Unleash Your Full Potential!

Navigating the Mystical and the Mundane: Morgan Daehn

October 7, 2024

In the world of spirituality and personal growth, Morgan Daehn's journey is a testament to the transformative power of embracing both the mystical and the human aspects of life. From her early experiences with psychic abilities and energy healing, to overcoming cancer and finding profound love in a new country, Morgan has turned her deeply personal experiences into a source of inspiration for many. Her series, A Spiritual Journey, captures this evolution in a narrative that is as relatable as it is enlightening. Through her art, she explores the delicate balance between spiritual enlightenment and human experience, showing us that vulnerability and authenticity are not only paths to healing but also gateways to a richer, more fulfilled life. Join us as we delve into Morgan’s inspiring story, where every challenge becomes a stepping stone toward a deeper understanding of self and a more profound connection with the world around us.

What inspired you to write the A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY series, and how did you decide to document your experiences? Can you share more about your spiritual journey and how it has influenced your creative work? How did overcoming cancer impact your perspective on spirituality and your life’s purpose? How has moving to Germany and marrying the love of your life influenced your writing and spiritual practices? 

At around ten years old, my mom explained that she was a psychic medium and had energy healing abilities. I latched onto this like it was truth, because it was to my body, and have been totally enamored by the spiritual, the mystical, and the big questions of life ever since. I resonated with what my mom shared because I had been seeing spirits throughout my childhood; I could feel the emotions of others so clearly; I manifested with ease - nothing like childlike wonder and play to bring in what you desire! I intentionally embarked on a spiritual journey to deepen my understanding of what that meant, to strengthen my abilities as a channeler/energy healer, and unlearn anything standing in the way of a fulfilling and joyful life. Because I’m an artist, I channeled my experiences in a relatable way into an ongoing narrative nonfiction series, A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: the Series. I was inspired to write it to be what I was longing for - someone relatable, who wasn’t an expert or an authority figure! With each book that I’ve written in that series, I have watched my life transform from one of innocence, naivety, and insecurity to empowerment, confidence, and passion. Curiosity has been there throughout it all! 

I have long felt everything so deeply, and I suppose I wanted to find the others or make being sensitive less stigmatized - those are big intentions behind my creative work. 

Cancer was this obvious call from my body that the way I was living wasn’t working - prior to the cancer I really didn’t honor my needs or validate my own emotions, the way I did for others. I allowed myself to be made small by my fears, and to me the cancer always felt like a wake up call - not a threat, but an unavoidable message from my body that something had to change. I intuitively felt from the beginning that my experience with cancer would end well, which it did, and so it always felt like a present - something transporting me to a new version of myself. It did! It taught me to stop playing small, to live past the limitations of fear, and that it is a human journey, not just a spiritual one - it’s okay to be human, and we don’t have to be scared of feeling everything so deeply! 

My partner came in just before the cancer, and our relationship was long-distance; him in Germany and myself in the United States. If you think long-distance relationships really challenge you to get serious about what you want, cancer does that times ten! We had both circumstances, and we very confidently decided we had found the great loves of our lives in each other - and we did. I now live in Germany with my husband after a whirlwind past year of healing and transformation. Can you imagine how much inspiration this has given me to create? I am overflowing with the full-spectrum human emotions that come from finding the love of your life, navigating cancer, starting over in a new country, and being the most authentic self after a lifetime of hiding. It’s also cool because my partner isn’t spiritual in the way I am - and I’m learning through contrast even more about myself. 

Can you discuss the transitioning from focusing on “the spiritual journey” to “the human journey”?

There was a time in my life that I greatly neglected my physical body and it’s cues, happily but naively exchanging that one extreme for another extreme - head in the cosmos, doing everything I could to expand my channeling abilities. I always believed we are spiritual beings having a human experience, but I wanted to transcend everyday life so bad, maybe because I was living in such unaligned ways that I was deeply unhappy and unfulfilled. It was only months before I was diagnosed with cancer that I really started to honor my human journey. By that I mean I started moving toward what felt like “yes” and away from what felt like “no”. I said no to alcohol, to going to bars, to relationships that weren’t supportive, to making myself small. I said yes to yoga, walking outdoors everyday, a vegetarian diet (because it felt right to my body), being alone instead of feeling lonely with the wrong people or circumstances. Cancer became this incredible threshold in my life. There is a before and after. Before, everything I did was characterized by “the spiritual journey”. At some point while healing from the cancer, I received the channeled message that, “it’s a human journey now”. Nothing has been the same since. I have an unwavering respect for my emotions, my physical body, and the way I want this human life experience to look. I’m no longer trying to escape it since I’ve anchored in this level of self-worth and awareness. I am a spiritual being having a human experience, and I will make the most of this human experience while it’s my reality. 

What has been the most challenging aspect of writing and sharing your personal spiritual experiences? 

Being vulnerable in art of life or whatever means that you are opening yourself up to uncertainty, and when you’re putting your most authentic self into your creations or your expression, that uncertainty can be just as uncomfortable as any clear negative feedback. Of course there are people who are triggered by my work or creations, whether because we don’t have the same beliefs or aren’t at the same level of remembering how empowered we are - but I’ve learned that’s none of my business! That said, the unknown is where the magic happens; where growth happens! I never want to be misunderstood, and that held me back for a long time. There is pain that comes with being negatively received when you’re being so vulnerable, but being vulnerable and authentic with others also opens you up to experience the flip side, the best parts of being human - joy, love, appreciation, understanding, connection. 

