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Crafting Authentic Voices: An Interview with Poet and Entrepreneur Akiena Louis

April 13, 2024

Meet Akiena Louis, a passionate poet and entrepreneur whose journey into the world of poetry began during her senior year of high school. What started as a love for free writing and journaling evolved into a profound appreciation for spoken word poetry, leading her to embark on a creative path that would shape her future endeavors. Through her dedication and determination, Akiena transformed her poetry into a thriving business, publishing her first book, “My Inside Thoughts Are Poetry,” and expanding her influence through a podcast and a vibrant poetry community. Her commitment to authentic expression and connection shines through in her work, inspiring aspiring writers and entrepreneurs to follow their passions with conviction and purpose.

Can you share with us a bit about your personal journey and how you discovered your passion for writing poetry?

I discovered my passion for writing poetry as a Senior in High School. I’ve always been a Writer but more of just free writing and journaling. I did my Senior Project on Spoken Word Poetry where I learned about the art of Spoken Word and got introduced to talented Spoken Word Poets. For my final presentation I wrote and performed my first Spoken Word Poem, and the rest is history. 

 What inspired you to start your business and publish your books? Were there any specific moments or experiences that led you to this path?

In College, I studied Theater, but I took poetry classes as an elective. I was writing a lot of poetry during that time being that writing poems were my class assignments. I had 3 portfolios full of poems sitting on my bookshelf and one day my Sorority Sister came across them and was really impressed. She told me I should publish my work and not let my poems collect dust. I always knew I wanted to write a book; in that moment of inspiration, I knew it was time for me to start. The birth of my first body of work “My Inside Thoughts Are Poetry” was a culmination of poems from my poetry portfolios with new poems written inspired by my transition of living in North Carolina to New York City. After the release, the amount of love and support I received turned My Inside Thoughts Are Poetry into a movement which bloomed into the name of my business, a Podcast, a Poetry Community and so much more. 

Can you talk about any struggles or challenges you faced while pursuing your creative projects? How did you overcome them?

Challenges and struggles I faced while pursuing writing a book for the first time as a Self-Published Author was not having someone to guide me through the process. I was learning as I was creating so there was a lot of trial and error. I had a lot of frustrating moments in teaching myself how to publish a book and I overcame that frustration by practicing patience and surrendering to the process by trusting my journey. 

What are some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned along the way, both personally and professionally?

Valuable lessons I’ve learned personally, is to create from a place of authentic expression and to not worry about how my work is perceived if it’s true to who I am. From my readers I’ve learned the significance of my voice and how using my voice through poetry connects me with women and men who feel seen in my work and that means the world to me. I deeply value relatability and connection through the vulnerability of poetry. Professionally, it’s important to be your greatest supporter. Focus on the love and the people who are supporting you and find creative ways to network and put yourself out there. Always move from a place of intention that is rooted in your “why” and what you value and to take the necessary risk. 

What advice would you give to aspiring writers and entrepreneurs who are looking to follow their passion and turn it into a successful venture?

My advice for aspiring Writer’s and Entrepreneurs who are looking to follow their passion and turn it into a successful venture is to do it because you love it. When you love it, it never feels like work. Stay consistent and use your passion as fuel to create opportunities for yourself. Believe in yourself and know that time is a blessing. Build brick by brick so that you’ll have a solid foundation and longevity verses wanting overnight quick success and don’t compare yourself to others. You are uniquely made so amplify the magic that is you. 

How do you stay motivated and inspired during times of uncertainty or self-doubt?

Times of uncertainty require faith. If I’m ever feeling uncertain or doubtful, I take time to ground myself through meditation and prayer to shift my mindset about how I’m perceiving things from gaining understanding that uncertainty brings clarity. An affirmation I use for self-motivation and inspiration is “if you believe in yourself act like it”. 

Can you share a memorable success story or achievement that stands out to you in your journey?

A memorable achievement is getting my book “My Inside Thoughts Are Poetry” put on the shelf at Namaste Bookshop in Manhattan. Getting my book into a bookstore was a dream for me. Namaste sells many different types of books, self- help, meditation, religion, astrology and so many more but they didn’t have a section for poetry. I am the first African American Poet to be sold on the shelf there. That was a life changing moment. 

How do you balance your creative work with other aspects of your life, such as family, hobbies, or personal time?

I try to balance my creative work, family, hobbies, and personal time by using an agenda to write down my to do list, the things I value and what I want to make time for each day. Having a daily planner has been very helpful in keeping me balanced. 

What do you hope readers and listeners take away from your poetry and creative projects?

What I hope my readers and listeners take away from my poetry and creative projects is a sense of awareness and truth. I hope my poetic storytelling raises perspective and share’s life teachings that inspire people to listen to the heart and use their expression whether it be poetry, music, dance, or art as an outlet for healing and connection. I hope my poetry makes my readers feel brave and touches them in a way that makes them feel, whatever they feel, as long as they feel something. 

Looking ahead, what are your future plans or goals for your business and artistic endeavors?

Looking ahead, I’m really excited about the release of my first Poetry EP “Poetic Prophecies”. A spoken word musical project partnered with elements of hip-hop, my soulful voice and lyrical rhythms featuring poems from my book “Like a flower needs sunlight”. Available on Apple music, iTunes, Spotify, and other streaming platforms. Add me to your playlist. My name is AGWÉ on all streaming platforms. My goal is to keep performing, keep creating music and to keep growing my platform and connecting with more poets worldwide. I’m also looking forward to going on a book tour and hosting more writing workshops.

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