Unleash Your Full Potential!

Dawn Gregory’s Journey of Love, Truth, and Dawnology

May 20, 2024

Dawn Gregory’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of near-death experiences and the boundless potential of the human spirit. Her incredible story of survival and enlightenment after a harrowing encounter in a hospital has not only shaped her perspective on life but also ignited a passion for writing and sharing profound truths through her poetry and positive affirmations. As the creator of Dawnology, she dedicates herself to spreading love and helping others live their truth. In this interview, Dawn opens up about her spiritual awakening, the creation of Dawnology, and the heartfelt mission that drives her to inspire and uplift others through her words and actions.

Can you tell us more about your near-death experience and how it influenced your perspective on life?

    My Near Death Experience happened after surgery.  I woke up in a recovery room and my doctor visited me and told me to stay in bed.  She explained stated that I am not to get up and walk around.  After my doctor left a nurse came in and I repeated what I was told by my doctor, and she disregarded my doctor’s wishes and told me I would need to walk on her shift.  I asked if I could just walk to the bathroom, and she said yes and told me she would be back to help me.  As time passed, she came back and told me it was time.  I slowly got out of bed and was very lightheaded and I asked her if she could hold my arm and she said “just walk” so I did very slowly. 

    As I began to get closer to the threshold of the bathroom, I had a sudden flash within my mind!  I could see myself walking toward the bathroom and as I stepped through the opened door, I saw myself hitting my head on the sink then the toilet and saw myself laying in a pool of blood. I realized it was a very vivid vision and I asked the nurse again if she would hold my arm as I was getting more and more lightheaded as I took additional steps.  I turned around and I saw a very dark and demonic face and a very deep voice said ‘just walk”.  I remember saying within my mind God help me and I tried not to step through the door, but the nurse put her hand in my back and pushed me. 

    I cannot tell you how many days had passed nor where I was.  I can say that I was within a void of darkness as I could not feel my body but I could hear my son talking to me within my ear.  I could not make out the words within language only within large blades of grass that changed colors within the words he spoke that turned into a frequency that soothed me. As I am laying in a state of darkness it felt as if my body began to lift upwards.  Then I felt a motion as if I was standing on a flat walkway (the walkways in the airports) and I was moving forward within pitch blackness.  I could not see in front, beside or behind me. 

    As I traveled further and further the escalator stopped and I was in a space (room) that had the brightest light.  This light was brighter than any light I had ever seen but it didn’t hurt my eyes, no sunglasses needed.  It felt so warm and inviting like a big hug.  I could feel the movement of the light as I stood, it was all around me.  I wasn’t afraid but if I had to use a word to explain it felt like “love” to me so warm and covering my entire body. I began to see faces appearing from within the light.  The faces were my grandmother, my mother, my aunts, my grandfather, my uncles to whom had passed.  Everyone was smiling and they looked like they had not aged at all.  I did notice that the only physical reference to them was their faces bodies were of light. 

    My grandmother spoke to me and said “Dawn we are so glad you are here” I recall not seeing her lips move nor feel mine moving but rather me hearing here within my mind a telepathic experience.  She said “we have been waiting for you” I had no idea where I was, but I felt safe.  Wherever I was I did notice one thing that was missing was my son.  I asked my grandmother “where is my son”? She then said he will be fine Dawn we will take care of him.  But all I could think about was my son … And I asked my grandmother again “Where is my son”?   As my grandmother was the only one speaking to me my family all gathered to see me. My grandmother said, “you want your son Dawn” and I said “Yes”.  She then said it is not your time to be here, but you needed to see this.  Then suddenly their faces began to fade into the light and the suddenly the room went black. 

