Real Stories

How to Overcome the Challenges Life Throws at You

Life! The characteristic that defines the essence of living. It is made up of experiences, memories, and our chosen paths to fulfill our purposes. However, not all experiences are satisfying, not all memories are cherished.

Many times, we find ourselves in situations that have a traumatic impact on our life. This may be because of a disturbing event leading to severe loss or unprecedented changes in life. Our situation may also involve coming to a point where we are on the verge of a breakdown or we may be in the midst of a sudden twist or unexpected shock that has come our way out of nowhere.

The curveball that life throws at us

In short, life is full of surprises; you never know what is at the other end whether it is good or bad. Sometimes you may end up finding loads of bad surprises while some others may experience a bucket full of joyful surprises. However, one thing is constant – you will experience a degree of change around you and.

There is a very strong belief that to experience personal growth, it is necessary to experience pain and struggles. You elicit change when you struggle and respond to it in the right way. Change is the only thing in the world that is constant, and when it starts it becomes an unstoppable force.

How to change your attitude to the changes happening around you?

Here are some useful tips that could be helpful in overcoming challenges life throws at you:

  1. Say ‘Hi’ to the hardships

A good character is built after a lot of struggle. We are often proud of the moments in our life where we were able to defeat the difficult situations to gain something that is very valuable to us.

Try, and do something that makes you go beyond your limits. Trust us, the experience alone is worth it! Nothing in this world will be as motivating to you when you know that you are capable of going beyond what you have imagined.

  1. Channel your inner positivity

We, humans, have a tendency of thinking about negative aspects all the time. We concentrate more on the threats and dangers that come our way and do not look at the positive aspect of it.

Try to concentrate on positive things around you to avoid being negative. Start appreciating every little thing that matters to you. Eventually, you will start concentrating only on positive things by making it a habit.

  1. Exercise

Working out for three days in a week and doing exercises like quick walking and running can improve the habits and overall health.  Exercise has proven to be beneficial to overcome stress and make you feel relaxed. Therefore it is beneficial to join a gym that suits your requirement as it improves our physique and helps us be headstrong to better cope with the struggles of life.

  1. Explore nature

Getting out of the concrete jungle and exploring nature can be refreshing. When you want to overcome a challenge get out in nature and spend some time alone. This has proven to improve the quality of a person’s life and brain functioning.

It is recommended to spend time amidst nature at least once a week. This can bring a lot of change in a person’s behaviour and approach towards life.

  1. Stand tall with confidence

Psychologists say that a strong body language has a positive effect on the inner workings of your brain. You should always try to stand tall and radiate a perspective of unbreakable confidence wherever you go. By doing so your mind will embed it deep inside itself and it will give you the purpose of living strong and help you overcome any challenges life throws at you.

  1. Make your preferred actions a routine

By learning how to build positive habits, you can master the key of self-control and willpower when you face a challenge. If you want to make your new habit a routine and something you do not have to think much about, you will have to keep practising your preferred action for at least 30 days. You will feel more proficient and in control of your life if you practice building one preferred habit a month.

  1. Meditation

Meditation is another activity that you can cultivate to great benefit. It can help you stay calm in the worst of the situations. Usually, when our mind is playing havoc with our thoughts, meditation is the only thing that can make us realize the positive things in between our thoughts.

So, close your eyes, take a deep breath and focus. Even for a few seconds, you will get into the space between your thoughts, and once you reach this space you will be assured that everything is okay.

  1. Use positive language

Studies have shown that using the word ‘depressed’ frequently will actually make you depressed. Therefore, try using the vocabulary of positive words such as powerful, unstoppable, confidence, and so on daily in your life. This will make you feel more enthusiastic and invigorated, which will ultimately help you in facing any situation in life.

Signing Off

The above ways can be proven effective when you want to get yourself out of any situation that you thought would be impossible to come out from. There are challenges in every way of life, but it totally depends on you on how you respond to it. It is up to you if you cope with such unfavourable situations in a negative way or a positive way. So, get up, keep your chin up, and tell your inner self that you are ready to face any curveball life throws at you.

by Lynda Arbon

Lynda Arbon is a passionate and enthusiastic health blogger. She likes keeping herself updated on health trends and blogs. Her favourite pastime is learning history and solving crossword puzzles.

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