How do you balance your role as an energy healer with your own healing and personal growth? How do you maintain a sense of balance and well-being while working on multiple creative projects? 

I am much better at honoring my own needs these days, instead of giving everything I have to others - but that didn’t happen for me overnight. It required so much unlearning of unsupportive programs and beliefs, and active participation with my body and intuition. Today, I see the power in refilling my own cup first - that’s when the magic happens. I have participated in hustle culture like most today, but I have found through my own life experiences and trial and error that the most momentum is gained when I listen to my body and intuition. I rest when I feel a call for rest from my body, even if I have a list of things to do. I open my energy work calendar only when I feel I have the highest level of energy to give. I alternate between play, work, and learning, and DEFINITELY DO NOT subscribe to old, outdated programs of working to exhaustion or proving my self through productivity. 

What role does shadow work play in your romantasy series, and how does it reflect your own journey?

 My currently unrepresented and unpublished romantasy series, Book 1: The Inbetween, is my romanticized and fantastical take on shadow work - learning to love the parts of ourselves we deem unlovable. Shadow work is a beast that is always followed by some kind of death and rebirth, and in THE INBETWEEN, people-pleasing Scarlett, with the help of haunting Orion, is racing against both a metaphorical and literal death. Scarlett’s shadow self has fled to the Earth Plane, and the Universe must rectify the disharmony by ending Scarlett’s existence entirely. Scarlett and Orion must battle against destruction sent her way, in the form of bridge collapses, fires, and earthquakes, and find her shadow self before her soul is sent into oblivion. Other than outrunning an all-powerful Universe, Orion guides Scarlett in exploring her most obvious shadows: seduction, manipulation, and feeling it all so deeply, as a means to save her. THE INBETWEEN asks, “Can we really resist our own shadow?” And the series will explore the spiritual journey of Scarlett; a journey that we all experience. I of course have incorporated elements from my own experiences into THE INBETWEEN, particularly the full-spectrum of emotions that accompany shadow work and death. 

What does the concept of death and rebirth mean to you, and how do you incorporate it into your work? 

Death is the promise that everything ends, and rebirth is the promise that death is not forever. This concept of death and rebirth has brought me comfort in all kinds of endings, because I’m assured that something beautiful is on the other side - whether that’s a new opportunity or complex human feelings to be experienced - I don’t fear those any longer because they’re my greatest teachers & best anchors to being human! I incorporate death and rebirth into my work very clearly in my creations and work, like in my romantic fantasy novel that I’m working to publish or in the energy healing services I offer where I guide clients to shed anything that is not supporting their highest timeline. My work ethic is also characterized by this same energy - I allow new versions of myself and what I offer and how I show up to be cleared and rebuilt so often without shame! 

How do you approach sharing your personal struggles and experiences with your audience? 

When I first began my intentional spiritual journey, which was also the beginning of recognizing that I’m an artist, I decided to be as transparent about my experiences as possible. I had long struggled with imposter syndrome and unworthiness, so that approach was two-fold: (1) I was practicing putting myself out into the world to be received exactly as I was, even as I navigated different phases of healing and learning and unlearning, and (2) I wanted to be a relatable voice for those experiencing the same things as me (psychic abilities, feeling everything so deeply, etc.). When I began sharing my personal experiences through my A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY series and other mediums, I idolized spiritual teachers but I put them above me because they were so advanced and sure of themselves. I became the person that I needed - someone who wasn’t a master or guru, but was figuring it out. Today, I maintain that same approach of being vulnerable and authentic - I think this makes a spiritual leader, an artist, and any human for that matter, POWERFUL.  

What advice would you give to others who are exploring their own spiritual journeys or facing similar challenges? Can you share any insights or wisdom you’ve gained from your experiences that might help or inspire others? 

Establish a strong connection with your physical body and your intuition! Honor your body’s cues! Move toward that which feels like a “yes” and away from that which feels like a “no” - you can try to fight it, I did for years, but honoring your needs and desires is a magical force! You will never miss what is meant for you! The Universe knows your desires, so if it’s not here yet, what is showing up? Oftentimes if we’re not receiving what we asked for, we’re actually being presented an opportunity to learn or heal something so we can actually receive what we asked for! Explore your shadows, the self-proclaimed unlovable parts of yourself, and accept them! Ask yourself the questions, “If this is all my life ever looks like, how can I make it the best life ever?” And “What is this teaching me?” Do not avoid death - if something wants to crumble, let it. I promise the other side is worth it! 

How has your work as an energy healer and channeler influenced your writing and creative process? 

As an energy healer and channeler, I have witnessed in my clients and myself some PROFOUND and life altering awareness that we are so much more than just what meets the eye. I am inspired by the multidimensionality of my clients, my loved ones, the collective, and myself; all of that becomes my muse for writing about journeys of the full-spectrum human experience through a lens of love. 

What message do you hope readers take away from your books about spirituality and personal growth? 

Because I write on the topics of death and rebirth, shadow work, and feeling it all so deeply, I hope readers are inspired to live more authentically and fully, to be open to the endings and beginnings, and to learn to love the parts of themselves they deem unlovable. Mostly, I hope readers recognize that we are just so much more than we present in the physical - because we are! 

Instagram: @morganlouisedaehn 
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/morganlouisedaehn

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