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Meet Bianca Alba - Founder of "This Latina Travels!"

February 23, 2024

1) Can you briefly introduce yourself and share a bit about your journey and work?

Hello, I'm Bianca Alba, a proud Latina and the founder and voice behind "This Latina Travels!" As a first-generation college graduate from Cochabamba, Bolivia, I hold both a Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Public Health. Despite the challenges, I successfully paid off all my student loans, and the freedom of being debt-free has been truly liberating.

Growing up as the eldest of four sisters in a single-parent household, travel seemed like an unattainable dream. This inspired me to create "This Latina Travels," a podcast where I share my firsthand travel experiences as a First Generation Latina traveler and college grad. It goes beyond personal stories; it's a testament that dreams can indeed become reality.

"This Latina Travels" serves as a transformative platform with a mission to empower women of color, especially Latinas, to break barriers and embark on global adventures. Our goals are twofold: to inspire and motivate women of color to view travel as a life-changing experience and to provide them with practical tools and resources to turn their travel aspirations into reality.

Beyond storytelling, our vision is a call to action, aiming to showcase the richness of diverse travel narratives, with a particular focus on Latinas. Through "This Latina Travels," we aspire to foster a community that encourages, supports, and celebrates women of color pursuing their travel dreams. Join us in creating a world where diverse voices in travel are heard and celebrated.

2) Looking back, was your journey relatively smooth or did you face significant obstacles?

Looking back on my journey as a proud First Gen Latina, it has been anything but smooth. The path of self-discovery, self-love, and self-education is a constant challenge. Balancing a 9-5 job alongside managing a podcast/blog adds layers of complexity. However, what fuels my perseverance is the profound need for the platform I've created. Knowing that I am not alone in this journey and that many others share similar experiences keeps me motivated.

The contrast between our journeys and those of our parents is stark. While our parents traveled out of necessity, we are out here navigating the world for the sheer joy of it. Despite the challenges, the collective spirit of individuals sharing this transformative journey with me is a powerful source of encouragement and inspiration, propelling me forward with determination and resilience.

3) Can you highlight a few key milestones in your career that you Consider pivotal moments? How did they shape your trajectory?

Key Career Milestones:

Several pivotal moments have defined my career trajectory, each contributing to my growth and success. Graduating from college marked a significant achievement, making me the first in my family to attain a degree. Subsequently, obtaining a master's degree further fortified my commitment to continuous learning and professional advancement. Achieving financial freedom by becoming debt-free was another crucial milestone, providing me with the flexibility to pursue opportunities aligned with my passion and values. These accomplishments collectively shaped my career journey, instilling resilience and determination.

Key Milestones for This Latina Travels:

The inception of the This Latina Travels podcast in 2020 marked a transformative moment in my entrepreneurial journey. Initially conceived as a personal outlet to alleviate work-related stress, the podcast has evolved into a powerful platform transcending individual narratives. Growing up in a single-parent household, global travel seemed unattainable, and This Latina Travels stands as a testament that dreams can materialize.

Having traveled to six of the seven continents, I am driven to inspire women with similar backgrounds to explore the world. The podcast has undergone significant enhancement, now boasting a dedicated editor, elevating its quality and expanding its reach.

Recognizing the importance of professional support, I invested in a website designer for the creation of the official website, an email list service, and a media kit. This investment reflects a commitment to growth and increased accessibility for the audience.

The flourishing social media presence has been instrumental, emphasizing the cultivation of authentic connections. These connections have translated into invitations to speak at conferences, providing a platform to share insights and resources on empowering Latina women to embrace global travel.

In a short span, This Latina Travels has achieved remarkable milestones, from the evolution of the podcast and strategic collaborations to substantial social media growth and opportunities for advocacy. These accomplishments underscore the platform's commitment to empowering Latina women in their travel aspirations, marking the beginning of an impactful journey.

4) Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you What sets you apart from others?

This Latina Travels addresses a notable gap in the travel industry, specifically targeting the underrepresentation and limited accessibility for women of color, with a particular focus on Latinas. The core issue lies in the scarcity of diverse narratives and resources that resonate with this demographic, hindering their ability to overcome cultural and financial barriers to engage in global journeys.

This necessity stems from the glaring reality that, despite contributing over $56 billion to leisure travel annually, Latino/as remain underrepresented in the broader travel community. This gap not only restricts the diversity of travel stories but also hampers the empowerment and inspiration available for women of color, leaving them with few relatable role models in the travel space.

What sets This Latina Travels apart is its mission to reshape this narrative, empowering women of color to envision and pursue travel as a transformative and achievable experience. By sharing firsthand experiences and offering practical tools, the platform bridges the information gap, serving as a source of guidance and inspiration. The ultimate goal is not only to underscore the economic significance of Latino/as in travel but also to elevate the visibility of Latinas exploring the world. Through these efforts, This Latina Travels aims to catalyze a cultural shift, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the travel landscape.

5) Reflecting on your experiences, what important lessons have you learned along the way? How have they influenced your approach to your work?

Reflecting on my experiences, a pivotal lesson I've gained is the significance of community. 

The realization that embarking on this journey alone is not feasible has profoundly shaped my perspective. I've also come to understand that the individuals one expects to be the most supportive may not always fulfill that role, and accepting this is crucial. It's essential to celebrate every achievement, irrespective of the anticipated support. The true allies in your journey will stand by you consistently, and focusing on their presence is invaluable.

You can find all of Bianca's social media links in her about section on my website listed below: 

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