Real Stories

November Tarot + Animal Medicine

Son of Swords + Mouse Spirit

She wasn’t a planner; she was a go-getter. She set her sights high, and then immediately went after them. She was in charge, driven and determined; but her friends and family always reminded her that sometimes that wasn’t quite enough. But oh did she wish it were! Oh did she wish they were wrong. And yet, she was coming to understand that they weren’t. She looked back over the last 10 months of the year and realized that despite her will, despite her drive, despite her gusto to get to where she wanted to be, she hadn’t made it there yet. And she was coming to realize what her friends and family meant. She was coming to realize that just wanting something, pushing for it, trying to manifest it… that all this wasn’t enough.

She was starting to understand that what she needed was to be more deliberate in her goal setting, more purposeful in going after what she wanted for herself. Setting her sights and driving forward weren’t going to cut it any more. She needed a plan. She needed to break it down and get there step by baby step. This was a hard thing for her to do, because it wasn’t what she was used to. She was used to the drive, the push, the determination. But she knew she couldn’t climb to the top of the mountain in one fell swoop like she had been trying all year. She needed to plan, prepare, and take those tiny actions in order to finally get there.

So she took a breath and began to redefine what her go-getter mentality could look like. She took a breath, set her sights and came up with a plan on how she could go about actually achieving her goals. She took a breath and realized that she could still take on the world, but this time she would have a plan in order to actually get it done.

It’s hard to believe that we are already entering November 2019. We have two months left in the year… where does time go? When you look back over the year, have you accomplished the things you wanted to accomplish? Have you achieved your goals? Actualized your intentions? Stayed true to your resolutions? As we prepare to enter the final months of this year, and as you take stock of the last 10 months, you are bound to find a few things that you have yet to check of your annual to do list and are ready to enter that good ol’ “get’er done” mentality. This energy that you are about to step into is the Son of Swords energy, and he is backing you all the way.

The Son of Swords is a powerhouse for taking action and getting things done. He is all go, go, go. The problem with this mentality, is that he often doesn’t take the time to deliberately plan out the actions he needs to take in order to get done what he has set his sights on. Thus enter Mouse Spirit to help temper his drive and help the Son of Swords to come up with an action-oriented plan to get things done. The energies we are being invited into this month truly help balance each other out and invite us into a period of planned and intentional goal setting and action taking.

So, here are my questions for you. Knowing that we are in the final countdown of the year, what would you like to get accomplished before the end of 2019? Identify your goals and begin to break them down into smaller, more readily achievable steps. Too often we set a large goal and spur to action to get right to it. No one climbed Mount Everest the day they decided they wanted to: they needed to plan it out; they needed to train; they needed to get the right equipment; and, then they needed to take each little step to get to the top. Whatever your Everest is, you need to treat it in the same fashion. Identify the steps that are actually achievable and doable to accomplish; and then, only then, begin to hack away at them.

I promise you, if you take this approach and stick to it, you’ll accomplish the things you want to much quicker than if you just set your sights and jumped right on in. I am not dismissing the need for drive, willpower and determination, these are essential characteristics of the Son of Swords that we need in order to stay motivated and accomplish our goals; however, with Mouse Spirit by his side, this time around the Son is a little more deliberate and a little more focused on the small goals he’s laid out. He’s asking you to do the same this month. Set smaller goals that will help you achieve the bigger ones.

by Kim A

Kim is a social worker, writer and intuitive reader. She has used the tarot to reconnect with her spirituality and engage in deep self-healing. She hopes to lead others to do the same. Kim is an advocate for mental health, wellness and authenticity. By day she works as a social worker in an educational setting; by night she reads tarot, makes magic, and cuddles her dogs.

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