After swiping left for a millionth time, you finally give up on the so-called love apps. A sigh escapes your mouth, and you declare quite frustratedly, ‘Modern dating sucks!’
Only to come back and swipe left again with a cry for help.
Perhaps, you now think, “Dating apps are the worst; I should find someone in real life.” However, the confidence to go and meet someone new in real life with the nagging fear of rejection and judgment doesn’t come easy either.
Why is dating so hard? I mean, we make friends quickly, right? So, why does it become absolutely terrifying to meet someone romantically? Initially, you just have to meet and talk to them, right? So, why does a simple task become super tricky when it’s related to romantic relationships?
For starters, you are not alone! Nobody is immune to the dating anxiety we have in this modern world. We all fear judgment, rejection, and the insecurities that knock on our doors daily.
First, we struggle to find ‘the one,’ then we struggle to keep the relationship going, and then we fear breakups. It’s an ominous cycle; it continues to wreck us up! Perhaps, that is the problem— the desire to find ‘the one,’ your perfect partner.
But that’s not the only problem!
Why is it easier to somehow reach mars but still challenging to text your crush?
Why does our heart tremble with an unknown intensity, and our minds cease to articulate good sentences when in the presence of someone we find attractive?
Suddenly, a simple ‘Hi’ becomes the terrifying thing you have experienced in life. They say, ‘Hi’ is not a good conversation starter; imagine the anxiety we’d automatically feel when we have to articulate more than two words.
The intensity to come across as someone perfect is so high that we lose our senses and ridicule ourselves. It’s natural; it’s cute! However, wanting a perfect partner and wanting to be perfect are two more scary reasons why dating has become exceptionally hard.
In this article, we’ll discuss 10 reasons why dating is so hard for guys/girls/people in general and how to overcome this complex dating in this generation.
Sounds ridiculous, right? Subconsciously, our mind roots back to its childhood and the emotional map we formed with our parents as a child.
What is your brain’s emotional map?
Since childhood, our brain starts to map out the relationship we share with our parents because they are the closest people to us. We rely on them for protection, love, care, understanding, food, shelter, and happiness.
As adults, we seek the love we desired as a child. We seek someone similar to our parents and yet ready to love us unconditionally.
Our minds unconsciously gravitate towards someone who mirrors our parents, even with the most toxic traits. We then expect them to love us, nurture us, tend to us, heal us, and undo the years of traumas we received as a child.
When our partner doesn’t meet our ungodly expectations, we automatically think, “They are not the one!” Childhood trauma? While many kids go through some trauma throughout their age, it’s worse for kids born and brought up by toxic parents.
For kids with toxic parents, dating is especially difficult. Because they are not only fearing rejection from their partners but also reliving the rejection they felt as a child.
Some more instances:
These toxic occurrences are imprinted in our brains and unconsciously lead all our decisions.
A secure childhood allows you to develop secure attachments. A secure attachment style is a pattern where an adult follows healthy relationships because they have grown up in a mentally healthy environment.
On the other hand, a child who was abandoned, ignored, or unloved would have an insecure attachment style. Dating is especially hard for individuals with an insecure attachment style; the fear of abandonment, rejection, or the feeling of being unlovable and unworthy runs deep within you.
It stops you from approaching new people. When you do get into a relationship, you constantly live in fear. This fear further burns and ignites your insecurities, jealousy, envy, and doubtfulness.
Some people would cling to their partner without allowing them in their personal space, or others would completely dissociate themselves with emotions ghosting. This continues to happen until and unless you decide to heal yourself.
We have broadly discussed “attachment style and how to heal into a more “secure being” here in this article.
“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
This is accurate for us humans. No matter how hard we try to change ourselves, our actions are still influenced by the society we grow up in. We unconsciously follow what we see and are told by our parents and society, like an involuntary reflex. Of course, people are changing how society perceives everything.
However, this changed perception also causes fluctuation in our dating world.
If you notice the dating world around you, it usually goes along these lines:
Why are relationships so hard?
Women think sex isn’t a pleasurable tool for them; it’s just for the man. So, they never wholly enjoy sex without feeling disgusted, guilty, ugly, or like a tool/vessel. This lack of physical intimacy further makes dating and relationships very hard.
Of course, this mentality is changing. However, this changing mentality also creates indifference in society. Many would continue to go by the traditional norms set by society, while others would appreciate the new change. So, people who adapt to new changes may find it challenging to find an equally evolving man who isn’t driven by society and vice versa.
For instance, a traditional man would desire a traditional woman. A modern man would desire a modern woman. However, ‘finding your type’ in this ever-changing crowd is extremely difficult. So tricky that multiple traditional men would rant about ‘not finding their ideal woman and dissing modern women in totality like it’s their fault.’
Why is dating so hard in 2022-2023?
Dating has been hard for a long, long time! However, with today’s overpowering social media influence, modern life dating has become more difficult, competitive, fake, and unapologetic.
Welcome to the scary side of the internet. It’s scary because people have made social media a breathing reality. It’s a sweet mirage, a fake escape, and an artificial world. The more you watch people meeting their “couple goals,” the more miserable you feel about yourself and your love life.
The pile of these ‘couple goals’ on social media continues to grow, and you are left to wonder why your life is so unfortunate. So, we naturally believe that our relationship isn’t good— it’s mediocre, boring, lame, and unfruitful.
The truth is, not everything is always rainbows and unicorns; it’s also rain, thorns, storms, and lightning in all those ‘couple goals.’ They just simply remain hidden under the mirage that is social media.
So, don’t let social media create ungodly expectations for you, your partner, and your relationship.
Social media can be a very misleading place. It shows the world in the light of rainbows and unicorns while completely disregarding our reality.
There’s a famous case of an influencer who got famous for creating ‘couple videos’ with his girlfriend. On Tiktok, they appeared to be the most romantic, happiest, and cutest. Many adorned and praised their relationship. This was until the influencer’s wife was shot dead. The influencer agreed to kill his wife on a phone call but later rejected the allegations.
Famous victims of domestic abuse would instead take a beating than impose threats on their perfect image on social media. That’s how fake, overpowering, delusional, and scary social media can get!
“Do guys get scared when they meet the one?”
Your ungodly expectations can literally leave you single for the rest of your life. The search for ‘THE ONE’ is probably one of the significant reasons you have made dating hard for yourself. We look for perfection, the physical embodiment of our ideal type, and reject everyone that ranks below.
Furthermore, this ideal type again rejects every human flaw and creates an unreal, ungodly image for men and women alike. This, again, is influenced by what we see on social media. People believe this altered, photoshopped, and filtered beauty is real and expect something similar in their ideal match.
Humans are filled with flaws; flaws make us real and raw. So, please let go of these ungodly expectations. Instead, try to find someone who improves your life and helps you grow as a person and partner.
Why can’t I meet someone? Why can’t I get a date?
Don’t wait for ‘THE ONE’ to come. Instead, meet as many people as possible without evaluating them through your lens of perfection.
A pretty face can please the eyes for a couple of months. However, a pretty heart would heal you for the rest of your life.
“Why is online dating so hard?
Imagine a restaurant menu so extensive it takes hours to read. Once you are thorough with the dishes, choosing what you want to eat becomes difficult— this precisely describes the paradox of choice.
In simpler words, more is not always merrier; it’s actually less. It confuses you so much that you choose neither of the given choices.
“The more is less, especially in the dating world.” With so many dating apps and social media platforms to connect, you have a swarm of options available.
Dating apps are as much of a blessing as it is a curse. It introduces you to many beautiful people. However, it also rejects you, confuses you, and misleads you.
“Am I too difficult to be in a relationship?”
“Why is it so hard to find love?”
So to speak, hookup culture isn’t bad when it’s mutual between partners. However, it becomes a problem when people look for hookups under the pretense of a relationship.
They lure people through dating apps and ghost them after hooking up with the other person. This inflicts fear in people who actually want to have genuine relationships.
Hookups that aren’t mutual often leave the other person feeling used and betrayed. Once they have been used and ghosted, the other person would likely become more doubtful and scared of such online dating scams.
For such people, trusting others becomes difficult, and they would often look at people with suspicion. ‘Being played’ makes people cautious, so they don’t make a move to avoid being hurt repeatedly.
Unfortunately, hooking up with someone without having their consent has become a cool thing in our current society.
