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Embracing the Journey: How Laura Cardona Built BuenaVida.Life on Resilience and Self-Love

August 12, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, it’s refreshing to meet someone who has not only embraced the roller coaster of life but also channeled its twists and turns into a powerful, purpose-driven business. Laura Cardona, the visionary behind BuenaVida.Life, exemplifies this journey with grace and determination. Leaving behind a career in TV and film due to burnout, Laura rebuilt herself and her career on the foundations of self-love, community, and resilience. Her story is a testament to the power of risk-taking, balancing multiple roles, and finding joy in the process. Join us as we dive into Laura’s inspiring journey of creating a space that celebrates self-care and support while motivating others to find their own path to success and fulfillment.

What inspired you to start BuenaVida.Life?

BuenaVida.Life was born from a desire to carve out my own space, to build my own table. I walked away from my previous career in tv/film because of burnout. I didn’t know it at the time but as I rebuilt myself I was also building my new business founded on self-love, self-care, self-awareness, healthy boundaries, celebration, support, love, contribution, and community. It’s the Buena Vida way! 

Can you share a bit about your personal journey and how it led you to where you are today?

As every one else’s personal journey it’s been a roller coaster of a ride. What has kept me on the ride and led me to this moment is my unwavering love of challenges, my ability to take risks, my strength to know I can always bounce back if I am knocked off, and my love of life and it’s complex twists and turns that are never-ending! I’ve taken a lot of risks, some have panned out, many have not. Yet I always found a way. From figuring out friendships, relationships, work, career, money, our culture and these systems in place that aren’t always fair- I worked with what I had and said “f this, gonna try it!” So risk taking is at the core of what has led me to where I am today and for that I am oh so grateful. 

How do you balance your personal life with running a business?

This is something I talk about a lot with my clients- BALANCE. And I always start by debunking the idea that there is some sort of “perfect balance” between your personal and professional life- there isn’t! There will hours, days, weeks, maybe even seasons where you will be hyper-focused on one or the other, and that’s ok! The myth that we have to leave behind a part of ourselves as we work on other parts is what gets us twisted. We are whole beings, with so many responsibilities and duties. One does not simply forget they are a mother when they arrive at work. And one does not simply forget they are a CEO at a family bbq. One trick I often share is making sure you are clear on what your role is in each of those areas, and stay connected to that. Some seasons are heavy on marketing and sales which can get hectic while balancing the rest of life. I get very clear on how I want to show up during that time and constantly remind myself it’s only a season. I have duties outside of work to my family and friends, I get clear on how I want to show up for them and remind myself when things get busy. And above all else, I get very clear on how I want to show up for MYSELF. Showing up for myself is the top priority and once I truly learned how to make it my top priority I was able to ride that see-sawing “balance” with ease and calm. 

How do you define success personally and professionally?

Were there any pivotal moments or experiences that shaped your entrepreneurial journey?
I define my Professional Success the moment I see a Client reframe and pull themselves out of an old pattern of thinking. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness that “a-ha” moment in someone. Every time I see a client turn on their light and shine, it’s a pivotal moment for me. Every time I am able to help another soul find a better way to deal with their circumstances, it’s a pivotal moment for me. Every time I am able to hold space and offer support, it’s a pivotal moment for me. Each time I do my job well, I can see/feel/grow my purpose and light. That is what keeps me going and continues to shape my business and growth. I also define my Professional Success by the amount of times I have failed and bounced back stronger, which has been A LOT. I always come back wiser and more peaceful, that’s Success! 

Personally it’s very similar- I have my own old patterns that I see pop up and have to deal with, and I succeed every time I catch, check, change. It’s my Life’s work to continue learning so every time I learn, witness, observe something new and fresh I succeed. And lastly, my single most highest form of success is loving and being loved by the people in my life. I am loved a lot. I love a lot. And for that reason alone I’ve already won this thing called Life! 

What motivates you to keep pushing forward, even during tough times?

Music is tool for healing, inspiration, and motivation. It’s part of my daily routine to listen, dance, sing, hum a tune. Music has stories, emotions, physicality, memories, so much meaning, and so much rhythm. It’s a driving force in my life and has always helped me finish that term paper in college, to now running my business. It’s important to say that motivation is tricky. I am not always motivated, and that is ok! But what I am is committed. I am committed to my work, my mission, my purpose. That is what keeps me going, that and a good tune that fits my mood for the day!

What advice would you give to other women looking to start their own business or pursue their passion projects?

My advice is always to get in community with other Growth-Minded people, preferably those who have similar backgrounds/history. It matters and it helps. They serve as a reflection of things you have probably overcome, and vice versa. And because you are all building, there is a support, understanding, and love that is going to be instrumental in lifting your spirits when times get a little rough. There’s a lot that goes into building your business, and I always always encourage women to find a community or even just an accountability pal. We do better in community!

Looking back, is there anything you wish you had known when you first started your journey?

Biggest challenges I faced was me getting in my own way. I let a lot of past experiences cloud my new way of being- but since I walk my talk, I knew it was an opportunity to learn how to unlearn/reframe so I can not only move forward myself but also share my experience and knowledge with my clients so they can move forward in their journeys.

At the start of stepping out on my own, a GIANT challenge for me was the combination of the “You Are Not Enough” voices coupled with crippling insecurities that came from being the “only one” in so many rooms. I was the only woman many times, and almost always I was the only POC. I let that hold me back oh so many times, I was so discouraged and disheartened. And even sadder is the times I didn’t let that hold me back, someone would always cruelly find a way to remind me that I didn’t belong. It took a long time to unlearn and heal those experiences. Don’t get me wrong, all that has lead me to where I am today…but hindsight’s a bitch. If I could go back, I would tell my Younger Bright Self to not listen to ANY OF THEM. Why? Because not ONE of them knew the path I was walking. Not one of them had or shared my experiences, my heart, my compassion, my vision. So letting the naysayers dim my light was a harmful mistake. Listen to yourself. Feed your Courage. Feed Your Love. Trust in YOU.

IG: @buenavidalifecoach


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