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Ricardo Santos

Ricardo Santos is an aspiring writer from the South Bronx. He was born and raised in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx by a Puerto Rican mother and African-American stepfather. His grandmother was a reliable support system as well, as his Dominican father had been absent for most of his childhood. He is a product of the New York City Department of Education, having attended PS 30, PS 27, and then the accelerated honors programs at PS 31 and JHS 149 and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from Fordham University with a concentration in Political Science and Communications. From there, he worked in the social work field, working with individuals with mental illness for over ten years. In 2012, he earned a Master's Degree in Social Work from Lehman College. Soon after, he transitioned from social work into teaching and graduated with a Master's Degree in Teaching from Pace University. These experiences, including his life experiences, molded the stories in his first published novel, "Justice." (now available on

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