Everyone wants to hook up in today’s generation. So, finding someone who wants old-school romance that blooms with time becomes nearly impossible. Please, don’t be scared! There are still people out there who want genuine relationships with real feelings and emotions involved. You might have to search hard, but don’t lose hope.
When meeting someone new, ensure you are not someone up for hookups if you are into them. Be clear and transparent about boundaries, and always remember nobody has the right to cross the boundaries you have created for your choices.
You are not uncool for not being a part of the hookup modern dating culture, don’t let others gaslight you into using you!
“Dating makes me depressed!”
With non-consensual hookups, there also comes ghosting! These days, it’s easier to ghost than to break up like real adults. People find it easier to move away than to face their feelings and be honest with you.
Unfortunately, getting ghosted by someone can easily harm our mental health and self-esteem. When somebody leaves without an explanation or closure, we are left to wonder ‘what went wrong!
With no answers, it’s pretty standard for people to doubt and judge themselves for their partner’s actions.
And so on.
Please, their actions have nothing to do with you! It’s only to do with their own insecurities and cowardice. They are not adult enough to face the problems. So they find it easier to ghost.
Please note hookups aren’t the only reason people ghost.
When people ghost, they scar your heart with self-doubt and confusion. You again find it difficult to trust others. This is worse because it makes you doubt even the most loyal relationships and partners.
Unfortunately, this lack of trust can easily ruin even the most beautiful relationships out there. It’s bound to yield misunderstanding, jealousy, doubt, arguments, and fights.
I understand it can be hard to trust again after being ghosted. However, don’t let it ruin all your relationships. Relationships are hard but they are worth trying with the right person!
“Why is love so hard to find?” because we fail to love ourselves first!
Judging yourself for something natural is far worse than others judging you.
However, it’s very deep-rooted, especially if you have been born into a family that’s overly critical of you, your looks, and your accomplishments.
If your family, especially your parents, have judged you for how you look and carry yourself, you may have created a negative self-image.
This fear of judgment stops us from approaching new people because we automatically think they will judge us and not find us good enough.
They have made you believe you are not good enough, pretty enough, successful enough, or simply not enough in any field of life. Society, including your family, will always have something negative to say about you.
No matter how hard you try to improve, they will be ready to judge and push you down. They will always have negative criticism for you ready at the tip of their tongue.
“You are too fat, too thin, not curvy enough, not fit enough, too dark, too light, too daring, too conservative, too ugly, and so on. Nothing is ever good enough for a judgmental society/parents.
If you have been judged all your life, I understand having a positive outlook about yourself is hard. However, it’s essential to understand that their judgment comes from their own insecurities and has nothing to do with it. You are beautiful, and some people would love you just how you are!
Before you expect others not to judge you, stop judging yourself. Stop judging yourself for things that aren’t in your control, things that are expected, natural… human!
It’s a misconception that negative self-judgment will make you a better person. You are already a better person! Self-judgment only accelerates negativity, lower self-esteem, and low confidence in every aspect of your life. It reduces your efficiency, nothing else. When you stop judging yourself and accept yourself the way you are, you become more confident!
Now, confidence is what people find attractive! So, starting today, don’t judge yourself. The right person would love you for the way you are— beautiful and unique.
After judgment, the fear of rejection is another reason people think dating today is so hard! The fear of rejection demotivates you never to try. So, you reject yourself before others can do it!
Partially, this fear of rejection comes from self-judgment and lower self-esteem. Low self-esteem makes us believe that people would always choose others over us.
While it’s not entirely true, social media does play a negative role in accelerating self-doubt in the crowd. Constantly watching so many beauties and builders online, we are left to believe who would want to pick us over them. However, not everyone is a materialistic bit*ch; not everyone relies on pretty faces and bulky bodies in a relationship. For many people, personality, kindness, and humanity come first.
Also, don’t forget attractiveness and beauty measures are subjective. Everyone will have a different point of view. So, you might not consider yourself to be attractive. However, others may find you dreamy! So to start, stop demotivating and condescending to yourself.
In a recent Tiktok trend, a beautiful man posted a shirtless video depicting how women love ‘mushy, squishy tummies’ over ‘six-pack abs.’ In the comment section of that particular video, all men were angry, saying six-pack abs are necessary, dude! Go to the gym! You fatso! Blah blah!
However, on the other hand, all the women in the comment section were drooling over that man’s body and awwing at his cute tummy. So, you see, men have made this perception for themselves that they need six-pack abs to impress women. However, women have to say otherwise! So, attractiveness is subjective.
So, don’t fear rejection. Fear not trying your luck with your crush. For all we, they might be waiting for you to say it! Try your luck, and don’t stop if people reject you. Their rejection will automatically take you to someone who appreciates you and values you! Never stop trying!
With all that catfishing, hooting, catcalling, and unwanted dick pictures (avoid these guys online!), today’s dating world has definitely gone crazy. It’s highly unsafe, especially for women. Some men simply don’t understand the definition of consent, mutual sexting, and even the most straightforward words, such as NO.
So, it’s natural for women to play safely while dating because they never know who turns out to be the classic creep.
If you are a man reading this, try to make your woman/date feel safer.
“Is dating harder for guys?”
While dating is hard for every person out there, it is definitely a struggle for men today. Whether it’s your inability to express yourself more openly or the pressure to carry the relationship on your shoulders alone, men in the dating world are somehow riding a broken boat; it’s deemed to sink soon.
The double standards for men and women in the dating world are definitely a concern. However, it’s not the end of the world. There’s still a possibility that you find a woman who doesn’t thrive on double standards, judgment, unrealistic beauty measures, etc. However, to have someone so open-minded in your life, you must be enlightened, too!
Here are the main reasons why men struggle in the dating world:
This mindset has made men numb to their own emotions. They feel everything just like any human out there. However, it’s too difficult for them to express and show their vulnerable side.
On the other hand, women don’t have to struggle with a career, building a home, education, etc., to date a guy. Of course, this isn’t the case everywhere, but it’s heavily present in our society.
There’s a lot of pressure on men! So many expectations would scare anyone away. Of course, many women put effort into the relationship. Sadly, many also believe their existence in a man’s life is enough for the relationship to go on, which is wrong.
“Why are women so difficult to date?”
You must have thought, women are complicated! However, dating has never been easy for women, either. Both genders go through different sets of difficulties, which is probably why both genders think it’s easier for the other half of the population. Men think “why are girls so complicated?”. Women think “why are men so complicated?”
While women have the upper hand in attractiveness, men easily approach women for their looks and beauty. However, getting attention from someone is different than getting love from them.
That’s not the only problem women face while dating.
The attention women receive isn’t a blessing either. It’s filled with creeps who catcall, grope, abuse, comment, and insult women.
“Does everyone find love eventually?” Yes!
Expecting the world to change without bringing change in yourself wouldn’t allow you a better dating experience. You must bring changes from within to have better, more purposeful, and exciting relationships.
Are relationships hard? Yes, relationships can be hard, but they are also very rewarding if you find the right person!
Why are Pisces so hated? It’s a question that’s been asked time and time again by astrology enthusiasts, and it’s not hard to see why!
Pisces, the fish of the zodiac, are one of the most controversial signs out there. From their seemingly mean and cold-hearted nature to their nonchalant attitude toward life, it’s no wonder that people don’t like Pisces.
Who hates Pisces? It seems that almost everyone has a bone to pick with this sign. From friends and family to complete strangers, Pisces are often viewed with suspicion and disdain.
And why wouldn’t they be? With their erratic behavior and tendency towards moodiness, Pisces are anything but predictable. They take pleasure in the pain of others, and their lack of empathy is downright chilling.
Some may argue that Pisces are simply misunderstood and that their aloofness and nonchalance are a coping mechanism for their deeply emotional nature. But this excuse falls flat in the face of the facts.
Pisces are mean—plain and simple. Their unusual quirks and strange behaviors are enough to make even the most open-minded person balk.
In this article, we’ll talk about some of the major reasons “Why are pisces so hated?” We’ll also discuss “Why are pisces so different?” “Why are pisces so cold hearted?” and “Why don’t people like pisces?”
So without further ado, let’s begin!
Pisces, as a zodiac sign, is often associated with heightened emotions. While this can be a positive trait in many situations, many people find Pisces overwhelming.
So why do people hate Pisces for their emotional intensity?