    I began to feel myself on the escalator again for an undetermined distance and then I felt myself falling downward into the darkness.  At that moment I landed as this was the first time, I felt my body lying flat upon a bed.  I still didn’t have vision, but my senses of hearing and feeling was heightened.  I began to hear my son again but again with was the tall blades of grass swaying in the wind within my mind.  I also noticed others like the nurses and from what I experienced I was back to my somewhat familiar again.  I was still considered in a concussive state but slowly I began to regain my sight, speaking and was then transferred to another specialized hospital.  I told no one of what I experienced but I remember every single detail till this day.  As there are things that would jog my memory, I would hear my grandmother’s voice within telling me all will be revealed to me at the right time.  But no matter what I thought I know that it was real. 

    My near-death experience gave me a unique perspective of life that seemed so very real to me, but others may not believe.  It made me know that my visit was to push me past fear of the unknown to knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel of life.  That nothing happens by accident but that there is something for you to always learn within the process.  That not everyone will believe you but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen or exist. As I began to do my research and journey into the unknown of a Near Death Experience, I began to put the pieces together. One day I was sitting on my bed my mind was so full of chatter that I could not concentrate.  “I asked God to take it away” and a voice spoke to me and said write it down. 

    I began to fill notebooks of words that I was receiving.  Writing until I was told to stop starting a new page within the book.  The more I heard the more I wrote, as the words were easing the chatter that was within my head.  A while had passed, and I would keep writing and put the notebooks on a shelf and continue with life.   One day I was looking at the books and the voice said, “read it”.  So, I picked up one and began to read the words…Oh My God this is poetry!  At that moment I felt how important and special the words were that I only wanted to keep it all to myself.  The voice within told me it is not for you Dawn it is for you to share with the world” this is your purpose and gift from above.  At that moment I connected it with the near-death experience connecting the light with life.   So, when my head hit the sink and toilet it unlocked a very special part within my brain taking me to a higher place of truth of life, love and living.  And that very special part was validated when I was taken to my grandmother and family who had passed. Letting me know if I believed in what I saw I would believe within the words that I receive and to share them.  That is when I realized that it wasn’t just about death as in NDE but in life as a New Divine Experience that spoke to my spirit and heart.  

    What was the initial spark that led you to create Dawnology?

    The initial spark that leads me to creating Dawnology was the NDE – Near Death Experience /New Divine Experience. It was thinking of the experience why I was given this gift of purpose and where it was taking me in life.    Because I was told of the importance of the words, I wanted to find a way to connect them to me.  As a dear friend reminded me that the words that I am sharing with the world will be here long after I am.  So, the meaning of Dawnology DAWN (verb) to begin, to grow, to become clear OLOGY a subject of study, a branch of knowledge.  So Dawnology was now the journey that I was created to be.  As I continue to write and share the messages that I am receiving it is also knowledge to living, loving and being life.  

    How did your mission statement, "I am here to speak love and help people live their truth," come to be?

    After the NDE I found that meditation helped me connect more closely with myself my inner self, my spirit self.  It was within the silence that messages would come to me.  I knew of the importance of what coming through me.  And more importantly it wasn’t for me to hold onto.  But, to share even when people would not understand me So, I need to tie it all together within a mission statement.  I sat in meditation just letting my mind wander and I hear a soft voice say “I am here to speak love and help people live their truth” I immediately came out of meditation and wrote it down.  I read it repeatedly every single day.  I smiled and said yes this is Dawnology and how I would share me with the world.

    What challenges did you face while starting your journey with Dawnology, and how did you overcome them?

    What seemed like a challenge turned into a blessing.  The most challenging part was within the chatter that I was hearing within my mind.  It was constant and not really making sense as in words but more so a frequency.  I was working and not being able to concentrate within my daily work.  My mind was constantly on the go.  I was having conversations with people and later they would say how did you know?  And I would think how did I know what?  I didn’t even remember the conversation at all.  But somehow, I was able to help them intuitively.  I had to move throughout my new world knowing and feeling energy more than ever.  It made my steps a little harder as I thought. But as I began to understand what was happening chatter began to ease and I become more aware of my inner self in which my grandmother taught me about as a child.  She always told me when it’s time you will understand.  And everything was becoming crystal clear.  

