for you, as that varies per person and per season! I also follow a schedule and give myself grace as needed, it always works out, sometimes even better than we imagine! Trust that it all adds up and serves a purpose. 

  1. What are some strategies or practices you use to cope with stress and maintain resilience?

There is a lot that I do and teach my clients on, however I especially love breathwork and somatic work! I also really love wellness spas, travel( I do lots of solo traveling,as of 2022, I have been to 35 plus countries and 27 plus states in the USA), exploring and hiking. 

Also faith, faith in myself and god! I don’t want to act like my faith has never been shaken as I have been through challenges like all of us, however trust that faith is what gets you through! If you think about it, God is always there( by the way I work with and respect all souls no matter what you are and who you believe in, this is just my belief). 

  1. Can you share any resources or tools that have been particularly helpful for you in your journey?

Yesss I made this heal and manifest magic tool box for my clients and I will give it to you all as well! It has hundreds and hundreds of pages of resources/tools to heal and manifest,  including travel tips, if you all want it, get it here: https://malakouza.com/signup

I’m always updating it too. 

P.S Be sure to check your junk folder after signing up as it may be there & then actually read the email fully to get the best use of the resources and how to navigate it all! 

  1. What future goals or projects do you have in mind for Malak Ouza LLC, and how do you plan to achieve them?

I have a few things in mind related to writing and wellness, so stay tuned!  It will always be genuine and empowering content, that’s for sure! 

IG, Threads, X and TikTok: @malakouza
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DearMalakO
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/MalakOuza

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