Unleash Your Full Potential!

From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Navigating the Transition from Small Town to City Life with Janis Wangdali

October 7, 2024

In the whirlwind of transitioning from a small town to the bustling city, moments of feeling overwhelmed are almost inevitable. For many, like our guest, standing at a busy intersection for the first time can be a stark reminder of how different and daunting this new world can feel. But amid the chaos, there's a powerful sense of excitement and potential. This journey, filled with both challenges and discoveries, offers invaluable lessons in resilience, self-worth, and transformation. Through the ups and downs, the comfort of spirituality, the art of setting boundaries, and the power of creative outlets like singing and journaling, we learn to navigate this dynamic shift. Join us as we explore how embracing our true selves can turn the turbulence of change into a path of growth and empowerment.

Can you describe a specific moment when you felt the most overwhelmed by your transition from a small town to the city?

The moment I felt most overwhelmed was when I first arrived in the city. The pace was so fast, and the unfamiliarity of everything hit me all at once. It was a stark contrast to the quiet, predictable life I was used to. I remember standing at a busy intersection, feeling completely out of place and wondering if I had made the right decision. At the same time, I felt really excited to learn from everyone I met. I used my humor to get to know people and learn everything I could, even though I’m not that smart.

How did Taylor Swift’s song "Mirrorball" resonate with your experiences during this period?

"Mirrorball" captured my feelings perfectly. The lyrics about being constantly on display, trying to reflect what others wanted to see. I was trying to adapt and fit into this new environment, often feeling like I was losing pieces of myself in the process.  

What role did spirituality play in your journey of self-discovery and resilience?

Spirituality became a grounding force for me. It helped me find inner peace amidst the chaos, offering a sense of purpose and direction when everything else felt uncertain. I remember crying in my room when nothing seemed to be working out. It was the hardest cry I’d had since I could remember because my heart hurt so much. Then suddenly, a sense of relief came. It’s hard to put into words—imagine having a deep wound, and all of a sudden, the pain went away with some kind of comforting wind, but inside the heart.

How did you begin to transform your sense of being a people pleaser into a strength?

I started by reframing how I saw it. Instead of viewing it as a weakness, I recognized that my empathy and ability to understand others were strengths. I learned to set boundaries, using my people-pleasing nature to build stronger, more authentic connections without losing myself in the process.

What were some of the most challenging aspects of starting over in a new environment, and how did you address them?

The most challenging part was the sense of isolation and the constant self-doubt. I started working remotely, which added another layer of adjustment. To tackle these challenges, I focused on celebrating small wins and gradually built a routine that felt comforting. I sought out communities where I could connect with others who shared my interests, and over time, I began to feel more at home. Now, I approach things with an open mind, avoiding instant judgments of people and instead basing my impressions on their actions.

How did your activities, like singing and journaling, contribute to your healing process?

Singing allowed me to express emotions that I couldn’t put into words, and journaling helped me process my thoughts and experiences. Both activities became therapeutic outlets, giving me a sense of release and helping me navigate through my feelings.

How did you reconcile the pressure to please others with your need to stay true to yourself?

I learned that it was okay to say no and that pleasing others shouldn’t come at the cost of my own well-being. By prioritizing my needs and values, I found a balance between being considerate of others and staying true to myself.

What practical steps did you take to recognize and embrace your own value and uniqueness?

I started by identifying my strengths and accomplishments, no matter how small. I also practiced self-affirmation, reminding myself daily of my worth. Surrounding myself with supportive people who appreciated me for who I am was also key in embracing my uniqueness

Can you describe a moment when you felt particularly empowered by your own resilience?

I felt particularly empowered when I was juggling a full-time job, a part-time role, and helping my boyfriend with his business. Balancing everything was challenging, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, I saw it as a chance to prove my resilience. Successfully managing all these responsibilities gave me a profound sense of accomplishment and showed me just how capable I am when faced with challenges.  

How did you find balance between pursuing happiness and managing the expectations of others?

I realized that true happiness comes from within, not from meeting others’ expectations. By setting clear priorities and being honest about what makes me happy, I was able to manage external expectations without compromising my own happiness.

What advice would you give to someone who feels disconnected from their sense of self?

Take time to reconnect with what truly matters to you. Engage in activities that bring you joy, surround yourself with supportive people, and don’t be afraid to seek help if needed. Remember that it’s okay to take a step back and focus on yourself.

How do you maintain a positive mindset amidst challenges and setbacks?

I focus on the bigger picture and remind myself that setbacks are temporary. Practicing gratitude and staying mindful of the progress I’ve made helps me maintain a positive outlook, even when things aren’t going as planned.

How has your support system helped you navigate your journey of self-discovery?

My support system has been my anchor. Their encouragement, advice, and simply being there to listen have made all the difference. They remind me of my strengths and keep me grounded, helping me stay true to myself.

What has been the impact of embracing your own worth and uniqueness on your personal and professional life?

Embracing my worth has led to more confidence in my decisions and actions, both personally and professionally. It’s allowed me to pursue opportunities that align with my values and passions, leading to more fulfilling experiences and relationships.

IG: @just_jannnn

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