Lizette Epps embodies resilience and determination, rewriting her life story after facing some of the toughest moments on her journey. Her story reminds us that even when things seem beyond our control, there’s always an opportunity to regroup and forge a new path forward. Through reflection, self-care, and surrounding herself with supportive voices, Lizette gained clarity about her passions and purpose. She now approaches both work and life with renewed vision and intentionality, serving as an inspiring example of what it means to stay true to yourself, no matter the challenges.
- What was the most challenging moment you faced in your journey of rewriting your story, and how did you find the strength to overcome it?
The most challenging moment in my journey of rewriting my story was realizing that despite doing everything right, being dedicated, and giving my all, the situation was out of my control and I couldn’t change it. The harsh reality was that I wasn’t in this position because of any wrongdoing on my part, but because I was a pawn in a larger game. That realization hit like a gut punch; it felt as though all my efforts had been in vain. I found myself at a crossroads: I could either wallow in self-pity or dust myself off and regroup to create a new path forward.
Finding the strength to overcome this wasn’t easy. I had to take a step back and view the situation from a broader perspective. I reminded myself that setbacks and disappointments are a part of life and don’t reflect poorly on me. I allowed myself to feel and process all the emotions as they came, giving myself the grace and space to heal. Over the course of a year, I focused on self-compassion, which gave me the strength to acknowledge what had happened, learn from it, and find the motivation to move forward. I realized that while the situation wasn’t about me, it greatly impacted me; and it was up to me to decide how to respond.

- How did taking a step back and reflecting on your career help you gain clarity about your passions?
Taking a step back and reflecting on my career allowed me to gain clarity about my passions by helping me see beyond the immediate situation and consider the bigger picture. When you’re caught up in the daily grind, it’s easy to lose sight of your “why”; the things that truly drive you. To move forward, I needed to understand not just where I was, but how I got there and where I genuinely wanted to go in the future.
Reflection played a crucial role in reconnecting me with the things that ignite my inner fire and make me excited about the day ahead. The clarity I gained through this process was soul-inspiring, allowing me to clear my mind and view my circumstances with fresh eyes. This newfound objectivity and clarity empowered me, reminding me that I have control over my story, even when life feels overwhelming and chaotic.
Emerging from this period of reflection, I found myself with a renewed sense of vision and purpose. I began to identify what truly excited me, fueling the flames of my passion, and started to carve out a path forward centered around those things.
- Can you describe the role of self-care in your process of finding a more fulfilling path?
Self-care played a very crucial role in my journey to finding a more fulfilling path. It allowed me to step back, sit with myself, recharge, and regroup with a clearer mind and heart. By prioritizing my well-being and intentionally creating space for reflection, I could tune into my own needs. Practices like mindfulness, journaling, and allowing myself time to rest provided much-needed clarity about what was important to me and what I truly wanted to do. Taking care of my mental, physical, and emotional health equipped me to navigate the challenges ahead and make decisions that aligned with my passions and values. Self-care, while deeply healing, also empowered me to move forward in a genuine and authentic way, honoring myself throughout the process.
- What were some key insights or realizations you gained during your period of reflection?
During my reflective period, there were several key insights that came to light, listed below:
A. Acknowledging that while life doesn’t always go as planned, it doesn’t mean that the plan is actually flawed.
B. Recognizing that this setback which felt major in that moment, was not an indictment of my abilities.
C. My worth is not tied to the outcomes of my efforts and while I may have been focused on achieving specific goals, I should not lose sight of the value that is found within the journey.
D. Changing my perspective from focusing on external expectations and aiming at the things that I am passionate about; I was able to find more joy and fulfillment in my work and life.
- How did conversations with others influence your journey to reconnect with your passions?
There is tremendous power in surrounding yourself with the right people. During this time, I was intentional about connecting with mentors, friends, and trusted colleagues. Their different perspectives not only provided valuable insights but also helped me see in myself what they saw in me. Hearing from others who had faced similar challenges, and seeing them now in a much better place mentally and emotionally, gave me the encouragement I needed. I realized I wasn’t alone and that this period of rediscovery was essential in identifying what I truly loved and wanted to be doing. These conversations gave me clarity, confidence, and the fuel to pursue my passions with renewed purpose and energy.
- What advice would you give to someone who feels lost in their career and unsure of their next steps?
The advice I would give to someone feeling lost in their career and unsure of their next steps would be:
A. Tap into your support system and seek guidance. When you are in this space it’s easy to fall into a mental, emotional, and physical rabbit hole. Tap into those who love you and those you can trust to give you new perspectives and help you gain insights into areas that you may not be able to see clearly for yourself.
B. Practice self-care daily to stay grounded, focused, and resilient so that you can easily navigate through the challenges and make sound decisions.
C. Trust in yourself and the process of rewriting your journey. Finding your way and carving a new path takes time and you must be patient with yourself and others while new things are coming together.
D. Stay open to change and give yourself permission to explore new things. Career paths are complicated and through giving yourself the ability to be open to change you can find fulfilling opportunities that you may not have been anticipating. New experiences can lead to you discovering new things that you may enjoy and want to pursue moving forward.
- How did prioritizing self-care impact your mental and emotional well-being during this transition?
Prioritizing self-care positively impacted my mental and emotional well-being during this transition. I was able to create a foundation of stability, through mindfulness and journaling, that provided me with the clarity and focus needed to navigate the uncertanties I was facing. Mental clarity allowed me to get through bouts of overwhelm and confusion so I could make sound decisions and manage my emotions appropriately. Self-care was crirical in heloing me restore my energy and maintaining a positive outlook; both which helped me stay focused and committed to my goals.
