Poetry & Art

Within and Without

I am walking in the tide and hoping the waves keep calm  

Indeed, the waves speak the story of the sea

And of heartache and relief

the tides feel the tug of the moon

Relfecting my dreams

such is the sea

Deep in longing and blue hues

it’s music glimmers upon the rush of wind

Tasting of salt and bittersweet reveries

seaward eyes gazing upon the curve of the golden horizon

again, you draw poetry from this well

that is fed from a greater sea

Another deeper tide that rolls and pulls me into an abyss

the void black and vast

Blinding in allways

immersed in the mystery

Sacred silence yearning for a voice

midnight bubbles to the surface

Foaming and drifting to an endless shore

each pebble an untold story

Of graces scared kiss

of lover’s hearts

Broken and lain among specs of time

shattered light brushes against her skin

Her soles lost and looking to be found

the night shapes around her whisper

The silohette of ghost lost

evanescence of a thousand dreams

Seducing sleep

she feels the realm of darkness

Shroud her like a wool blanket in midsummer, heavy

she gathers her breath , as the mist draws her below the waves

Drowning within and without herself

her essence set free

Like the mist from rolling waves

under the sand, lay a thousand jewels

Torn from graces bracelet

by Kelsie Stark

I am a published poet, photographer, and fine art model. I am inspired by pure emotion and dreams. I have 3 poetry books published, “Unspoken”, “You”, “A Whisper of Regret”.
I am a survivor of many things, some of my own doing. Do you feel what I have felt?

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