Jackie Hanson
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A people lover and adventurer at heart, Jackie loves to experiences new things, but has developed a greater understanding of her own needs to take reprieve and calm amidst the new experiences. Always having been a sensitive soul, but not having realized it, Jackie walked through the world for several years thinking something was wrong with her. Why were her emotions bigger than everyone else's? Why were her impulses harder to control? Why did she cry when nothing obvious was the matter? At 31 years old, Jackie learned of a small sub sect of the population (about 10-15%) that are biologically "highly sensitive." In that moment in time, everything in Jackie's present and past that she had perviously blamed herself for or been hard on herself for, became understood, appreciated, and her perspective shifted from self-blame to self-understanding. She now wants other people who might be highly sensitive to have the same realization she did, and share experiences on how to live well as a highly sensitive person.
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You. Are. Not. Alone.

by Jackie Hanson