Poetry & Art

I Let The Words Live Through Me

Turning to the night breeze as my only confessor
I told it the reason why I feel under pressure.
Each whispered word is gone with no trace,
leaving a densely thick silence in its place.
Sometimes the silence is cruelly stark—
colorless, blending into the dark;
At other times it is incredibly loud—
a deafening silence, no earplugs allowed,
clinging all over my skin like a leech,
sucking all the blood within its reach.
The silence that torments, the silence that hurts,
but it’s also loyal—it rarely deserts;
it stays with me when my eyes are closed,
it remains even when no threat is posed
to the inner peace, to a quiet contentment,
neither of which are frequently present.
It isn’t enough to confess to the breeze—
sometimes an inquisitor, sometimes a tease.
In the meantime, I shall turn to writing
to allow the words to take on fighting
the encroaching demons of doubt and worry—
both firm participants in my current story.



Author: Nara Hodge
Email: narahodge13@gmail.com
What is the name of your article: I let the words live through me
What category best describes your article: Art and Poetry
Your Bio: Mother, lover, dreamer, scribbler, poet, campaigner, politics addict, restless mind. Nara Hodge describes herself as a lover of words who is forever in love with the sheer beauty of written word and in awe of the fiercely overwhelming power of poetry. Nara is an award-nominated poet who writes poetry in English and Russian. She has been nominated for the Russian Literary Awards ‘Poet of The Year’ in two consecutive years—2017 and 2018. A believer in therapeutical writing, she often uses writing to express her pent-up emotions and to untangle her restless thoughts. She refers to her writing in general as Restless Reflections, which is also the title of her first poetry collection. Nara lives with her family in Oxfordshire, England.
Link to your social media or website: http://www.narahodge.com

by Nara Hodge

Nara Hodge describes herself as a lover of words who is forever in love with the sheer beauty of written word and in awe of the fiercely overwhelming power of poetry.
Nara is an award - nominated poet who writes poetry in English and Russian. She has been nominated for the Russian Literary Awards 'Poet of The Year' in two consequitive years -2017 and 2018. Twenty- two of her award-nominated Russian poetry pieces were published in the Poet of The Year 2017 nominees' poetry book. Further pieces of her poetic work have been published in the Anthology of Russian Poetry 2018.
She has collaborated with Spillwords Press where some of her most powerful poems in English have been published and successfully attracted a new wave of readership. She is currently an author at the Harness Magazine and looking forward to sharing more of poetic work here.
A believer in therapeutical writing, Nara often uses writing to express her pent-up emotions and to untangle her restless thoughts. She refers to her writing in general as Restless Reflections, which is also the title of her first poetry collection in English.
Nara has a Bachelor's degree in Philology of Russian Language & Literature and a Master's degree in English & Historical Studies.

She lives with her family in beautiful English shire near Oxford, The United Kingdom.


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