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Rewriting Success: Hannah Elicegui's Journey from Burnout to Mindful Empowerment

October 7, 2024

In a world that often glorifies the relentless hustle, Hannah Elicegui's journey offers a refreshing and powerful reminder that true success lies not in external achievements, but in inner peace and well-being. From watching her mother thrive as an entrepreneur to facing her own battles with burnout and anxiety, Hannah has transformed her life by embracing mindfulness and self-compassion. Her story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and the courage to rewrite the rules. Through her work, Hannah is now guiding other women to redefine success on their own terms, helping them to find balance, joy, and fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives.

  1. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur? 

    I was blessed to have a mother who has been an entrepreneur for 35+ years. I admired her work ethic and how she interacted with her clients, but what really inspired me was her lifestyle. She was able to have complete freedom with her schedule which allowed her to be fully present in my life.  
  2. Can you share a pivotal moment that made you realize you needed to rewrite your story?

     I remember this moment very clearly; I had been a business owner for about 6 years. I was making the money of my dreams, partnering with companies, and making a name for myself. I was on top of the entrepreneurial pyramid. What others didn't know was I was also suffering from panic attacks that increased to anxiety attacks and ultimately led me to career burnout and bouts of depression. I remember being angry because I did everything that society told me to do. I hustled, I was making the money, I was "successful", however I was absolutely miserable in the same breath. It was then when I learned that my version of success looks very different and now it was the time to rewrite my own version of what success looks and feels like to me. 
  3. How did your journey into mindfulness and somatic movement begin? 

    As the wife of a medical student, I witnessed firsthand the toll that stress, lack of sleep, and constant sacrifice can take. Watching my husband navigate this challenging path, I realized he was heading toward fatigue and potential burnout. My own experience with neglecting my wellness, increasing anxiety, and eventually facing career burnout led me to explore ways to manage stress, which is how I discovered mindfulness. Intrigued by the science behind how the brain works and the positive outcomes of mindfulness, I dove deeper into the practice. As I learned, practiced, and paused, I noticed profound shifts in my own life. 
  4. What were the biggest challenges you faced while transitioning out of the "hustle" mindset?

     I would say my biggest challenge is not falling back into the habit of the hustle when things seem uncertain. We tend to question everything when we find that we are not on stable, known ground, so our default setting is to go back to the things that we do know, and for myself that is the hustle mindset. I have really had to lean into slowing down and not enabling my body to go into panic mode, because I know where that path leads. I end up neglecting myself, my well-being, and ultimately my passion.
  5. How did you overcome burnout and depression in your entrepreneurial journey? 

    I learned the hard way. I dug myself into a really dark hole that took me months to climb out of. I was also extremely lucky to have an incredible support system around me. I had a therapist who was able to help guide me on letting go of the things I felt I had to do, and to really focus on the things that were good for me. I communicated with my husband and friends on what I needed throughout this time, which ultimately was patience, and compassion. The biggest lesson I learned about entrepreneurship is being successful doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself to get there.
  6. What role did guided meditation play in your healing process? 

    What an incredible question; I feel like it taught me any entirely different way of living. Meditation and mindfulness as a whole has multiple different components but at its core; mindful meditation is about being aware of whatever is present both internally and externally with a sense of curiosity and non-judgement. I learned how to speak very softly to myself, to be curious about what emotions were present, but also how to not get caught up within the storylines. Meditation taught me how to be more self compassionate which leads to patience for myself and others. 
  7. Can you describe a specific instance where you felt your new approach made a significant impact on your life? 

    I recently just moved to a new state where I do not know a soul. Our living situation was very up in the air for a long period of time, and starting a new business in a new city seemed like a step back. My entire world was unstable and uncertain. In the past my anxiety would have gotten the best of me. I would have retreated to old habits of settling because I was scared. Mindfulness, meditation, and my somatic movement practice is the one thing that has kept me grounded. It is my space to feel solid, to trust in myself and my abilities that everything is going to be okay, even if it doesn't feel that way at the moment. My practice has taught me to let go of the things that I cannot control, and to focus on this moment. I am so grateful that I have created this solid foundation because when life gets chaotic I can cultivate the stillness.
  8. How has your personal experience shaped the way you help other women today? 

    Women are incredible, and extremely hard on themselves. We tend to take a lot on and carry everyone else's "stuff" around with us. We sacrifice ourselves a lot, and the big theme that I found with a lot of the women I work with is the lack of worthiness they feel to prioritize our well-being. My yoga mat is my space to let go of everyone else's things where I can just focus on me, which is what Embody is for the women I work with. I help them cultivate a safe space where they get to let go, to focus on themselves, and what they need without the accompaniment of judgement. 
  9. What advice would you give to women who are feeling overwhelmed and stuck in their careers? 