Firstly, Pisces tend to feel emotions deeply and empathetically. This can lead to an intense emotional response, even in situations that others might find less significant.
For example, a Pisces may become deeply upset at the thought of an animal being mistreated. In contrast, others may not feel the same level of emotional concern.
Additionally, Pisces may struggle with emotional boundaries, making it difficult for others to deal with them. For example, Pisces may expect their friends to be as emotionally invested in their problems as they are. Or they may share their deepest feelings with people they hardly know.
Another reason why some people may find Pisces overwhelming is that they can be unpredictable. Because they are so in tune with their emotions, their moods can shift rapidly and unexpectedly. This can make it difficult for others to learn how to interact with them or how to respond to their emotional outbursts.
In conclusion, Pisces’ emotional intensity can be a double-edged sword. While it can make them empathetic and compassionate, it can also make them overwhelming to others. Understanding this aspect of the Pisces personality can help us relate to them better and appreciate their unique strengths and weaknesses.
If you’re a Pisces or have a Pisces in your life, you may have noticed that they can sometimes struggle with making decisions!
Pisces are known for being introspective and intuitive, which can make decision-making a complex process. They often have a strong sense of empathy. They want to make choices that will benefit everyone involved, which can lead to indecisiveness.
For example,
While this can be frustrating for those around them, it’s important to understand why Pisces can be indecisive and how this trait can impact their relationships.
Related Post: How to navigate dating in your 20s?
Pisces can be influenced by their emotions and intuition when making decisions, which can lead to indecisiveness. They may change their minds frequently or have a hard time committing to a particular course of action.
Understanding Pisces’ indecisiveness can help us be more patient and supportive of them.
Rather than getting frustrated or impatient with their decision-making process, we can offer our support and guidance in a non-judgmental way. By working together, we can help Pisces make confident decisions that benefit everyone involved.
Pisces are often admired for their idealistic nature and desire to create positive change in the world. However, this same trait can lead to disappointment for themselves and others!
They set high expectations for themselves and those around them, which can be difficult to live up to. For instance, a Pisces may have a grand vision for their career that aligns with their values and passions.
However, they may struggle to find a job that meets all of their criteria and settles for one that falls short of their ideal. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of unfulfillment.
Similarly, a Pisces may have high expectations for their relationships. They may struggle to find a partner who can meet all of their needs and desires. This can lead to disappointment and feelings of loneliness.
Overall, Pisces’ idealism and expectations can be both strengths and weaknesses. While they have the power to inspire and create positive change, they may also experience disappointment when their expectations aren’t met.
Pisces are often known for their sensitive and empathetic nature, sometimes making them appear passive or weak to others!
They tend to avoid conflict and may struggle to assert themselves in certain situations, preferring to keep the peace instead.
For instance, Pisces may find it difficult to confront a friend who has let them down or a colleague who has overstepped their boundaries. Instead, they may choose to keep their feelings to themselves and avoid any potential confrontation.
This tendency towards passivity can also show up in personal relationships, with Pisces sometimes struggling to set clear boundaries or assert their needs. This can lead to them feeling taken advantage of or unfulfilled.
However, it’s important to remember that Pisces’ passive nature does not mean that they lack strength or confidence. They may simply approach situations more subtly or gently.
While Pisces’ passive nature can be frustrating to some, it’s important to recognize and appreciate the unique qualities and strengths they bring to the table!
One of the reasons why don’t people like Pisces is their tendency towards escapism!
Pisces individuals often find it challenging to face reality and take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they tend to avoid their problems and responsibilities, which can be frustrating for others around them.
For example,
This escapism can be especially frustrating for those who are close to Pisces individuals. They may feel like they are left to handle the responsibilities and problems alone while the Pisces retreat into their own world.
This can create feelings of resentment and anger towards Pisces, leading to a negative perception of them.
The key is to find a balance between healthy escapism and avoiding responsibilities altogether. This can be a challenge for Pisces as their natural inclination towards fantasy and daydreaming can lead to excessive escapism.
Pisces must learn healthy ways to cope with their emotions and manage their escapism tendencies. This can include engaging in creative pursuits such as writing or art, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or seeking professional help if needed.
Pisces sometimes tend to wallow in self-pity and adopt a victim mentality. They may find it hard to take responsibility for their own actions and tend to blame external circumstances for their misfortunes!
While it’s natural to feel sad or disappointed at times, constant self-pity can be draining for others around them.
For example, let’s say a Pisces friend is going through a breakup. While it’s normal to feel sad and upset, they may continuously talk about how they are the victim and how their ex-partner was at fault.
They may refuse to see their own role in the relationship’s failure and continue to blame the other person. This kind of behavior can make others feel uncomfortable and helpless, leading to a feeling of exhaustion in their relationships.
Pisces individuals need to recognize when they’re spiraling into self-pity and try to take a step back. While it’s okay to ask for help and support from others, it’s important to avoid constantly relying on others to solve their problems.
Ultimately, taking ownership of their lives can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling existence!
Pisces’ emotional and compassionate nature can make them vulnerable to manipulation by others. Their desire to please and avoid conflict can lead them to agree to things they may not necessarily want or believe in.
For example, a Pisces may be easily swayed by a persuasive friend or partner, who may convince them to make a decision that is not in their best interest. This can cause them to become resentful and unhappy in the long run.
Additionally, some manipulators may exploit Pisces’ empathy and sympathy and guilt them into doing things they don’t want to do. This can be draining and emotionally exhausting for Pisces. They may find it difficult to say no or stand up for themselves.
This can be another reason why don’t people like Pisces; it’s because you cannot trust a person who can be easily manipulated by anyone.
Pisces should be aware of their tendency to be swayed by others and learn to trust their own instincts and judgments. They must set healthy boundaries and stand up for themselves when necessary!
Pisces can sometimes come across as unreliable due to their tendency to change their mind frequently and difficulty in making decisions!
This inconsistency can make it hard for others to trust them or rely on them in certain situations. Their emotions can also play a role in their inconsistency, as their uncertain feelings may sway their decisions and actions.
For example, a Pisces friend may make plans with you but then cancel at the last minute due to feeling overwhelmed or wanting to be alone. This can be frustrating for the other person, especially if it happens frequently.
Another example is a Pisces coworker who may struggle to meet deadlines or follow through on projects due to changing their mind about how they want to approach the task.
Inconsistency can also make it challenging for Pisces to maintain long-term relationships, as their partners may feel uncertain about where they stand.
Overall, while Pisces may be well-intentioned, their inconsistency can make them appear unreliable to others and contribute to feelings of frustration or resentment.
Pisces are known for their moodiness, making them difficult for some people to deal with. Their intense emotions can change rapidly, leaving others unsure of how to approach them.
At times, Pisces can be withdrawn and distant, while at other times, they can be overly emotional and dramatic. This inconsistency in their behavior can be frustrating and confusing for those around them.
For example, a Pisces may cancel outing trips due to feeling overwhelmed, leaving their friend feeling frustrated and disappointed. On another occasion, the same Pisces may make impulsive plans without considering the consequences, causing stress for their loved ones, who are left to pick up the pieces.
The moody nature of Pisces can also make it difficult for them to maintain relationships, as their partner may feel like they are walking on eggshells and never know what kind of mood the Pisces will be in. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and instability in the relationship.
While Pisces may not be able to control their emotions, they need to communicate with those around them and work on finding ways to manage their moods healthily.
Pisces are known for their compassionate nature and desire to help others. But this can also lead to difficulty in setting boundaries and saying no!
They often prioritize the needs and feelings of others over their own, which may force them to take on more than they can handle. As a result, they may become overwhelmed and unable to fulfill their commitments, which can be frustrating for those around them.
In social situations, Pisces may have a hard time declining invitations or favors, leading to over-commitment and potential letdowns. In the workplace, they may take on more projects than they can handle, leading to missed deadlines and unfinished tasks.
This tendency to avoid conflict and prioritize others can also make Pisces vulnerable to being taken advantage of or manipulated. Pisces must learn to set healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care to avoid burning out and damaging relationships with those around them!
Okay, let’s talk about communication. You know what they say, “communication is key,” but sometimes, Pisces can struggle with that. They tend to be a bit vague in their communication style, which can be confusing for those around them.
