Poetry & Art


 I think the hardest thing to do is to breathe

To cry

To let your emotions break free

But it so easy to bury them

To pretend everything is ok

To look as though everything is under control

To hide it under your skin

When all you want to do is scream

Hit a wall

Or maybe its this year

Where I release everything

That shatters my mirror

Hurts me worse than bruises

Emotions or overreacting

Like people will say?

I am just overreacting?

Or am I losing myself completely?

Who knows anymore?

The fear now is if I will ever return to normal.

If normal is the new thing

Or will have this thing

Digging at me

My whole life

Destroy all the relationships

I hold dearly

Or will it ruin a new relationship

I come across.

Who knows anymore?

by Sunny Houk

Sunny Houk

A twenty-something girl who writes the truth and only the truth. An advocate for pro-life, end sex trafficking and end the hate. I write the dark secrets people avoid to speak about. When I am not speaking the truth, I am an avid book lover, blogger, and fiction writer and poet.


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