- What challenges did you face in embracing vulnerability and patience during your journey, and how did you overcome them?
Embracing vulnerability and patience during my journey came with its fair share of challenges. In my situation vulnerability triggered self-doubt which lead my inner critic to awaken and question my worthiness and decisions. Vulnerability also exposed the
weaknesses and uncertainties I had, which lead me to fear judgement from others as i felt that everyone knew and everyone was looking at me everywhere I went. Realisticallt this wasn’t the case but the voice inside became loud and led me to believe that. My impatience with the progress being made in my situation was extremely challenging and led me to not trust the process because it wasn’t moving fast enough.
Setting realistic expectations helped me to remember that meaningful progress takes time. I was able to break my goals down into smaller segments with allowed me to appreciate incremental progress and set my patience, or lack there of, at ease. When I felt that I was struggling I would reach out to my support system of friends, mentors and colleagues who all helped me to reframe the view I had and to help me focus on the value patience and vulnerability played in the process. Lastly, cultivating self-compassion allowed me to accept my imperfections and release the self-criticism that was creeping in. Through embracing these strategies I was able to embrace vulnerability and patience more fully, leading to a deeper understanding of myself and significant personal growth.
- Can you share how the process of rewriting your story has affected your approach to work and life?
The process of rewriting my story has transformed my approach to work and life in profound ways. In regard to work, I’ve taken on the approach of being very intentional an selecting work that has a greater sense of purpose. My focus is on aligning my work with my core values and passions, vs just working for the sake of it or to make someone else happy. This shift has made my professional endeavors more fulfilling and much more meaningful.
In life, I learned more about balance and self-compassion. I am now prioritizing ME more and have recognized that taking care of myself is an essential component in achieving long-term happines. I’ve learned to be less critical of myself and more patient and foregiving. I now live and work from a more authentic, vulnerable, and joyful place which has empowered me to pursue my passions and navigate life’s challenges more patiently and gracefully. - What strategies do you use to break down your goals into manageable steps?
Breaking down goals into manageable steps starts once I define clear objectives and understanding of the importance around each goal. I then set specific sub-goals which are key steps toward the overall objective. Next I create an action plan for each of the milestones listing the specific tasks, time needed to complete them, and then scheduling them. I try to utilize the SMART goal method to make the tasks at hand clear and attainable. By breaking them down in this way I don’t feel overwhelemd and I am able to manage my time more effectively. I monitor my progress regularly and adjust where needed so I can address delays or challenges accordingly. I will tap into my support system from time to time to ask their opinion or for advice aling the way and refine as I need to.
- How do you stay connected to your “why” and keep motivated during difficult times?
Staying committed to my “why” and maintaining motivation during difficult times involves a combination of strategic practices, resilience, adaptability, and self-reflection. I consistently remind myself of the driving force behind my goals and passions, which helps me stay focused and grounded. Breaking down my goals into smaller, manageable sections allows me to celebrate milestones and recognize forward progress, which keeps my motivation high. Practicing self-care and being mindful not to overextend myself are crucial for managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook. Additionally, I lean on my support network for fresh insights and encouragement when needed. By employing these strategies, I stay aligned with my purpose, keep my motivation intact, and continue to move forward despite the challenges. - Can you tell us more about your book of poetry and what inspired you to work on it?
In January of this year I self-published my first two books, “Our Voices: Little Stories Through A Latina Lens” and it’s fulls Spanish version. This book was my way of resurrecting a long lost childhood dream that I had of becoming a writer and author. This book is an anthology of stories of those from Hispanic & Latine backgrounds and their captures their voices in telling their stories of highs and lows in the United States. During the time I was working on this book and at the book launch event, many people asked when I would write my story. The more I thought about my journey, and how complicated it has been, I realized that I can break my story into segments to adress who I am and what I have experienced. Poetry is powerful and allows for a deeply personal form of expression, reflection, insight, and healing. I’m a believer that books are legacy pieces left behind to help others in their journey and I want to do my part to ensure my legacy lives on for my children, and others to know that they can overcome and rewrite their journey no matter the circumstances.
- How do you celebrate your progress and achievements along the way?
When it comes to celebrating my achievements, I make it a point to share them with friends and family, often inviting them to join in the celebration. I also enjoy sharing these moments on social media and have started documenting my accomplishments in albums. This helps me keep track of what I’ve achieved and serves as a powerful reminder of what I’m capable of.
For significant milestones, I might host a celebration dinner or event with loved ones. For smaller achievements, I treat myself to something special, like a spa day, a favorite meal, or simply a relaxing day off. Regardless of the size of the achievement, I always set aside moments of gratitude to reflect on the journey and the lessons learned along the way. I believe it’s important to celebrate every success, big or small, as a way to honor the growth, resilience, and persistence that brought me to that point.
14. What are your future goals and aspirations, and how do you plan to continue pursuing your passions?
My future goals and aspirations focus on both personal and professional growth while deepening my engagement with my passions. Currently, I’m reassessing my goals to ensure they align with my aspirations. I aim to strengthen my community connections by participating in literary events and supporting causes that matter to me. I’m also open to collaborating with organizations and individuals who share my values.
I plan to expand my writing and complete more books, and I’m exploring freelance writing opportunities to contribute to a variety of publications on diverse and relevant topics. Ongoing education is important to me, so I’ll be participating in workshops, conferences, and retreats. Additionally, I’m excited to remain open to new creative projects and ventures that inspire me.
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