For example, let’s say you ask a Pisces friend if they want to hang out next weekend. Instead of giving you a straight answer, they might respond with something like, “Well, I’m not sure yet, it depends on how I’m feeling.” This can leave you feeling uncertain about their plans and unsure if you should make other arrangements.
It’s not that Pisces are intentionally being vague; it’s just that they tend to be indecisive and don’t like to disappoint others. They might also struggle to articulate their thoughts and feelings, leading to miscommunication.
So, if you’re dealing with a Pisces who seems to be speaking in code, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. They might appreciate the opportunity to open up and be more direct with you. And for all the Pisces out there, remember that clear communication is the key to building strong relationships with those around you.
Let’s talk about how Pisces can sometimes get lost in their own world of fantasies and daydreams, making it hard for them to stay grounded in reality!
Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, imagination is a wonderful thing! But sometimes, Pisces can take it a little too far and neglect its real-world responsibilities.
For example, Pisces might spend hours lost in thought, dreaming up elaborate scenarios while ignoring the pile of work sitting on their desk. Or they might get so caught up in their own fantasy world that they lose sight of what’s actually happening around them, like forgetting to pay bills or missing important events.
Of course, it’s important to remember that not all Pisces are like this; everyone is different. But for those who struggle with fantasy and daydreaming, staying present and focused on the here and now can be a real challenge.
Pisces may come across as two-faced, leading to a lack of trust from others!
Their natural inclination towards people-pleasing and avoiding confrontation may result in them saying one thing to someone’s face and another behind their back. This behavior can cause others to feel uneasy around them and question their intentions.
While it’s important to note that not all Pisces exhibit this behavior, those who do may struggle with their sense of self and a desire to please everyone. It’s crucial for them to work on their communication skills and build trust with those around them.
Why is Pisces so hated? Well, it’s not that everyone hates Pisces, but some people might find their personality traits challenging to deal with. So, who hates Pisces?
Firstly, some value logical thinking and practicality. Pisces tend to operate on emotions and intuition, which can be irrational to some. This may frustrate those who prefer to deal with things more systematically and analytically.
Another group of people who may not like Pisces are those who prioritize honesty and directness. With their idealistic nature and sensitivity to others, Pisces may avoid conflict and be less straightforward in their communication.
This can be perceived as insincere or even manipulative.
Those who crave stability and consistency may also find Pisces difficult to deal with. Pisces can be inconsistent in their behavior and decision-making. They may struggle to commit to plans or follow through on promises. This can create uncertainty and anxiety for those who rely on predictability and reliability.
Finally, there may be those who simply do not understand Pisces. With their dreamy and imaginative nature, Pisces can be seen as impractical or unrealistic by those who are more grounded in reality. This lack of understanding may lead to frustration and annoyance.
Of course, it’s important to remember that not everyone falls neatly into these categories and that individual personalities and experiences play a big role in how we perceive and interact with others. However, these are some possible reasons why don’t people like Pisces.
In conclusion, it’s important to note that not everyone hates Pisces. Every zodiac sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. It’s unfair to generalize and stereotype an entire group of people based solely on their astrological signs.
That being said, some people may find Pisces difficult to deal with due to their:
It’s important for Pisces to be aware of these tendencies and work on them to become their best version. Likewise, it’s also necessary for others to approach Pisces with empathy and understanding and not simply dismiss them as “too emotional” or “unreliable.”
We can create a more harmonious and compassionate world by working together and respecting each other’s differences!
Yesterday was awful. My boss told me I had to soften my communication approach.
Many times, in my career I have been perceived in a way that negatively reflects on me for having characteristics that are directly correlated to being Latina. I have been told I am loud, to straighten my hair, to simply not be so opiniated.
As a follow up to the conversation I had with my boss, I asked if I could be given examples to where I was going wrong. Examples she could not come up with. Because after all, the clients I was servicing had nothing, but amazing feedback and my performance was never at question.
This is when I realized, I was merely being asked to be more white- to be more like them.
I thought to myself, how often must this happen to us? Is this why there are so few girls that look like me in corporate? So many questions swirled in my mind as I let the tears drop. I sat in my pity for an embarrassing amount of time before I came to the following conclusion: as much as these companies preach diversity, are they even aware of what diversity looks like outside of data and textbooks? And the only answer I could come up with is likely no. Because there is no way that a leader could tell a Latina woman to be softer and in the same breath praise her for breaking into a market (LATAM) they knew nothing about. It isn’t my job to make them comfortable.
the landscape fed her tumultuous eclectic need
the stars blanketing,…shielding
vibrational energy spinning an invisible axis
in time the exploration will unfold
patience heed with hesitant whispers
excited giggles cascade to the surf
lay still …eyes shut but new sight so clear
I push my shopping cart down the bread aisle. A young mom with a crying baby smiles and shrugs as she bounces the baby on her hip, shushing softly.
On the dairy aisle a woman in a pant suit talks about percentages on her phone as she chooses a yogurt. She looks over at me and nods with a smile.
I turn onto the cereal aisle where two college students discuss which cereals to purchase.
“Yes, but marshmallows!” The one with pink hair and a nose ring says.
“I hear you, but chocolate!” The one with neck tattoos and a faux hawk says.
I smile and say, “Excuse me,” as I reach for the Rice Krispies.
“Oh. Sorry,” The one with pink hair says as she steps back.
“You’re fine,” I respond. They both smile.
On the juice aisle, an elderly woman is trying to decide which juice to purchase. She smiles at me.
“My great-grandkids are coming. There are too many to pick from!” She settles on Juicy Juice apple and grape. She smiles at me once more before pushing her cart away.
We coexist daily. Women of all walks, cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. We have different styles, different interests, and different lives. We smile at each other on grocery store aisles then return to our homes.
We create, we feel, we nurture, we work, we worry, we fight for what we believe in, and we often suffer in silence.
We are all different and those differences are what make the world such a magnificent place. We all bring something to the collective table.
And it’s beautiful.
I think one of the most scariest relationship statues is “single”. Most women I know right now are in one sided relationships. In fact, I have never met a women or couple in my age range in a healthy relationship. Women I know (including myself) have always been in relationships where the women have to minimize themselves and be loved selfishly by a man but we will stick it through because it’s scary to be alone.
Alone in the sense of not being controlled because women who aren’t loved by fathers properly or ever, look for a father figure in their partners. So the red flags of being controlling and possessive are taken as pink flags of emotional security and “love”. If you’re in a relationship ask yourself, “would I be with him if I wasn’t afraid to be alone?” The answer may shake your reality but then answer this “what are you pretending not to know?” If you are single ask yourself, “Is this life better than the one you were pretending to be happy in?”
“Why are you single?” should never be a question posed to any Women. To live in your singleness should be a confirmation of emotional intelligence and internal strength. Nothing is more easy to do than settle, it’s so comfortable and predictable. If you are single and you feel “alone” affirm everyday who you are and what you deserve and never be jealous of relationships you don’t want. Before you can love anyone, you have to first love on to yourself and be the example of how you’re supposed to be treated by anyone in any area of your life. Why would he love you more than you love you?
I stream everything I watch these days, so I didn’t watch the Academy Awards. I read the live updates posted on The Hollywood Reporter’s website. When I read that Angela Bassett lost the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress last night, I headed over to my favorite town crier app, Twitter, to see what was being said about it. Black Twitter was up in arms, as well they should be, but I also saw some questionable tweets from White people regarding Ms. Bassett’s reaction when her name was not called as the winner of the award. Some of the tweets I saw were saying her reaction to not winning was classless, that she is an entitled Black actress who was upset at not winning an award because she is Black, that she should have smiled and applauded the woman who won.
Here’s what I know: 1.) People are allowed to feel their feelings. We have seen much worse reactions from people who are not Black when they lose something that they feel they should have won (i.e. January 6, 2021.) 2.) Policing the behavior of Black people and stating how they should react in White spaces because it makes White people uncomfortable is racist as hell. People are allowed to feel their feelings. There are worse ways this woman could have reacted, but she did not. She sat in her seat, stone-faced, with disappointment and sadness in her eyes, in a room that was at least 85% White. She didn’t storm the stage, she didn’t yell, she didn’t slap anyone. She sat in her seat and didn’t clap. Angela Bassett is allowed to feel her feelings. I’m sure that being a Black actress in Hollywood is exhausting. Angela has handled herself with the grace and demeanor of a queen. Last night, she lost an award that she has been striving to win for over thirty years. She was favored to win it, and she lost. This woman is allowed to feel her feelings. She’s allowed to be disappointed. She’s allowed to show that disappointment on her face. She’s allowed to be a freaking human.