    Can you share a bit about the process you go through when writing your poetry and positive affirmations?

    Writing poetry for me is a beautiful experience.  I now know that I am an intuitive author, writer, poet, storyteller.  It is an inner voice that speaks to me, or I will hear it within my mind, and I then write it down.  I am so blessed with this gift that I write the poetry and the affirmations as they are spoken to me.  

    What has been the most rewarding moment in your career so far?

    The most rewarding moments is that I have such a beautiful gift to share with the world. That I have bee trusted with such amazing words and a process of authenticity of myself.   I have won awards from the Distinguished Authors Guild for two of my books of poetry and that was amazing.  

    How do you stay motivated and inspired to continue creating and sharing your work?

    My motivation and inspiration are from me knowing that I am very blessed to have walked through the dark into the light.   Knowing that I am a vessel to pour these beautiful words into the world.  And knowing that life is so beautiful you just must see it.  

    What advice would you give to women who are struggling to live authentically?

    Wow this is a great question.  I learned very early on.  My grandmother had a conversation with me.  She said Dawn not everyone will like you.  They will find issues with everything about you.  But this is how you were created to being you. You must be thankful for who you are and that you My Dear made it in the world to be you. 

    So, for you to give thanks and be thankful you must be you.  Today, my grandmother would have said you must be authentic.  I took that with me every day of my life and I still use that now within my life.  Being authentic is not hard it is being you.  And guess what there no one on this earth like you is.  You are an original you are a masterpiece.  You are not here to be someone else or to look like someone else.  I’ve never ever wanted to be anyone but me.  Being me is being authentic.  Make time for you to meditate, to journal, taking walks and sitting by a body of water. Mirror work is powerful also.  Basically, it is you speaking to yourself as you look into a mirror it is so powerful.   Becoming authentic is you taking time to gain strength within your inner self. And believe me you will learn so much about who you are therefore walking you into your own self of authenticity.  

    One affirmation I absolutely loves saying is – I Love Myself!  It’s time to be being you authentically.  It’s time for you to love you!  

    The easiest part of being you – Is just to be you – Dawnology 

    How has winning awards for your books impacted your journey?

    I absolutely felt so misunderstood through my journey in life.  That I would have never thought I would win an award.  I saw the posting on Facebook entered my first book and I won.  It impacted my journey as it solidified the reason why I do this for people to embrace.  It reminded me of my purpose and passion and my meaning for giving the world.  It spoke to my Mission Statement - "I am here to speak love and help people live their truth," It pushed me to the next level, and I am so proud of myself and this journey. 

    In what ways do you hope to inspire others through your writing and speaking?

    When writing I write exactly what comes to me not changing the words at all.  Within that process that is the authentic part of the words and me for being a vessel.  Inspiration comes from a perspective of truth and how it applies to our daily lives.  I refence God, Spirituality and Self so there are layers within the messages.  I realize that by me being chosen to pass on these beautiful words that each person will read them and receive them differently depending upon where they are in life.  One part that was important for me as a poet was for me not to use any punctuation.  And the reason why I chose that was because I didn’t want to dictate how people would read the words as we know punctuation can bring on a feeling or stop you within a space when you may want to continue.  I wanted the readers to received it in their way.  Words are powerful and the power within the words that are given to me is given to the readers.  You decide how you want to apply them to your life and how often.  

    The message within the messages becomes your truth.  And to me that is the most important and beautiful to be on.  From the words I receive, and the speaking’s are me showing you the journey that I have been on.  The NDE that I encountered and how it has all made me more authentic in being me.  It took fear from my heart and filled it with love, and I will always be grateful.  When words can bring you closer to your inner self and your worldly experience that is what humanity is all about. 

    So, I shall always begin and end with the Mission Statement for Dawnology – "I am here to speak love and help people live their truth,"

    I look forward to sharing the Dawnology Way of Life with the world.  