    My best friend gave me this advice when I was drowning in my hustle mindset. She said "slow down to speed up". At the time I had no idea what that meant, but the power of slowing down is life changing. It allows us to get in-tune with ourselves and our needs. It provides an abundance of clarity and a chance to trust ourselves which we are not able to do when we are in the depths of chaos. 
  10. What are some practical steps women can take to avoid burnout? 

    The first component seems simple and not profound but I truly believe it is the first step, which is slowing down enough to listen to your body. Our bodies are extraordinary at giving us signals when it needs something, but we get caught up in life often choosing to not listen until our bodies make us listen. Take for example you notice a tickle in the back of your throat. You chalk it up to just something little or maybe allergies and continue to hustle. You notice your energy is lower, your sleep isn't great, and your eating habits change. You have more caffeine intake, you eat out more, maybe take something for sleep. Until your body has had enough and you find yourself sick in bed. Your body is sending you signals daily but you have to be intentional enough to slow down and listen. A couple of practical tips I give new clients to start out with are mindful minutes. I have them first start off with listing things that bring them joy. Being outside, reading, smelling flowers, etc... then adding in moments to do that throughout the week. Standing outside for 1-2 minutes to feel the sun on their face. To stop and smell the flowers. Read a book, drink your favorite drink in silence and really taste it.   
  11. How do you stay motivated and inspired in your daily life? 

    I get inspiration from numerous things, but I think most recently my Inspiration comes from staying consistent in my own practice. I have my own mindfulness instructor that I practice with on the daily, she brings beautiful insights into each of her classes. I also find my inspiration from books, my favorite is Melody Beattie Journey To The Heart. I read the book every year, and every year I feel like it connects with me in the season I am in. My favorite inspiration is conversations with other people. I really love to listen to conversations that people have, listen to what they are going through, their ideas, what is present for them, and I learn a lot by listening. 
  12. What are the most rewarding aspects of your work with other women? 

    My favorite aspect is watching women's perspective change on how they view strength. When women come into my space in the beginning they view being vulnerable and acknowledging what is going on as a weakness. They believe that crying and emotions are somehow bad and that they shouldn't be feeling a certain way. As we work together each week, you can see a shift that happens within them. They start to acknowledge their emotions, let go of being perfect, and see that being vulnerable is a great measure of courage. The magic of that shift creates a massive ripple effect in showing that they are worthy of taking care of themselves and it is not something that needs to be conditional or earned. 
  13. Can you share a success story of someone you've helped through your mindfulness and somatic movement practices?

     I have been honored to work with so many incredible men and women with this practice. But one client that stands out is someone whom I just finished a season with (6 sessions). When she came in I could feel the weight of the world on her shoulder, as we began her sessions it was apparent that she was the person in her family that held everyone together. She believed her role was to make others happy within the family and that led her to neglecting herself. Her second session stood out in my mind because she finally released during our somatic movement portion. She listened to her body, released the tension, and cried. Each week we worked on letting go a little bit more, learning to listen to her body, her heart, and what she wanted to do. The ripple effect was incredible; she was no longer afraid to set boundaries and communicate with her family. She continued to make promises or what I like to call agreements to herself to routinely check-in, to make time for herself, to enjoy life again. On her last session I allowed her to lead the mindfulness session. She picked the poses, the meditation, and set the intention for the formal practice. I wanted to show her that she was ready, that she knew how to listen to her body again. 
  14. What current projects are you most excited about and why? 

    I recently just moved to a new city so I am excited to expand my business in a new place. I have also been working on getting details lined out for a wellness retreat for the fall. I have a couple of other wellness specialists that I have been in communication with to create a well rounded retreat that is centered around reconnection with one's self well-being. I have wanted to host a retreat like this for many years and finally feel like things are starting to fall into place to make it happen. 
  15. How do you envision the future of your work in helping women redefine success and well-being? 

    I feel that the term "mindfulness" has become a buzz word however I find that the true meaning has become lost. I have made it my life's goal to show women that they are worthy of everything that they want without losing themselves in the process. I want to guide them on this journey of redefining what success truly means to them and how to make that possible with the tool of mindfulness. My hope is to expand this little business of mine to make a lasting impact on not only women but to everyone. Because we are all worth it.

Instagram : @hannahelicegui 
Patreon: Just Embody 
Website: Just Embody
Pinterest : Hannah Elicegui

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