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Embodying Your Dreams: Elizabeth Gordon on the Art of Manifesting Through Acting Techniques

August 9, 2024

Elizabeth Gordon is a passionate writer, spiritual practitioner, and former actress who has uniquely blended her love for acting with the art of manifesting to create her groundbreaking book, PLAY THE PART: Manifest Your Dream Life (& Self!) with These 5 Acting Techniques. In this inspiring interview, Elizabeth shares her journey from the stage to the pages, revealing how she empowers others to embody their true selves and manifest their dream lives with ease. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of merging creativity with inner belief, offering readers a fresh and practical approach to personal growth.

[email protected]

Can you share the inspiration behind your book “PLAY THE PART: Manifest Your Dream Life (& Self!) with These 5 Acting Techniques”?

In the manifesting world, we always hear about raising our vibration to attract better. This often includes using our imagination to see ourselves as rich and abundant and walking through our days “as if” we already have these things and qualities. 

My question is, how do you walk “as if”? What is the process? 

Being a former actress, I decided to merge acting techniques with the manifesting idea of walking “as if” and teach people a process to walk as their “most aligned self”. I explain that this person already exists inside of you and when you express that essence, you manifest with more ease. You also enjoy the process of manifesting more, especially if other techniques have not worked for you or have left you feeling far from what you want. 

How did your background in acting influence your approach to manifesting techniques?

Acting and manifesting are closely related because it’s about stepping into a role with conviction. 

After embodying many different characters, I realized that when I am trying to level up in my life, it’s all about knowing that I already AM the person I desire to be. I don’t need to look further than myself and my imagination. Acting taught me to imagine myself in many experiences and characteristics, which helps me manifest because I embody what I want. 

Acting and manifesting are truly sisters. 

What was the turning point that made you decide to combine acting with manifesting?

I had to have a difficult conversation with someone and I was dreading it. 

I asked myself if I was brave, how would I feel and what would I say? 

I asked myself if I was the woman I knew I was inside, how would I feel and what would I say? 

I asked myself if I knew my power, how would I feel and what would I say? 

After a successful discussion with this person, the idea hit me that this could work for anything else I wanted to create. 

And that’s when PLAY THE PART was born! 

Can you describe a personal story where these techniques made a significant impact on your life?

I was on the phone with a family member with whom I shared a difficult history. They were sharing some deeply personal awakenings they’ve had about the past — including taking responsibility for things they’ve previously denied. 

As they were talking, I realized that they were sharing these things because of how I HAD STARTED SHOWING UP IN THE RELATIONSHIP — as my true authentic self. 

I no longer felt the need to hide or diminish who I am or what I think. I stopped being scared of their opinion of me or their reaction to certain ideas I was expressing. I KNEW the techniques in the book were a big part of this because they helped change my self-concept and gave me permission to stand as the person I am today. 

The more I embody my most aligned self, the more free I feel to show up authentically in relationships — especially the difficult ones. 

What are the top challenges you faced while writing your book?

All the challenges for me were technical. I now know more about ISBNs than I ever wanted to know! 😉 

But seriously, this is a huge learning curve for everything you have to do legally and technically to cover yourself. I had to trust myself and take it one step at a time. 

The writing itself and structuring of the book were never an issue for me. That all took care of itself. But if I had to advise on writing a book, it would be to get clear on all the aspects you need to do technically beforehand so you can include them in your process, timing, book release date, and promotion. 

The biggest challenge was simply trusting myself through the tech because man, it’s a lot!! 

How did you overcome any self-doubt or obstacles during the writing process?

I did a lot of meditation to receive the best answers for whatever came up. I think this is all about self-trust and listening to what your body is telling you to do. I had to ignore a lot of advice that didn’t feel right for me or fit my book’s unique subject matter. 

And sometimes, I still had doubts! But the important thing is to keep going because if you think about it, that’s all any of us are doing: we are deciding to do one more step and see what happens. 

I truly followed my gut on everything and it all fell into place — even when I had timing delays or mishaps, I trusted that those were also an important part of the puzzle. 

I decided that I was guided by something bigger than myself. 

Can you share an example of how someone else has benefited from your techniques?

A buyer reached out to me and shared that the techniques were doing something she never thought possible — they were helping her with her anxiety and provided real tools to ground her energy and get her back to her inner peace. 

She said that learning how to ground her energy a few times a day has helped her disengage from people and situations that do not directly affect her and it’s given her more time, space, and inner quiet to focus on what truly lights her up! 

Hearing this feedback made my heart burst because this is what I love to do: help anyone who wants to reclaim who they truly are. 

What advice would you give to women who are looking to manifest their dream lives?

My biggest piece of advice is this: know that everything you want is in the unknown, so change your relationship with that first if you have fears or doubts about HOW things will come into your life. 

The desires you have were born FROM the universal mind, so you have full support in them coming true, which simply means that you rendezvous with the part of yourself that believes in that desire. 