    What are some common themes or messages in your books of poetry and positive affirmations?

    The common themes and message are of love and life.  The very thought of love takes me back to the peace, calm and warmth I felt during my NDE.  It reminds me of my family and my childhood, of the love I share with another.  The birth of my son and now my grandson. Life is the common thread that holds humanity together.  The essence of life within the beauty of living and being alive.  Both words love and life is my belief of a high power a religion, belief, the spirituality of self and our experience called life.  

    Can you share a particularly memorable piece of feedback you’ve received from a reader?

    “I read your book” What a pleasure it was I made the space nice and relaxing, and it was so suited.  It made me think of things I never think about.  It reminded me that I must be good to myself and not just work all the time!  I screen shot some and later it was so many that I’m just going to re-read it from time to time.  I also learnt a bit about you…You are soft and have a positive disposition.  You can express what you feel and so help others like me who read it, to get in touch with that side in myself. Thank you for that. - GG

    I am so proud of you with your writing.  You inspire me a lot and I still read your My Dear Book to this day – ZG

    Dawn, I enjoyed your book of poetry. I passed it on to my niece, who's in college. I feel the poems will be inspirational to her! Keep doing what you are doing! – GF

    This was a tremendous book written by a fabulous author. I expected good work based off her last book I purchase however I wasn't expected the book to be so alive. she is surely being prepped for greatness – FF 

    I originally purchased this as a gift for a friend but ended up keeping it for myself! Dawn has an amazing way with words-- every piece of poetry and prose is carefully crafted. You can sense the thought and creativity that poured into creating this special piece of work. Some of the poems leave you inspired-- eager to manifest and believe in both your dreams and your ambitions. Other poems feel like you can sense the emotion and experience that Dawn writes about, and in turn, finding similarities between her memories and present experiences of the reader. After reading through the entire book, I revisit a poem every morning to read and remember throughout the day as my mantra. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a positive and engaging read! CS

    How do you balance your creative work with other aspects of your life?

     My creative work is a very vital part of my life.  From the NDE, Mantra and the books written I know that was trusted and given a beautiful passion and purpose to helping and guide humanity.  Dawnology was created to help humanity with love and life, so it is always within the forefront of my existence. It helps be in being a better person each day.  Having so much more compassion which helps me within every aspect of my life.  

    What role has social media, especially Instagram, played in your work and outreach?

    Social Media has played a very important role within my work of being an author.  I realized that the power of words also lies within the words getting out to the masses.  I found that social media would allow me to post poetry, affirmation, and thoughts to be viewed not just within the US but all over the world.  It allows me to post content on the spot and be seen and received.  As I again go back to my mission statement "I am here to speak love and help people live their truth”.   Social media gives me an instant and viable voice within the world.  And that is truly what Dawnology is all about. 

    What future projects or goals do you have for Dawnology, and how do you plan to achieve them?

    I have just recently completed my next book (Finding Solace In Love –by Dawn Gregory) that is being reviewed by my publisher and to be out soon. I am also a co-author on an Anthology that will be out later in the year.   Contributor writer to the Phoenix Fitness Fanatics Magazine as a writer (monthly) I am in a constant artistic mode of life so at times I am writing more than one book at a time.  My focus as an intuitive poet is to be true and honest to my purpose and passion.  I plan to keep putting out books to help people be themselves and live their authentic and beautiful lives.  My goals include to being more expansive in the words being read by the world.   The affirmations being spoken and the meaning of Dawnology being shared as well worldwide.

    I am thankful for the gifts that I have been given.  I am grateful for my walking through life and learning who I am within my purpose and passion.   I will continue to post on social media (Instagram) will continue to listen to the messages that I received and share them all.  I love the process of being a vessel and I will continue to write books that speak to the human spirit of love and life.  And I hope to be a contributing writer as well for Harness Magazine.  Thank you for this beautiful opportunity.  Let’s share the love and life of Dawnology.

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