Real Stories

Seasons Greetings In Friendship

Friendship is important to our lives, in some form or another, because it lets us know we are not alone, we have someone to confide in and we receive advice from these trusted companions. Friendship is defined in many ways, and how you define it is up to you. Family could be considered a friendship as well, since it is a bonding of love and protection that gives us hope, comfort, and shelter.

Friendship, family, are both a light in the darkness that life can bring; they help us through the obstacles in our life in honest ways (or should be honest ways). The honest healing words from friends, or family, reminds us there is hope beneath the pain. This reminder may even clear away some of the pain we hold and help us move to a brighter future, or develop a clearer idea for a conclusion of a plan, or a way over an obstacle. Friendship is the healing power of rain, which washes the pain away.

Friendship is a gentle comfort, warmth and shelter on our cold days when we are feeling lost and unprotected. Our friends remind us of who we are and help us to find our selves when lost. We are not alone.

Friendship comes when we most need it, and when a friend enters our life they truly know when to stay. Sometimes friendship ends, and that has a purpose too, but a true friendship lasts despite the absence of physical presence. This knowledge can brighten up our thoughts and help us in positive ways. We know, then, that friendship is never too far away, and is then here to stay, in some form or the next.

This heartfelt message, I feel, is meant to be posted at this time of year, when the cold of winter is knocking on the door, and when holidays are here. This is a message of hope and togetherness, which this time of year celebrates. Never give up hope, keep your friends and family close, and always settle those differences within your love circle. Communication is a key to a good relationship, whether friendship, family, or intimate. It is all connected. Life is all about perspectives, and we choose which perspective we want our reality to appear to be.

Author: val.180
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.

Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @val.180

by Valerie Turpin

~When a quiet individual speaks, their voice is loud ~

The voice of the spirit is as loud as the whisper in the wind, breath upon the skin, and as delicate as a feather in the wind. The quiet voice speaks the truth within you. Let it speak through you, and let it be what it will be. There is no rhythm, rhyme, or reason. the voice of the spirit is felt rather than heard, and when it is heard it is through your own words or way of expression.
Speak those quiet words, in any form you wish; through art, verbally, in any way. Let it be and you will see what you are capable of.


My articles contain information I have received on my spiritual path, which I call, my path of life, sprinkled in with creative expressions.

Random teed-bits of information about ME: I am from Southwestern Arizona; I was born in 1990 and I am the second to the youngest of 5 children; I have a Bachelor degree in Social Work and I am currently pursing a Master’s in Social Work.

My interests: Poetry; creating art in multiple forms; history of civilization, diversity of cultures, history of art in multiple forms through the ages, world religions, and world power; Psychology and Sociology; Mysticism; Law & Order; writing (academically and creatively).

Enjoy! and Happy reading. <3

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