Poetry & Art

A Fairytale

In the imagination, there would be a sort of pride in ripping someone’s heart out. The villains would take joy in what they have done to the poor, defenseless princess. That isn’t what it looks like in reality.

In reality, the lonely princess is mourning the loss of love, while the villain gives it no thought. The injured party makes their coffee alone in their apartment, thinking and writing. Piecing together what has happened to them, trying for answers, and coming up with none. The villain has moved on already. Their sights are set on someone new – they’ll manipulate, hurt, and destroy just like before, or maybe they’ll get their happily ever after. Not like you; there are no happily ever after’s for girls like you.

You will set goals, make plans, change, and grow, hoping against hope that you won’t ache so much one day. The ache never stops though.

You cut your hair, exercise; start a new job, make new friends; read new books, listen to new music, and avoid everything that reminds you of the past. You refuse to let intrusive thoughts take over, and you swear to yourself that you still shine. The thoughts come anyway. You feel dim.

You start to think of the villain – do they know what you are going through? Would they care? You know they don’t care and don’t think of you, but you were taught to love deeply and believe the best in others, so you can’t help it. Lonely lover, you try so hard to imagine you’d be stronger the second time around. You know what you’d say, how you’d protect that massive heart. You keep telling everyone you’ve learned your lessons after trying to save all those villains.

But everyone in the kingdom knows the truth about you, princess; you can’t help but let these villains in. You think everyone deserves love and affection when the knights in your court, your maidens – everyone else knows the truth. Villains aren’t worth saving.

You’ve been gutted.

by Rchljjr

Rachel Reed is a 33-year-old legal assistant passionate about weaving words and exploring the intricate layers of human experience. Rachel's journey into the world of literature began at the University of Washington, where she graduated with a degree in English literature, honing her storytelling and poetic expression skills.

During her time at UW, Rachel's poetic voice blossomed, finding its way into the pages of the university's Capillaries Journal. Her poems, imbued with emotional depth and lyrical grace, captured the essence of the human condition, inviting readers to delve into the complexities of life, love, and longing.

Beyond her literary pursuits, Rachel has also explored the realms of lifestyle journalism, drawing upon her keen observational skills and innate curiosity to uncover stories that resonate with readers on a personal level. As an intern, she delved into the vibrant tapestry of human experiences, discovering the beauty in everyday moments and the profound connections that bind us all.

Now, as she balances her career as a legal assistant with her passion for writing, Rachel continues to find inspiration in the world around her, infusing her work with empathy, insight, and a touch of whimsy. Whether crafting captivating poems or delving into the intricacies of human behavior, she remains dedicated to illuminating the universal truths that unite us all.

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