One thing that White Supremacy has done is take away the ability of Black Americans to show their humanity and have it be considered as such. We are told to smile in the face of disrespect and indignity. We are told to not be angry over blatant disrespect towards us and our work. Black women in particular are told to not express their anger and frustrations in public because we are automatically considered to be angry and bitter. The policing of our humanity must cease. We are just as human as anyone else and we do not flip over cars, burn things in the street, destroy property, or try to take over governments when things don’t go our way. The media may try to shame Angela Bassett for not being a gracious loser, but after being denied a coveted award after thirty plus years, she’s allowed to be disappointed. She’s allowed to feel whatever she is feeling, and most of all, she doesn’t have to smile about it just because you want her to. Let this woman show her humanity in the moment. Let Black people be human. Focus your attention on why the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in its ninety-four year history has awarded 3,140 Oscars and only 18% of those awards have gone to people of color. That’s the real issue here, not the reaction of an actress who showed her disappointment last night in the most graceful way she knew how at that moment, in a room full of stuffed shirts rewarding mediocrity.
Rip it up and start again.
Set fire to that chapter, and watch as it burns.
Nothing is worth the pain.
It was a lesson you needed to learn.
Watch as the ashes fly off into the sky.
Wipe those tears from your eyes.
They did not win.
You survived.
Now you are stronger than you were before they arrived.
So thank them for the lesson, then let that chapter die.
When my womb is empty.
When my bleed comes.
When all the waiting stops because there is nothing there and nothing to wait for.
When it just feels so sad and empty.
When the disappointment crushes me.
Makes me want to stay in bed.
Makes me feel like I don’t want to talk to anyone.
I cry.
I sit alone in silence.
There’s nothing to say.
I just randomly cry.
Melt into my husband’s arms.
This monthly cycle of complete despair shatters me.
It’s exhausting.
Then I bleed and bleed and bleed.
After a few days, the hope returns.
We decide to keep trying.
We track my ovulation.
We have lots of sex.
And we hope and we wait.
We are still waiting.
We are still hoping.
Praying and trusting.
Because in so many ways it feels like you are already here.
I think of you all the time.
I imagine you with us.
I imagine you here.
I see you here.
I see you but you aren’t here.
Please come soon, we are ready for you.
You make me want to apologize for how deeply I feel
How purely and openly I loved as if this was real
I wish you gave us more time before you called it quits
I really thought we had what we we were dreaming of and that was it
How easily I gave you my heart with full trust
In order to experience bliss, that part is a must
Going through this change has my heart ready to combust
The entire future that I imagined to be true
Was shattered when you told me he wasn’t you
But I know how to put the pieces back together once more
Because you won’t be the only one walking through my door
For the side of you that loved me too, I will remember it to always be true.
But the person you have come to be is far from what I expected from thee.
That person isn’t even who you described I’d see.
One day I’ll stop judging others from their highest self
I will try to remember to take them off the pedestal and add them to the shelf
An E-commerce website is what you need since you can sell physical and digital products or services there without having to own a physical location. In addition, a website for eCommerce will be able to accept payments, deal with orders, shipping, logistics, and everything else that will allow people to buy and sell.
Building an eCommerce website and creating your online presence allows you to reach your preferred target audience, try to engage with that audience, and work on building your brand presence.
If you are considering starting your online clothing business, the first thing to do is decide on your niche and then research what people want. First, consider what your target market is looking for and what styles and colors are in demand for this season. Next, starting an online clothing business means you must research and check what your competitors are doing and who will be targeted with your products and advertising.
When you can understand this information, it will help you work on defining your fashion brand, choosing the right clothing items for you, and determining the price for your products and your potential customers. Of course, you should also dedicate time to choosing your brand name!
The creative part of your online clothing business is creating some incredible designs. You can use different approaches, but the important thing is to try and stand out in that crowded clothing market. You can do it by creating unique designs that reflect your brand identity and how they appeal to your target audience.
To create something that you can call unique, you can experiment with using different platforms and software to help you design what you and your future potential clients want. For example, one of the most popular platforms for this purpose is the Unmade platform; with it, you can easily create and design apparel that suits your customers ideally and include the customers in the design process. You can offer them something unique to their size and taste and have various add-ons.
When you decide who your target audience will be and you’ve also worked on creating beautiful designs, your next step should be working on your branding.
It represents the image of your store and how your customers see it. That is the impression they have when the name of your clothing business is mentioned.
What a niche represents is a market defined by unique needs, identity, and preferences; that is something you should work on and find which works best for you.
People are usually particular about their outlooks, taste, and interests. Therefore, we cannot create a universally-loved product because we cannot please everyone’s needs.
So, research and carefully pick the niche that suits your sensibility. If you know the place you want to be a part of, you’ll know who your customers will be. The more you work on getting to know your customers and what they like, the higher your chances of creating their desired products.
After your products are picked, and a decision is made about where you want to sell them, resolving the technical side issues is another thing to take care of. Again, there are a couple of things to focus on.
Buying a domain name will mean you now have a digital address where people can easily find you online. In addition, if you have a domain name, your store will look more professional, and your potential customers will have more trust in you.
As a rule of thumb, choose a domain name that fits your store name. You want your potential customers to be able to easily connect your online business to your website and track you online.
A business plan is essential for any big or small business, including here, of course, online fashion business. It is a written document outlining your business goals, strategies, and plans.
A well-written business plan helps you communicate your vision and goals when looking for future investors, partners, and customers. In addition, it can be used as a roadmap that tracks the growth and development of your online business.
Opening an online clothing store is an exciting, creative period; thus, males will look around, research, and absorb as much as possible. Listen to other people’s advice, but always approach it with a grain of salt. You will always make the final decision, and only you, so always embrace the outcome.
I think one of the most insidious things we get told as young girls and children is that we’re selfish. For women and AFAB people, we’re constantly expected to be these nurturing, giving, and unconditionally loving beings. We’re complimented on how giving we are and praised when we have little to know needs.
Sure, non-women/AFAB folks get taught this by parents unable to communicate and be emotionally present. But we get told this in spades through society, religion, cultures, and yes, our parents. It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
I think about the amount of things I’ve not given myself, the time I’ve given, things I’ve denied myself, boundaries I didn’t set, opportunities I didn’t take that all revolved around one fear…
Fear of being seen as selfish.
Even those of us who have felt not good enough or lacking in some way I can still see an opposing fear of being selfish. Hell, sometimes the not good enough is subconsciously put in place to mask the fear of being selfish. It’s there often because at some point we were told that we were selfish or acting selfishly. We didn’t know what that meant exactly but we knew it was bad!
We knew selfishness was something you never wanna be. It means your outcast and tossed aside. It means you don’t belong and one of our core emotional needs is to belong.
But what does it really mean to be selfish? Like what’s the definition of it?
Well selfish means — concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself: seeking or concentrating on one’s own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.
So, was that really you as a kid when you asked for things or wanted attention, time, to fit in and be heard?
I don’t think it was.
I remember being little and getting told by my mom that I was selfish for wanting toys, different foods from the grocery store, clothes, to do a dance class, or get music lessons.
I wanted those things to fit in with other kids so I wouldn’t be bullied or cast aside. I wanted the food because I’d never gotten a say in what type of cereal or snacks, I ate. I often wasn’t given a snack, to begin with. I wanted the classes and lessons because I loved music, dance, and art so much and they filled my little soul with joy. I wanted to self-express and experience.
I wanted attention and connection because I wanted to feel love and matter to my mom instead of being ignored most of the time and then screamed at the rest of the time.
Based on that definition of selfish that’s not at all what I was. But that’s what I got called all the time. Sure, we had times of housing and resource insecurity, and it limited what was available. But was the best way of dealing with that to tell me I was selfish?
I don’t think so, in fact, I know it wasn’t because I look at times when my daughter Angel wanted things and if I couldn’t do, I calmly explained I didn’t have the money right then, but I get it when I could or I found a way to make it happen.
I’m not saying I gave Angel whatever they wanted. There were limits and boundaries but that was explained without shaming them.
