Poetry & Art


Yes, Peanuts… nothing rings in the holidays better than Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy. I couldn’t start my holidays with a better show. Life seemed so simple in their eyes and I wish life was still that easy. I try to make sure my holidays are… so, I reflect with watching these shows. The other part of the line up is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, the narrated classic with Burl Ives, Frosty the Snowman, A Christmas Carol – although there are no brown people like me – and The Grinch. The newer and best version, with Jim Carey. Now, the holidays have begun.

After Thanksgiving, I feel like the countdown has started. I pace myself, however. I have traditions like most, and like to try new things to make the holidays exciting. For instance, my goal is to mail out Christmas cards shortly after Thanksgiving, preferably within three days. I know, most people send cards over social media, but that isn’t personal enough. There’s nothing like a card with a note or picture. Plus, I look forward to receiving cards. If I get them early enough, they can become part of my decoration on the mantle, over a fireplace or hanging nearby.

A long-time tradition is winter cleaning. It’s like spring cleaning, but it’s in preparation for the holidays prior to putting up our tree and decorations. Along with getting the house ready, we must pull out the decorations, lights and all those ornaments for a test run. I got to find out who’s been naughty or nice. In other words, who survived the year. Do I need more lights? Ornaments? Or all the above. Now, is also a good time for me to determine my theme for the year. I know I’m not alone. The past year I’ve had red, plum and gold colors. This year, I’m opting for a more eccentric or 70’s theme. The traditional green tree is working my patience. I need more pop and flavor. A silver or white tree would be awesome.

We’re almost done. But, the most important thing about decorating is eating the first batch of cookies or Christmas cake. This type of sugar is a welcome reward for all our hard work. The holidays are coming, and it wouldn’t be official without the warm cookies and milk or Red Velvet cake. Of course, the gifts under the tree are essential, but that’s why we have Amazon. So, let the cleaning, decorating and shopping begin because the countdown has started. Can you hear the Peanuts’ song, now?

by Kimberley Mullins

K.E. Mullins is retired from the Navy and currently works as a Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) Instructor in Gainesville, Florida. She graduated from National University with a MBA in Finance and University of Central Florida with a Major in Marketing. Ms. Mullins is a Jacksonville, Florida native and has enjoyed reading and writing since her early childhood. She began her writing career while in the Navy by venturing into poetry.

Her first poetry piece, “My One Last Cent,” was published in a literary journal, “Amistad” in 2007 at Howard University. Currently, Ms. Mullins has self-published a book of poetry, “Thinking Aloud: Dimensions of free-verse” and her fiction novels, “The Friends and Family Connection: Get Unplugged” and “In the Company of Strangers (TEAM ICE)”, and “Murder: Another Name for Revenge”, the last book in her series all are available for purchase on Amazon in paperback or Kindle.

She was chosen this summer to be one of eight participants in Lip Service true stories sponsored by Miami Book Fair with the theme, “Cravings with Consequences” in front of a live audience. In addition to writing poetry, Kimberley has done spoken word venues in Urban Grind, Atlanta, GA, Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C., and the Thomas Center, Gainesville, FL.


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