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Embracing Fear: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Writing with Brittany Ranew

April 9, 2024

Brittany Ranew, author of “Lion of Fire, Riley Jordan & The Fire Prophecies Book 1,” delves into her personal journey, sharing insights on overcoming fear and self-doubt to pursue her passion for writing. In this interview, Brittany discusses her experiences with self-discovery, the challenges of the writing process, and the power of storytelling in the fantasy genre for personal growth and reflection. She also shares valuable advice for aspiring authors and those navigating their own paths of uncertainty and inspiration.

Can you share a bit about your personal journey and how it led you to become a writer and author of “Lion of Fire, Riley Jordan & The Fire Prophecies Book 1”?

I’ve always been a creative. Coming from a background of music, even from a young age I was always crafting little stories and writing creatively. I enjoyed English and Literature in school,  and eventually chose to minor English while I pursued my music degree in college. Soon after graduating college, I was feeling a bit lost. I knew I was meant for more but couldn’t figure out what that was supposed to be. I ended up infusing these feelings into my main character, Riley Jordan, and the journey of self discovery he goes on in the book. 

What were some of the biggest challenges or struggles you faced while writing your book, and how did you overcome them?

I think fear and imposter syndrome had to be the biggest obstacles. Which is why it took me ten years to actually publish the book after I finished writing it! I was too scared to do anything with it so it just sat there, collecting “dust on the shelf.” In 2020 I finally realized that I was letting a passion of mine not be fulfilled solely because of fear.  And I was done being afraid! I committing to making the necessary changes the book needed after all that time had gone by and then pursuing publishing. By the end of 2022, my book was finally in the hands of an editor. And then the publishing process started in May of 2023 with a publication date in October of 2023. 

What lessons did you learn during the process of writing and publishing your book that you think would be valuable for aspiring authors to know?

I’ve learned to trust myself. I know that what I have to say is valuable and worth sharing. It took me a long time to change the story I was telling myself and own my passion so I could be brave enough to share it with the world. I hope other writers understand that their words have value and will choose to pursue it even in the face of fear of rejection, fear of failure or fear of success. 

How did you stay inspired and motivated throughout the writing process, especially during times when self-doubt or obstacles arose?

It’s important to remember your why. Why are you doing this? Your why should always be something greater than yourself. This is what will motivate you to keep pursuing your dreams even when things are tough. We will always work harder towards something bigger than ourselves.

Can you talk about the themes of self-discovery and finding one’s purpose in your book, and how they resonate with your own experiences?

I think a lot of people going through different periods of their lives where they feel lost. They know they are meant for more but can’t figure out what that is, or what the next step is supposed to be. I went through this the strongest coming off of college graduation and I think a lot of college graduates experience this. You’re supposed to be an adult in the real world so you’ve got it all figured out right? But we rarely do at that point in life. I didn’t feel like there were fiction books that were diving into these feelings that a college graduate has, so I wanted to write a book exploring those and use the medium of fiction to do so. 

What advice would you give to someone who is feeling lost or uncertain about their path in life, based on your own journey of self-discovery?

Don’t give up. It’s easy to get tunnel vision and get stuck in victim mindset when we are experiencing challenges. But I promise you that if you don’t quit, you can’t lose. It’s always only a matter of time. And we can never control the timing of things, but we can control our actions and whether or not we keep going. 

How has the response been to your book from readers, and how does it feel to know that your work has touched and inspired others?

This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced and made all fear I experienced worth it to finally see people enjoying the book! My fears were unfounded, as is always the case. Being able to touch people’s lives with my words is the most amazing privilege. I will never take that for granted. I am so thankful for all the people that have supported me with the book! 

Are there any upcoming projects or developments related to “Lion of Fire, Riley Jordan & The Fire Prophecies” that you’re excited to share with your audience?

This is planned series so I am actively writing book two in The Fire Prophecies. Stay tuned! 

In what ways do you think storytelling, particularly in the fantasy genre, can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection?

As humans, we are innately storytellers. I feel that we will always comprehend something better through story. Writing a fiction novel to discuss some of these topics is a unique way for others to relate, see themselves in the characters, and hopefully work through those feelings of self discovery and go on their own “hero’s journey.” I know I have! 

Lastly, what message or legacy do you hope to leave through your writing and creative endeavors?

My why, my greater purpose, is the inspire others to be brave and become the heroes of their own stories! I hope by sharing my struggles and learning along the way, that others will be brave enough to pursue their dreams as well.
Listen to Brittany’s Podcast: Be Your Own Hero
Follow me on Instagram & TikTok @brittanyranewauthor

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