A lot of us didn’t get that.
I know many friends and clients that were shamed for wanting as well. Told they wanted to be the center of attention when they wanted to be noticed all. Told they were too sensitive or annoying and to shut up when they needed comfort and again, selfish for wanting anything. Even the messages around attention and comfort built up a fear of selfishness.
The irony I’ve found about many parents that said these things is they tend to embody the definition of selfishness. They’re emotionally immature and stunted or just straight-up narcissistic.
The way they behaved or their lack of ability to be honest and present became our burden to hold, and we’ve carried it far too long.
I remember the last “conversation” I had with my mom when I told her I was pregnant. She screamed at me telling me she didn’t care if I killed myself and that I was worthless, I’d never achieve anything, children were a burden, and I was too selfish to raise one.
If she’d been honest and emotionally aware what she really would’ve said is:
“I regret becoming a mom because it’s not what I wanted, and I resent you for the fact that being a mom made me give up any dreams I had for myself, and I resent how ambitious you are because I know you can raise a child and still do what you want. That makes me angry because you can break free of what I never could.”
I didn’t get that honesty though and so I spent Angel’s childhood fearing being a selfish mom and denying myself most of what I wanted. I didn’t want her to be right and anytime I gave myself a little something I felt so much shame and guilt. I’d find some way to “punish” myself aka self-sabotage success in various areas of life to make up for my audacity to have that one little thing.
It was exhausting and when I finally faced the belief that I was selfish I started to feel this invisible chain I’d wrapped around my heart break.
I faced every part of me that was holding onto this irrational fear of being punished for wanting and showed these parts that they were safe. I taught these parts how to allow themselves to ask for things and receive in the smallest bits. That has grown more and more and while it’s still scary at times, selfishness doesn’t rule my life.
I can’t even describe the weight that has been lifted from my body in releasing selfishness!
I did this by meeting my parts and giving them what they needed while learning to take up space again. I did that through speaking and expressing my needs, thoughts, wants, and desires to others and I did this through my body. I physically practiced taking up space through dance again and the more I did it just for me the more these parts of me let go and I could meet with the empowered parts of me.
The ones that have known all along I’m a loving, worthy, magical, witchy, badass bitch who has so much goodness in her heart and soul that it’s a crime to hide it!
I know selfishness can be a hard thing to overcome but I believe within the depths of my soul that you are also full of goodness and deserve to be free of that burden.
Take some time to ask yourself how much a fear of being selfish rules your actions, thoughts, and the way you live.
If you got told any of the things I mentioned or similar ask yourself “what would they have said if they’d been honest and emotionally aware?” That one blows the minds of my friends and clients when I ask it!
Ask yourself if you knew you deserved what would you do, ask for, allow, have, receive, etc.?
And for the love of goddess, practice, in little bits at first, taking up space! Do it with words and your body because both contribute to breaking free.
Are you tired of the dating scene and considering settling down with someone special? It’s a big decision, and one that requires careful consideration. Before you take the plunge, it’s essential to ask yourself a fundamental question: “Am I ready for a relationship?”
While the idea of being in a relationship may seem exciting, it’s important to remember that it comes with its own set of challenges. In this article, we’ll explore some key factors to consider when evaluating your readiness for a relationship.
Whether you’re new to dating or have been in and out of relationships, this guide will help you determine whether you’re truly ready to take the next step towards building a meaningful connection with someone else.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind if you’re not in a relationship. The pressure to find a partner can come from all directions, from family and friends to society as a whole.
But the truth is, not everyone is ready for a relationship at the same time in their lives. Some people may be ready to settle down and commit to a long-term relationship, while others may be perfectly content being single and focusing on their own personal growth.
So before you dive headfirst into a relationship, it’s important to take the time to reflect on your own life. You need to determine whether you’re truly ready for the commitment that comes with being in a relationship.
Ask yourself,
If you’re not sure whether you’re ready or not ready for a relationship, don’t worry. It’s normal to have doubts and uncertainties, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past. But ignoring these doubts and jumping into a relationship too soon can lead to heartbreak and disappointment.
That’s why it’s crucial to take the time to work on yourself before you enter a relationship. Focus on your own personal growth, your career, your hobbies, and your friendships. Build a strong foundation of self-love and self-care, and develop a deep understanding of your own wants, needs, and boundaries.
By doing this, you’ll not only become a better, more fulfilled person. But you’ll also be better equipped while building a healthy and fulfilling relationship, when the time is right.
So take a deep breath, relax, and know that there’s no rush. In this article, we’ll discuss signs you are ready for a relationship, signs you are not ready for a relationship and some FAQs.
Without further ado, let’s begin!
Are you wondering “am I ready to be in a serious relationship?” or “am I ready for a relationship or just lonely?” Well, all your stress ends here. Here are 12+ signs you are ready for a relationship:
One of the most important signs you’re ready for a relationship is that you’re happy with yourself!
When you feel content with who you are, you’re more likely to attract positive and fulfilling relationships into your life. But what does it mean to be happy with yourself? It means that you’ve taken the time to work on your personal growth, and you’re comfortable with your flaws and strengths.
For example, you might have overcome past traumas, worked on building healthy habits, or discovered new hobbies and passions that bring you joy. You don’t feel the need to rely on someone else for validation or happiness because you’ve learned to find it within yourself.
When you’re confident in your own skin, you’ll attract partners who appreciate you for who you are, and who add to your happiness, rather than defining it. So if you’re happy with yourself and feel ready to share your happiness with someone else, it could be one of the signs you are ready for a relationship.
You’re not closed off to the idea of finding love and are willing to put yourself out there to meet new people. You understand that finding love can be a vulnerable, and sometimes, scary experience. But you’re willing to take the risk.
You’re not scared of anything that happened in your past relationships and are over your trauma. In this case, it’s time to bloom and glow again. “Should I get into a relationship?” If you’re open to love, yes, absolutely.
Whether you’ve had a string of bad relationships or a few good ones, you’ve taken the time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. You’ve grown from those experiences and are better equipped to navigate a new relationship.
It’s time when you’ve had your lessons from the past and finally time to rise and shine again. If you’re wondering, “am I ready for a relationship,” this is one of the signs you are ready for a relationship.
Being emotionally available means that you’re able to communicate your feelings effectively and are willing to listen to your partner’s emotions as well. You’re comfortable with vulnerability and taking emotional risks in order to deepen your connection with someone else.
Most of all, you’re able to be present and fully engaged in a relationship. This means that you’re not constantly distracted by other things or shutting down emotionally.
How to know if you’re ready for a relationship? You’re emotionally available in the relationship. Just remember that being emotionally available is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continue working on your emotional health throughout the course of any relationship.
Related Post: The Bare Minimum in a Relationship You Should Have!
Having a clear vision of what you want in a partner can help you make better decisions when it comes to dating. For example, if you know that honesty and communication are important to you, you’re more likely to seek out partners who share those values.
So when to know you’re ready for a relationship? When you’re not just looking for someone to fill a void, and are finding a partner who shares your beliefs and life goals.
You’ve thought about what’s important to you in a relationship, and you’re not willing to compromise on those things. If this is the case, you can say “I’m ready for a relationship.”
Another sign you’re ready for a relationship is when you’re willing to compromise! Relationships require give and take, and being able to compromise is essential for building a healthy and successful relationship.
Compromise means meeting your partner halfway, even when it’s not necessarily what you would choose for yourself. For example, if you and your partner follow different activities or hobbies, you’re willing to find a middle ground that works for both of you.
Compromise also means being able to communicate and negotiate effectively. If you have a disagreement with your partner, you can listen to their perspective and come up with a solution that works for both of you. You can communicate your needs and desires clearly, while also being open to hearing your partner’s needs.
It’s an essential ingredient for any successful relationship. So how to know you’re ready for a relationship? While you have a clear idea of what you want in a partner, you’re also willing to be flexible and compromise!
How do you know if you’re ready for a relationship? You understand that a relationship requires a lot of time and effort, and you’re willing to make it a priority.
Prioritizing a relationship means being willing to make compromises and sacrifices in other areas of your life in order to make room for a partner. For example, you might need to adjust your work schedule, cut back on social activities, or make other changes in your life to accommodate a relationship.
