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Guiding Souls to Authentic Living: Alyssa Hatchard’s Journey with Healing with Wanderlyss

Alyssa Hatchard, the visionary behind Healing with Wanderlyss, is on a mission to help others reconnect with their true selves and embrace their soul’s unique journey. Inspired by her own experiences of transformation and self-discovery, Alyssa combines her love for travel and deep passion for holistic healing to guide individuals towards living more authentic and fulfilling lives. Her work is a blend of traditional wisdom and modern techniques, designed to empower people to heal from within, find their purpose, and navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. In this interview, Alyssa shares her story, the inspiration behind her work, and her vision for helping others on their path to self-discovery.

1. What inspired you to start Healing with Wanderlyss, and how do your travels and experiences abroad influence your work?

Healing with Wanderlyss was inspired by a profound desire to help others reconnect with their true selves and navigate their unique soul pathways. From a young age, I knew I had an intuitive gift, but life’s challenges led me to disconnect from that part of myself. It wasn’t until I experienced a significant loss that I began my journey of self-discovery and healing. This personal transformation ignited a deep passion within me to help others who feel lost, disconnected, or unfulfilled in their lives.

As I traveled the world, from the diverse landscapes of Canada to the cultural richness of Australia, New Zealand, and beyond, I realized that healing is a universal need, yet deeply personal and unique to each individual. My work with international organizations such as the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders exposed me to a wide range of human experiences, from the psychological to the spiritual. These experiences taught me that healing isn’t just about addressing immediate pain or trauma—it’s about nurturing the soul and helping people reconnect with their true purpose.

Healing with Wanderlyss serves those who are seeking more than just superficial solutions. It’s for individuals who are ready to dive deep into their personal growth, heal from within, and align their lives with their soul’s true calling. Whether they’re navigating life transitions, dealing with emotional pain, or simply feeling stuck, I guide them through a holistic healing process that combines traditional wisdom with modern techniques. My goal is to empower them to lead soul-led lives full of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

Through my practice, I serve as a guide for those who are ready to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. Healing, much like travel, is a journey of exploration—of the self, the soul, and the world around us. My work is designed to help people find their way back to themselves, uncover their true potential, and live authentically in alignment with their highest purpose.

2. What role does mental health play in your practice, and how do you address it both for yourself and for those you work with?

Mental health is not just a cornerstone of my practice; it’s a fundamental part of my own life story. With a background in psychology and years of experience working in mental health and disability services, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that mental well-being has on every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s how we navigate relationships, pursue our goals, or simply get through the day, mental health shapes our reality in powerful ways.

In my current role as a transformational coach, I am deeply committed to addressing mental health holistically. I create a safe, supportive space where clients can explore their inner worlds, process their emotions, and build resilience. This is not just about managing symptoms; it’s about helping clients reconnect with their true selves and find peace and balance in their lives. By integrating mindfulness, Reiki, and other energy healing practices, I guide clients in reconnecting with their inner peace and cultivating a sense of balance that supports their overall well-being.

My approach is grounded in the understanding that healing is a deeply personal journey, and mental health is a critical component of that journey. I work with clients to help them uncover and address the underlying issues that may be affecting their mental well-being, whether it’s past trauma, chronic stress, or feelings of disconnection. Through our work together, clients develop the tools and strategies they need to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence.

For myself, maintaining my mental health is essential to my ability to effectively hold space for others. I prioritize self-care, regularly engage in energy work, and practice mindfulness to stay grounded and centered. Spending time outdoors also plays a crucial role in my well-being, as it helps me recharge and stay connected to the natural rhythms of life. By nurturing my own mental health, I am better equipped to support my clients on their journeys towards healing and transformation.

A particularly powerful moment for me was when I first started coaching and speaking. There was a profound sense of knowing—like being on cloud nine with a fire in my belly. One standout experience was working with a client who felt misaligned between her career and her true purpose. She was drained from balancing a soul-sucking job while pursuing her passions. Through our sessions, we peeled back the layers, helping her reconnect with her inner truth and develop a practical plan to transition into a career that resonated with her soul. Seeing her realize her power to reshape her life and step into her purpose was incredibly moving and reinforced my mission of helping others live authentically.

Another significant moment was the creation of my podcast, ‘Soul Pathways.’ It was a breakthrough moment when I truly felt heard and seen in ways I hadn’t before. Learning that my podcast reached listeners in over 20 countries and 188 cities was surreal. When I received an email notifying me that I’d hit the top 200 in Canada, everything shifted. That achievement deeply connected me to my mission with Healing with Wanderlyss, and it continues to fuel my passion.

