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Poetry & Art

I, the cycle breaker


I am the seed of change,
planted in soil once hardened by hands
that never knew how to soften the earth,
but I grow anyway, roots deepening with each choice,
each step forward, breaking through the stone.

I carry the stories of those who came before,
not as chains, but as threads I weave anew,
creating patterns they never imagined,
a tapestry of what could be,
not what was.

I am the echo that does not repeat,
the voice that speaks in tones of freedom,
a rhythm all my own.
where fear once lingered, I build bridges,
crossing chasms with courage as my guide.

In my veins flows the power to rewrite,
to unlearn, to relearn, to be reborn,
not as a shadow of the past,
but as light—brilliant, fierce, and unyielding,
illuminating paths for those who will follow.

I break the cycle not with anger,
but with love that knows no bounds,
with wisdom earned from wounds healed,
and strength that rises not from resistance,
from the softness that endures.

I am the cycle breaker,
the one who bends history toward hope,
who carves new ways in uncharted lands,
and with each breath, I plant seeds of possibility,
watching as the future blooms.

by Maggie Pouplis

With over two decades of experience as a Creative Director at major multinational advertising agencies, I have spent my career harnessing the power of words to create compelling narratives and imaginative worlds. Writing and storytelling have been my passions since I could first speak, and I’ve always believed in the transformative power of a well-told story.

At the age of 50, my life took a beautiful turn when I became a proud single mother to a bright, wild boy. This new chapter inspired me to expand my journey into new realms—I became a certified parent coach and began writing therapeutic fairytales for children. These stories aim to heal, inspire, and connect, helping young minds navigate the complexities of life with empathy and courage.

My work is rooted in values of open communication, authenticity, and continuous learning. I am a passionate advocate for children’s rights, and my dream is to create a ripple effect that changes how children are perceived by adults, fostering a world where they are respected and heard. I also strive to empower women to take control of their lives and encourage everyone to embrace their true selves.

Through my creative endeavors and coaching, I aim to make a lasting impact on the lives I touch, helping to build a more compassionate and authentic world.


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