This doesn’t mean that you’re giving up your entire life for a relationship. However, it does mean that you’re willing to put in the work to make it successful. You’re also ready to invest time and energy into building and maintaining a connection with your partner.
So, how to know when you are ready for a relationship? When you’re ready to put in the effort and time to make a relationship work effectively!
How do I know if I’m ready for a relationship? One of the signs you’re ready for a relationship is when you’re attracted to a person!
Attraction is an important part of any relationship, and it’s natural to feel drawn to someone who shares your values, interests, and goals in a relationship.
So how to know if you want a relationship with someone? You might feel a spark of chemistry or connection with someone you’ve met. Moreover, you’ll be excited about the possibility of exploring a deeper connection with them.
You might find yourself thinking about them frequently, feeling nervous or excited when you’re around them, or experiencing other physical or emotional sensations. You have strong feelings about them and think you could make a good couple together.
It’s okay to make the first move if you feel something for a person and get your romance started. It’s high time to open your heart and let that love in. Just remember to stay true to your values and priorities, and to be open and honest in your communication.
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Being able to express yourself clearly and listen actively is essential for building a strong connection with a partner.
Effective communication means being able to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a clear and respectful way. It also means listening to your partner with an open mind and responding in a thoughtful and compassionate way.
Some verbal examples of effective communication include:
If you feel that you’re able to communicate effectively with others, it could be one of the signs you’re ready for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.
Just remember that communication is a skill that takes practice and effort. So be patient with yourself and your partner as you work to build a strong and meaningful connection.
How do you know when you’re ready for a relationship? You have people in your life who support and care about you.
Having a support system is one of the signs you’re ready for a relationship. A support system can include friends, family, mentors, or anyone else who provides you with emotional support, encouragement, and guidance.
Having a strong support system is important because it can help you navigate the ups and downs of a relationship. Your support system can offer you a listening ear, provide advice and perspective, and help you stay grounded and true to yourself.
Additionally, it can help you maintain a healthy sense of independence and self-worth. When you have people in your life who love and care for you, you’re less likely to become overly reliant on a romantic partner for validation or support.
This can help you maintain a healthy and balanced perspective on your relationships and your life in general. If you feel that you have a strong support system in place, it could be a sign that you’re ready for a relationship.
Am I ready to date? If you’re willing to be vulnerable in front of your partner, yes, you are ready to date!
Being vulnerable means being open and honest with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary. You’re not afraid to share your true self with your partner. This means being open about your feelings, fears, and insecurities.
Vulnerability is essential for building trust, intimacy, and emotional connection in a relationship. When you’re willing to share your authentic self with your partner, it creates space for them to do the same, which can deepen your connection and strengthen your bond.
Of course, being vulnerable also means taking the risk of getting hurt or rejected. It’s natural to feel scared or uncertain about opening up to someone, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past.
But by taking that risk, you’re also giving yourself the opportunity to experience deep love and connection with someone who accepts and loves you for who you are!
One of the most obvious signs you’re ready for a relationship is when you’re ready to have fun!
A relationship should be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience, and being able to have fun with your partner is an important part of that.
Having fun together can mean different things for different people. It could be going on adventures, trying new hobbies, or simply spending quality time at home together. Whatever it is that brings you joy, it’s important to be able to share that with your partner.
Having fun also means being open to new experiences and willing to step outside of your comfort zone. It’s natural to feel nervous or uncertain when trying something new, but doing so with your partner can create a sense of excitement and adventure in your relationship.
Of course, having fun in a relationship doesn’t mean that everything is always perfect or easy. There will be challenges and disagreements along the way. But if you can approach those challenges with a sense of humor, it can help you navigate them with ease.
So, if you’re thinking, “Am I ready to be in a relationship?” Yes , you’re ready.
Now that we’ve gone through some of the signs you’re ready for a relationship, you may be wondering: “Do I really want a relationship?” It’s a great question, and one that only you can answer for yourself.
Getting into a relationship is a big step, and it’s important to make sure that you’re truly ready to be in a relationship before you take that step.
By looking for signs you are ready for a relationship, such as being happy with yourself, emotionally available, and willing to compromise, you can gain a better understanding of whether or not you’re ready to pursue a romantic connection.
It’s important to remember that being ready for a relationship is a process, and it may not happen overnight. It’s okay to take your time and make sure that you’re truly ready before you jump into a relationship.
If you’re still not sure how to know if you’re ready for a relationship, the best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself and take the time to reflect on your own needs, wants, and desires.
Being in a relationship can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience, but it’s important to make sure you’re coming from a healthy place!
What if you’re not coming from a healthy place? What if you still have underlying issues like past traumas, trust issues, and bad dating history? How to know if you’re not ready for a relationship?
In this next section, we’re going to talk about some signs you’re not ready for a relationship, and what to do if you want to be ready for a relationship!
We’ve all been there—scrolling through dating apps, going on countless first dates, and feeling like we’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of disappointment. It’s easy to blame bad luck or lack of chemistry, but what if the real issue is that we’re just not ready for a relationship?
While it’s important to be honest with ourselves about what we want, it’s equally important to recognize when we’re not ready for a relationship. Pursuing a romantic connection when we’re not emotionally ready can lead to frustration, disappointment, and even heartbreak.
So, before you dive headfirst into a new relationship, it’s worth taking a step back and considering if you’re truly ready for all that comes with it. Below, we’ll explore some of the signs you’re not ready for a relationship, so that you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you.
If you’re still holding onto feelings for your ex, you’re not emotionally ready for a relationship. Whether you’re constantly thinking about them, stalking their social media profiles, or even still in touch with them, it’s a sign that you’re not emotionally ready to move on.
Being hung up on an ex can also manifest in other ways, such as comparing new potential partners to them or even talking about them all the time. You must know that it’s vital to take your time to heal and move on from your past connection, before jumping into a new relationship.
If you’re not happy with yourself, it’s hard to be happy with someone else. If you’re constantly putting yourself down, criticizing your appearance, or feeling insecure, it can be difficult to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone else.
When we’re not happy with ourselves, we may seek validation from others in unhealthy ways. We may look for someone else to make us feel better about ourselves, or we may put unrealistic expectations on our partner to make us happy.
Should I get into a relationship to be happy? You may be looking for a partner to fill a void in your life, but a healthy relationship requires two whole individuals.
Remember that it’s important that you’re happy with yourself and don’t have to depend on somebody else to make you happy. If you’re not happy right now, you’re not ready for a relationship.
Relationships require compromise and flexibility. If you’re not willing to give and take, a relationship is not for you.
When you’re in a relationship you cannot just make decisions by yourself. You have to think about your partner in every single step, and that’s how it’s going to work.
If you’re struggling with your mental health or going through a difficult time, it may not be the right time for a relationship. It’s important to take care of yourself before committing to a partner, and say “I am not ready for a relationship and it’s okay.”
Ask yourself, do I really want a relationship? At this phase, it’s better that you focus on your personal growth.
If you keep picking the wrong partners, then it’s probably time to take a break. It’s best to avoid picking the wrong person again, who will eventually give you trauma over trauma.
Even if you’re not quite ready for a relationship, don’t worry! It’s better to work on yourself and become emotionally and mentally prepared, than to rush into a relationship that’s not right for you.
Try to learn more about your feelings, needs, and desires. Maybe then, you’ll pick the right person!
Are you ready for a relationship? If you’re closed off to the idea of finding love, you’re not ready for a relationship.
Being closed off to love can manifest in different ways, such as avoiding dating altogether, putting up emotional walls, or having unrealistic expectations for a partner. You may feel like you’re not ready to open up and be vulnerable with someone else, or you may fear getting hurt.
It’s important to be open and willing to take the risk. If you’re not open to love, it’s important to take the time to understand why. This may involve exploring your past relationships, examining your fears and insecurities, or working with a therapist or counselor to address any underlying issues.
Undoubtedly, communication is key in any relationship. If you’re not willing to express your feelings and listen to your partner’s, a relationship is not for you.
Remember that a healthy relationship requires two whole individuals who are willing to communicate, compromise, and prioritize each other.
Healthy communication is the very first and last step in any relationship. So if you’re not ready right now to communicate better, it’s okay to wait for some more time!
Relationships require time and effort. If you’re not willing to make a relationship your priority, it’s not the right time to get into one!
Remember that you can always equally prioritize things in your life. But if you can’t afford to prioritize a relationship right now, it would be best to stay out of one. Meanwhile, use this time for your personal growth!
