Unleash Your Full Potential!

Unveiling Life's Magic: An Interview with Laura Bushnell

March 7, 2024

Step into the world of Life Magic with Laura Bushnell in this captivating interview. Laura's journey began with a powerful Kundalini awakening, unlocking her unique gift of clairvoyance. Through her experiences, she shares insights on overcoming challenges and finding joy in life's simple moments. Join us as we explore the magic that surrounds us all in this inspiring conversation.

Could you share some pivotal moments or milestones in your career that have shaped your approach to Life Magic?
I had a very powerful Kundalini experience that opened me up to spirit. I was from that point on being led and directed by a force that I knew I had to follow. I was born with the gift of sight. In French the word clairvoyant means “clear sight,” which describes my ability to see, among other things, the electrical force field of the body. What I see are voluminous essences of light that radiate from the physical body in different, beautiful colors. I also see the energy that comes in the body, like a rainbow coming into the crown of the head. I can tell a lot when I look at a person, just by looking at their energy; without even talking to them, I can see what they’re about, what they’re here for, what their gifts are. One thing that’s clear from what I see is that we are so much bigger than we think we are. That’s why you can sometimes feel people before you meet them; you know someone is coming because their energy field has gotten there before them. So what some people consider magical, I see every day. I have seen the magic that surrounds us for as long as I can remember.

What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them? 
I was in a legal fight with my ex husband for almost 5 years and it was very painful. Because of society and judgment about not being with my children every day – I have been healing the guilt and shame.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work, especially when facing obstacles?
The only way I could stay motivated was because my connection to spirit is so strong

What sets Laura Bushnell - Life Magic apart from other similar endeavors in the field?
Now imagine a life in which you live in the moment all the time. Every day is filled with light, love, and joy. You are aware of the beauty of your surroundings—the sky with its billowing clouds, the trees with their leaves and branches, the abundance that sustains you, the love that fills your relationships. You view the world with the enthusiasm of a child. You move through the day with simplicity, lightness, and ease.

Your life is already filled with magic that’s just waiting to be discovered. Magic is how we understand our natural connection to the universe. We feel it more strongly as children, when our innocence and wonder are still intact and uncompromised. As we grow older, the world comes between us and our feelings of connectedness. But magic isn’t just something for children. We never have to outgrow the magic deep inside us.

Sometimes this truth can be hard to see; I know because I meet many skeptical people who question whether a beautiful, peaceful, and healing world can really exist. It’s understandable if you feel this way too. Every day we are bombarded with news of the world’s great pain. Acts of war and terrorism, children killing and being kidnapped, the homeless, the starving, and the diseased all fill up the news these days. How could this possibly be a magical world? You might even wonder if there is a future for us here on this planet.

Of course there is a future, and you are the creator of it. You can create a meaningful, positive life with the wisdom of your heart and the power of your love—for others, for yourself, and for the world. Love is the most powerful energy that exists. The purity of your love can bring light and clarity to all areas of your life. It’s what will move you forward in the journey ahead: think of love as the gas pedal that brings you closer to your dreams—and fear as the brake that stops you. We all want to pursue our dreams, but often we try to drive with the gas and the brake on at the same time. No wonder we sometimes feel stuck!

How do you balance your dual locations in West Hollywood, CA and Bozeman, MT? Does each place offer something unique to your practice? to play in that evolution?

Bozeman is very grounding, The earth, the air, the water, the fire. I go to LA to see clients, family and friends.

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to discover their own magic or purpose in life?
You do not have to do it alone. Ask your angels to lead you to a healer who can help you. 

How do you see the future of Life Magic evolving, and what role do you hope?
Fifty years ago, a magical life would have been called supernatural. Now it is called spiritual. And in fifty more years, it will probably have a proper name based on the understanding of what really happens when you use your heart to live your life.

A magical life is one in which you let your heart, your soul, and your mind lead you into each day. Do you know how it feels to be completely in the moment? It’s a wonderful sense of being totally connected to your life. You embrace whatever you do with no second-guessing. You’re too focused to be distracted, too present to be self-conscious, too inspired by possibilities to fear limitations or worry about results. Just take a minute and imagine it. I hope to see it around me! 

Finally, where can people connect with you online to learn more about Laura Bushnell - Life Magic and your teachings?


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