Embrace the unknown, because everything you want lives there. 

I once heard Abraham-Hicks say that wanting all your desires to manifest immediately is like wanting to breathe all your air supply for the day in the first few minutes after waking. It’s okay for manifestations to flow in naturally. Don’t eat all the cake right now — you can save some for later 🙂 

Trust yourself and what your body is telling you. You’ve got this! 

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your personal and professional life?

By taking regular breaks!!! 

I think slowing down and taking breaks is underrated in our culture. People quit because they over-extend and burn out. It’s okay to take a day off, take the night off, or take the weekend off. 

This is a sacred time when our body, brain, and nervous system restore and repair. 

I love this saying: “Slow down to go fast.” This means that when you take care of your mindset, stuff happens in the reality a lot quicker. Why? Because you’re not beating your desires to death and manipulating the process. Action is important, but it’s not the whole pie. 

Sit and read a book for pleasure. Take a walk and stare at the clouds. Lounge in your favorite chair and do nothing! These are the times when our most potent ideas are born. 

Relaxing is power. 

What role does creativity play in your approach to manifesting?

Creativity allows our imagination to run wild so we can reconnect with that inner sense of play and fun. 

If you watch children, you’ll see how much they get lost in the fantasies they are creating. Children are master manifesters because they know the power of their creative spirit. They don’t question their ideas — they co-create with them! 

As creations ourselves, we all have innate creative talents. Take what you loved as a kid and apply it to something you want to align with. Step into the shoes of a child who knows how powerful their imagination is and doesn’t question their gifts. 

The more you can have fun and remember that life is like a big board game, the more you’ll relax and surrender to the process. 

Creativity helps us manifest because it frees us from the inside. 

Can you talk about the importance of mindset in achieving one’s goals?

Mindset is the basis for everything we do because it sets the tone of our beliefs and focus. 

Mindset is 90% of the work — the rest will be aligned actions you take based on your intuition. 

When you have a goal, the first step is to DECIDE what you believe about this goal and how you believe achieving it will improve your life. Make this crystal clear and stretch your comfort zone a few inches. 

The next step is to get your nervous system onboard. Remind yourself that this goal is safe to achieve and receive. This will help soften any alarm bells in your subconscious mind about receiving. This work is crucial for more results because your nervous system controls your general vibration. 

Mindset work is the pair of glasses that affect your vision of the situation. Make sure you choose a clear pair and wipe off any smudges from past beliefs. The clearer you are with what you want to manifest, the faster your brain helps you out by focusing on those things. 

Mindset work also programs your RAS (reticular activating system), so you start to rendezvous with people and circumstances to help attract your goal faster. 

Start with the mind and body and the rest will fall into place. 

How do you balance your creative projects with other aspects of your life?

Boundaries with myself and others. 

Listen, I LOVE my work so I could do it all day long and not bat an eye. But I also love a lot of other parts of life, so I make a point to check in with myself during the day and ask how balanced I feel. 

If something feels like it needs my attention, I take a few deep breaths to clear my energy field and return to my body. Then, I ask my intuition what’s the best next step and follow through with that. 

I think many of us feel the pressure to produce work constantly so we’re not forgotten about or get out of good graces with algorithms, but here’s the truth: life is also about BE-ing. 

All of us need to go to the grocery store, run errands, and do boring stuff. And that’s okay. If we can remember to bring back some balance, we can find beauty in each moment of the day. 

What has been the most rewarding part of your journey with this book?

This is a hard one to answer since there have been so many, but I would say the most rewarding part is getting emails and texts from people I haven’t heard from in years telling me they’re buying my book. It’s brought a few old friends back into my life! 

The second best part is hearing from buyers about how much the book has helped them or opened their eyes about their identity. It’s an honor to know that my words and techniques are being applied to people’s daily schedule and it’s making a difference in how they feel about themselves and how they show up. 

It’s been beyond rewarding to receive feedback like that. It’s why I do this. 

How do you see your work evolving in the future?

My dream is to eventually lead PLAY THE PART workshops and classes so people can experience change together. Having support in personal development is important and I know everyone can have their ah-ha! moments with this work. 

I would love to see my book help as many people as possible! 

My desire for the future is to spend all my time doing things I love and my work is one of those things. I see myself writing more books, specifically focusing on the importance of nervous system healing. 

But in general, I want to write about subjects I love and help people who need it. 

What message do you hope readers take away from “PLAY THE PART”?

There are 3 main messages I hope every reader can benefit from:

1. You are what you seek. 

2. The person you desire to BE already lives inside you. 

3. You are your hero. 

It has never been about anything “out there.” What you are seeking is yourself, your light, and your inner truth. 

PLAY THE PART helps you truly embody these ideas so you can wake up every day excited to create what you want and walk the path that feel most joyful for you. 


Elizabeth Gordon: [email protected]



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