Poetry & Art

I Wish You Knew

I wish you knew that

you are a work of art.

Living, breathing proof that light

can shine through darkness.

I wish you could see

the way you light up a room

when you walk in,

the way the sun shines on your face,

and the way your eyes sparkle

when you’re excited.

I wish you knew

the way you captivate your audience,

the way that your words shape stories

with details that keep others

on the edge of their seats.

I wish you knew

how adored you are.

I wish you could see

how worthy you are

of love,




I wish you could see

that you are worthy

of being fulfilled.

I wish you knew

what I see

when I look at you.

I see a miracle.

I see beauty from ashes.

I see redemption.

I see hope

and strength.

I wish that the lies in your head

would stop screaming at you

for just one minute

so that you could hear

the faint whisper

that tells you

the truth of who you are.

I wish you could hear it say:

“You are enough.”

by Amanda Walker

My name is Amanda Marie Walker. I am a senior at Geneva College studying psychology & sociology. I currently live in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania with my husband, Alexander. Together, we host a podcast called Twist Talks. I currently work as a Student Admissions Counselor at Geneva College and an Operations Associate at The Found Gen. My passions include: mental health, social justice, writing, music, and podcasts!


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