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Poetry & Art

From 2009 – A Poem

Mother, why do you have to hurt me so much?

My body doesn’t hurt, but my pride does

Is this the cost of your love?

To tear me apart?

I would’ve given everything

That I have inside my chest

If you asked me smiling

With a loving mother smile

That you never had

All the other girls and their tender mothers

When I look at them

I can taste the bitterness of envy in my mouth

And then I beg for your attention

In a silent way that you never understand

I behave, but somehow I still get you mad

Please put me out of my misery and tell me, mother

When will I be dear to your ruthless heart?

by pelin

Hi there! My name is Pelin. I was born in 2004 in Eskişehir, Turkey. My first novel "Döngü", which is in Turkish, was published in December 2021. And, my first English novel "High Infidelity" was published on 1st February, 2024. I also write poems. My poetry book "Tears of Ink" is available on Amazon.

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