4. Can you share an example of how your work has positively impacted someone’s life?

One of the most rewarding experiences in my practice was guiding a client through her Reiki journey. She initially came to me feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, burdened by the weight of past traumas and the demands of her everyday life. She had always been curious about energy healing but was uncertain if it could truly help her. Together, we embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing through Reiki.

As she progressed through each level of Reiki training, I witnessed profound changes in her. She began to release the emotional blockages that had been holding her back and started reconnecting with her inner strength and intuition. Through our sessions, she learned how to channel healing energy not only for herself but also for others, which further deepened her sense of purpose.

One of the most powerful moments came during a Reiki session where she had a breakthrough—she realized that the pain and limitations she had been carrying for so long were no longer her burden to bear. It was as if a weight had been lifted, and she finally felt free to move forward with clarity and confidence. This shift in her energy was palpable, and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life where she was more aligned with her true self than ever before.

This experience not only reinforced the power of Reiki but also highlighted the incredible transformations that can happen when we commit to healing on a deep, energetic level. It’s moments like these that remind me why I do this work—to help others reclaim their power, heal from within, and step fully into their purpose.

5. What are some common misconceptions about the field of healing and personal growth, and how do you address them?

One of the biggest misconceptions I encounter is the belief that healing and personal growth are linear processes with a clear start and finish. Many people think there’s a set formula or a checklist that, once completed, will lead them to a state of permanent well-being. But in reality, healing is a deeply layered, cyclical journey that evolves with the seasons of our lives. It’s not about reaching a final destination, but about continuously peeling back the layers to discover deeper truths about ourselves.

Another misconception is that healing can be achieved simply by following a prescribed set of steps, as if it were a one-size-fits-all solution. My experience has taught me that true transformation is far more intricate. It involves working on multiple levels—the mental, emotional, physical, and soul aspects of our being. It’s about more than just changing habits or thoughts; it’s about healing wounds, nurturing our inner world, and aligning with our soul’s purpose.

In my practice, I emphasize the importance of patience, compassion, and commitment. Healing isn’t something you can rush or force; it requires us to honor the process and trust in its timing. I guide my clients to understand that their healing journey is an integral part of their soul’s pathway on earth, a continuous unfolding that’s unique to each individual.

6. How do you integrate your personal experiences and lessons learned into your work with clients?

My personal experiences, especially my time living overseas and working in fields like forensic psychiatry and palliative care, have profoundly shaped my approach to coaching. These experiences have instilled in me the importance of resilience, empathy, and the transformative power of human connection. In my work with clients, I create a compassionate, non-judgmental space where they feel truly seen and heard. My own journey of reconnecting with my soul’s wisdom allows me to guide clients through their unique self-discovery process with authenticity and empathy. The lessons I’ve gathered along the way are not just abstract ideas; they are practical tools I share to help others navigate their paths. I’m currently channeling these insights into a book on self-discovery and transformation, blending my soul’s journey with actionable lessons that anyone can apply to their own lives.

7. What are your future goals for Healing with Wanderlyss, and how do you plan to achieve them?

My vision for Healing with Wanderlyss is to create a sanctuary for those seeking deep transformation and alignment with their soul’s purpose. I’m excited about expanding my offerings to include self-discovery retreats, where individuals can immerse themselves in a supportive, soul-nourishing environment to explore their true selves and heal on a deeper level.

In addition, I’m working on developing a signature program that embodies the essence of my approach, bridging the practical and spiritual to guide people through life-changing transformations. My podcast, ‘Soul Pathways,’ will continue to grow as a source of inspiration and guidance, drawing from both my personal journey and my work with clients.

Another major goal is completing my book, which I believe will serve as a cornerstone resource for anyone navigating their self-discovery journey. To bring these dreams to life, I’m focused on deepening my connections within the wellness community, continuing my own growth, and staying fiercely committed to my mission. This fall, I’m launching a new program to offer even more support to those ready to step into their true selves. I’d love for you to join me on this journey—stay connected at www.healingwithwanderlyss.com.

IG: @healingwithwanderlyss 

Podcast: Soul Pathways Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/soul-pathways-podcast/id1715063093

by Harness Editor

Harness believes that freedom of expression equals female empowerment. The truth? We’re a badass authentic community of fierce women, and we exist to help your voice be heard. Harness is here to be your safe haven. A place to shed the competition, the insecurities. This is a place to rise by lifting others. This is who we are.


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