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5 ways to harness your intuition

Intuition, huh?  It sounds like a dubious concept to many!  It requires us to be connected to ourselves, to our bodies, to be prepared to trust it and ACT upon it… no wonder it makes us uncomfortable!

We live in an always-on world, bombarded with constant distractions and information.  It is an exciting time to be alive, and yet… this constant connection leaves many feeling more disconnected and lonely than ever before.  In 2023, the US Surgeon General even issued a public health advisory about loneliness.

The antidote to this disconnection with ourselves and to each other is simple… although it may not feel easy and it isn’t Instagrammable!  When we take a deep breath, put down all devices for 15 minutes, breathe and enjoy the quiet, we can begin to feel that recentering with our self.  We begin to hear our inner voice and intuition.  Ask yourself about one issue.  Breathe and allow the feeling and response to come from within.

Here are 5 ways to harness your intuition:

  • Set Clear Intentions: Trust your intuition to guide you in setting clear intentions for what you want to achieve in your life. Listen to your inner voice and align your

goals with your deepest desires and values.

  • Make Decisive Choices: Use your intuition to make decisive choices that align with your authentic self and lead to greater fulfillment. Trust your gut instincts and inner wisdom to navigate tough decisions with confidence and clarity.

  • Embrace Change: Embrace change and adaptability by listening to your intuition

and following where it leads. Allow yourself to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and

habits that no longer serve you, and embrace new opportunities for growth and


  • Cultivate Self-Trust: Cultivate self-trust by honoring your intuition and inner

guidance. Learn to tune into your intuition through mindfulness practices,

meditation, and self-reflection. Trust that you have the wisdom and insight within

you to navigate life’s challenges and make empowered choices

  • Follow Your Passion: Follow your passion and pursue activities and endeavors

that ignite your soul. Trust your intuition to guide you towards opportunities that

align with your passion and purpose, even if they may seem unconventional or

outside of your comfort zone.

The key to a simply implemented and no-cost life-changing technique is, and always has been, YOU!  You’ve got this!

by HelenNibs

Helen Nibs is a seasoned intuitive leadership coach, and a successful small business owner. She is the former CEO of two multi-million-dollar corporations.
Helen excels in merging intuitive insights, executive vision and inspiring transformative action for her clients.

Oh, and she makes it fun! Reach out and connect… she wants to hear from YOU!


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