Rachel Reed is a 33-year-old legal assistant passionate about weaving words and exploring the intricate layers of human experience. Rachel's journey into the world of literature began at the University of Washington, where she graduated with a degree in English literature, honing her storytelling and poetic expression skills. During her time at UW, Rachel's poetic voice blossomed, finding its way into the pages of the university's Capillaries Journal. Her poems, imbued with emotional depth and lyrical grace, captured the essence of the human condition, inviting readers to delve into the complexities of life, love, and longing. Beyond her literary pursuits, Rachel has also explored the realms of lifestyle journalism, drawing upon her keen observational skills and innate curiosity to uncover stories that resonate with readers on a personal level. As an intern, she delved into the vibrant tapestry of human experiences, discovering the beauty in everyday moments and the profound connections that bind us all. Now, as she balances her career as a legal assistant with her passion for writing, Rachel continues to find inspiration in the world around her, infusing her work with empathy, insight, and a touch of whimsy. Whether crafting captivating poems or delving into the intricacies of human behavior, she remains dedicated to illuminating the universal truths that unite us all.
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Poetry & Art


by Rachel Reed
Poetry & Art

A Fairytale

by Rachel Reed
Real Stories

The world isn't as large as I once thought it was.

by Rachel Reed
Poetry & Art

how are you doing how have you been

by Rachel Reed