Learning how to end a situationship can be tricky.
Gen Zs has a funny way of dating. We don’t date, we “are talking” and we don’t get into relationships, we get into “situationships.” We really value our independence and when someone tries to create labels around commitment, we run away as fast as we can.
This can be a good thing because we are breaking societal standards of what dating should look like and setting our boundaries.
But, with this lack of commitment also comes a lack of communication and structure in our relationships. So when it’s time to end a situationship, things can get messy and unclear.
What exactly is a situationship?
According to Urban Dictionary, “Let’s just chill, have sex and be confused about the fact that we are not together but have official emotions for each other.”
It’s a relationship without the label or commitment. It can be physical, emotional, or both. But it is not a committed partnership and both parties, in most cases, are free to date or see other people.
What are the signs that you’re in a situationship?
1. Lack of communication or commitment to future plans.
2. Lack of exclusivity
3. Lack of emotional connection or investment
4. No defining label or title
5. More focused on convenience rather than true commitment and support
4. Not introducing each other as partners to friends and family
5. Last-minute plans are in place
When does a situationship work for you?
When you’re trying to go into the dating scene again.

Dating shouldn’t be stressful, and a situationship allows you to explore and have fun without the pressure of commitment.
If you’re not ready for a committed relationship, casual dating can be a great option.
When you’re not ready for a committed partnership or can’t commit due to other commitments (school, work, etc.).
You may be at a stage in your life where you feel like your career is more important or you have other priorities. A situationship allows you to still have a physical or emotional connection without feeling the pressure of commitment.
When there is not enough emotional connection or investment in the person to make it worth committing yourself fully.
You may really enjoy the person’s company and appreciate their presence, but there may not be enough emotional connection to justify fully committing yourself to them.
When is it time to end a situationship?
When there are feelings of jealousy or insecurity because of lack of commitment.
You need to remember that you’re not in an actual relationship and your partner may be seeing or talking to other people.
When you or your partner start wanting more commitment.
If one of you starts feeling like the situationship isn’t fulfilling enough and wants more, it may be time to have a discussion about where the relationship is going or to end it.
When either party starts feeling neglected or unimportant
If you feel like your needs are not being met or that your partner is not prioritizing your wants and needs, it may be time to reevaluate the situationship.
When you develop feelings for the person and want a commitment
It can be difficult to jump from a situationship to a committed relationship. Have a conversation with your partner about where they stand and if they want to pursue a relationship. If not, it’s time to enjoy your life and find someone who is more than willing to give you what you want.
When your situation starts to take away from other important parts of your life or cause negative effects.
If your main priorities are school, work, career and family & you feel like this area of your life is taking a toll on you, it’s time to let go and move on. Your mental health and other important commitments should always come first.
If a person who you are not even officially dating is causing you a headache and stress, imagine how much worse it would be if they were your actual committed partner. Don’t let a situationship hold you back from living your best life.
Can a Situationship Turn Into a Real Relationship?

It is possible, but it requires communication and a mutual understanding and desire for more commitment. It’s important to remember that just because you may want more from the relationship, doesn’t mean your partner does as well.
Be willing to have a conversation about what each person wants and go from there. But if one person still isn’t ready for more commitment, it may be best to end the situationship and find someone who is on the same page as you. It’s not fair to stay in a stagnant relationship just hoping for change. Take control of your happiness and go after what you truly want.
Remember that just because something is labeled as casual or without commitment doesn’t make it any less valid or important. Your wants, needs, and feelings should always be taken into consideration and valued in any type of relationship, whether it’s a situationship or not.
It’s also important to set boundaries and stick with them. If you feel like your boundaries are not being respected or your needs are not being met, it may be time to end the situationship.
Trust your instincts and listen to your gut–if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t be afraid to end things and move on to what will make you truly happy.
Learning how to end a situationship can be difficult but necessary in order for you to grow and find what you’re looking for.
Here are some tips:
Be honest about how you’re feeling and what you want.
Communicate openly and clearly with your partner, without blaming or attacking them. If a relationship is something you want and you don’t see it moving foward with this person, it’s okay to end things.
Set boundaries and stick to them.
Discuss what you’re comfortable with and what is or isn’t working for you in the situationship. Be firm and confident in your decision. It can be tempting to leave the door open for potential reconciliation, but if it’s not a healthy relationship for you, it’s important to close that door and move on.
Be more open to dating
It’s okay to explore and have fun in situationships, but also recognize when it’s time to let go and move on to a more fulfilling, committed partnership. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and find what you truly want and deserve.
Start focusing on other aspects of your life and prioritize your own happiness and well-being.
It’s important to take care of yourself and not stay stuck in a situationship that isn’t working for you. Ending it might feel uncomfortable or scary, but ultimately it can lead to finding what truly fulfills you in a relationship. Have patience and trust your gut.
Bottom Line
Ending a situationship may not be easy, but it’s important to prioritize your own emotional well-being and happiness. Remember, you deserve to be in a committed, supportive relationship where both parties are on the same page. Don’t settle for anything less.