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Poetry & Art

It is cold even in the Summer

It is cold even in the summer.

Men with iron pressed shirts debating centuries old parchment paper.

Eight dollars for a plastic tube.

How can that be such a thing? A necessity becoming a tragedy of price gouging.


Lose weight.

Clear age lines.

Plug in hair.

Balance gut health.

It is cold even in the summer.

Data breaches.

Emails. Sorry for your inconvenience.

Ticking headlines.

An avocado for your life.

A B C D.

Do not read.

A.I. generators.

It is cold even in the summer.

Recycle plastic.

Refurnish fabrics.

Make a T-shirt. Donate to a cause.

Homelessness is at an alarming rate.

Veterans without health benefits.

It is cold even in the summer.


by Kristina Hopper

Self-published author


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