Vulnerability is necessary for building intimacy and trust in a relationship. If you’re not willing to share your true self with a partner, a relationship may not be for you.
In simple words, if you’re not willing to be vulnerable, it means you’re not being ready for a relationship!
If you find yourself going on dates or talking to someone, but you’re not feeling any connection or attraction, it may be a sign that you’re not ready for a relationship.
It’s important to be honest with yourself and with the other person if you’re not feeling it. It’s not fair to lead someone on or to give them false hope if you’re not interested in pursuing a relationship.
How to tell someone you’re not ready for a relationship? Let them know that you’re not feeling a connection and you’re not ready for a relationship at this time. It may be difficult, but it’s important to be upfront and respectful of the other person’s feelings.
Remember, it’s okay to take your time and to wait until you’re ready to pursue a relationship. And if someone says they’re not ready for a relationship, it’s important to respect their boundaries and to give them the space and time they need to work on themselves.
Knowing if you’re ready for a relationship can be a challenging task. It requires self-awareness, honesty, and a willingness to be vulnerable. Ask yourself if you have healed from past traumas or if you are still carrying emotional baggage that could impact a potential relationship.
Consider whether you have the time, energy, and resources to commit to building a healthy and fulfilling partnership. Trust your instincts and take the time to explore your feelings before jumping into a relationship.
Recognizing that you’re not ready for a relationship can be just as important as knowing when you are ready. It takes courage and self-awareness to acknowledge that you need to focus on yourself before committing to another person.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or emotionally drained, it may be a sign that you need to take some time to prioritize your own well-being. In case you’re unsure of what you want in life or if you’re not ready to make sacrifices for another person, it may be best to wait before pursuing a relationship.
When someone says they are in love but not ready for a relationship, it can be a confusing and painful experience. You may wonder, “he or she’s not ready for a relationship should I wait?”
It typically means that the person has strong feelings for someone. But for various reasons, they are not ready or able to commit to a relationship.
This could be due to personal or professional goals, fear of vulnerability or intimacy, or unresolved emotional baggage from past relationships. It’s important to remember that this statement is not a rejection of the other person’s worth or value, but rather a reflection of the speaker’s own emotional state.
It’s essential to have an open and honest conversation about what each person wants and needs in a relationship and to respect each other’s boundaries and decisions.
Getting into a relationship can be both exciting and challenging. It requires a willingness to be vulnerable, communicate openly, and make compromises for the sake of the partnership.
In today’s society, there are many external factors that can make it difficult to start a relationship, such as societal pressures, career demands, and the pervasive use of social media.
Additionally, past traumas or emotional baggage can impact one’s ability to trust or connect with another person. However, despite the challenges, being in a healthy and supportive relationship can bring great joy and fulfillment to one’s life.
It’s essential to take the time to reflect on your own emotional state and what you want in a relationship before pursuing one.
Remember, relationships require effort and commitment from both parties. And with patience, communication, and a willingness to grow together, it can be a rewarding and life-changing experience.
Being ready for a relationship is a complex issue that requires a great deal of self-reflection and honesty. It’s important to take the time to work on yourself and become emotionally and mentally prepared before committing to a relationship. Remember, there’s no shame in not being ready for a relationship.
So take your time, enjoy the journey of self-discovery, and don’t be afraid to be open to love when the time is right. By being honest with yourself and taking the necessary steps to prepare for a relationship, you’ll be much more likely to find a fulfilling and lasting love. Good luck on your journey, and enjoy the ride!
Hated since birth
Just because of the way we look,
How can something we can’t control
Be the reason you judge our book…
For so many years
Discrimination we’ve faced,
How can you say we’re one?
When we always lose the race.
The signs have always been there
Since the beginning of time,
They’ve always seen others as good
But bad if you’ve got skin like mine.
Hands up! Don’t move!
They bark orders at us like we don’t understand,
But I’m just as human as you
I’m just a little more tan.
There’s so much more they don’t see
We got up each time we were down,
Even when we were down there
We never arose with a frown.
Each time we leave home
We fear being stopped by a cop,
Please don’t let me die today
Just for being black.
They try to convince us
That because it’s legal it’s right,
But remember so was slavery
And for that, we still have to fight.
With the grip of racism
Groping our necks,
One only can wonder
Which one of us is next.
They turn a blind eye
To our cries and our pleas,
They ignore us when we say
Mama, I can’t breathe.
The names have been so many
How can I single one out?
So, for all my brothers and sisters
No justice, no peace, we shout.
Each time they tried to bury us
It’s a pity they never knew,
That we were the seeds of the master
And so, from the earth, we grew.
Oppressed and beaten
For so many years,
We’ve fought and we’ve rioted
Just to lend us your ears.
It’s cool being black, right?
We’re hip and we’re fun,
But when your blackness is tested
You drop your color and run.
We weren’t born to think this way
It’s instilled over time,
Let’s wipe the slate clean
Starting with our minds.
I wasn’t here when it started
I won’t be here when it ends,
But while I’m here in the middle
With my people, I stand.
Do you know Doctor Strange and his ability of opening portals to new versions of the universe? That’s how I feel everytime I come out. Yes, I came out more than once, but let me start from the beginning.
The first time I came out I was 15 and I was so sure that I was gay, that I liked girls, and that made a lot of sense because I always felt that boys wasn’t meant for me; everytime I tried to picture myself dating a guy, something was off, I was trying to make it work and with quite an effort I could see myself, but I was still feeling weird about it.
I spent years thinking I was gay and I don’t know how to explain it, but everytime I was thinking myself as a gay person, something inside me felt different, like more exciting; I was feeling butterflies thinking about dating a girl, watching LGBTQ+ shows or movies and realizing that I was paying more attention to girls than before. But, when I turned 18, I started having second thoughts and I thought I was bisexual.
“But why? You were so sure” I know! I started reading more about the labels and umbrella the LGBTQ+ community has and discovered s lot of new identities and sexual orientations; basically, I thought that maybe I was wrong, that I was closing doors in the face of so many people and I was being very drastic, at the end, I liked a boy when I was 8 and another one when I was 13. Maybe I was exaggerating.
I read about bisexuality, pansexuality, gender fluid, non binary people, asexuality, demisexuality and everything started to fit with me in certain moments of my life: I’m not very feminine, but I identify as a woman, but I like feminine clothes too, but I need some intimacy to sleep with someone, but I like actors too, but I think a guy is good looking… Let’s say I immersed myself into a vicious cycle of what am I and what am I doing.
I was always trying to justify myself, even looking out for more information about if it was possible to feel more attracted to women being bisexual and found a post that confirmed me that it wasn’t weird, so I felt better because I always thought that being with a girl was easier for me, it felt right; that’s why I always ended yo going back to the beginning and defining myself as a lesbian.
Then, I started university and met a guy that was very nice and started flirting to me, I thought it was funny and a good way of trying figuring things out and played along: it was a boost for my ego, it made me laugh and have a good time, but when things got a little bit serious, I couldn’t keep up the same; for more that I tried, I couldn’t do anything more, I wasn’t sure, I didn’t want to.
I feel like my head is tied in a very strong nod everytime I try to talk about how I feel, I like to be informed about our rights, sexual orientations, gender identity, pronouns to make people feel comfortable and safe, but I take it so seriously that I lose sight; it’s very overwhelming having so much information and not knowing how to work with it, meeting all these people that are so sure about themselves and not wanting to mess things up. I didn’t want to come out more times because I would tired people and they would never take me seriously.
I’ve been like this for so long that I even decided to define myself as queer, but I didn’t like it, because I know I’m something and that feeling it’s been growing stronger lately; I know it since I was a teen, but I don’t know why I can admit it.
I thought that, maybe, I was denying it because it’s a big step, it’s life changing, and it would determine a very important aspect of my life; maybe I was afraid of how people would see me, about the comments, the attitude, the feeling if not being reachable for them.
Today, I watched a movie about two girls who fall in love and I didn’t like it very much, so I talked to my parents about it and that evolved to how I’m doing with all this mess in my head; it resulted with my mom giving me a very simple but great advice: to simplify.
She had to explain it to me: “don’t think about what you could feel in the future or what other say you can or should feel, think about how you feel, how do you see yourself. Simplify the situation. You’re a woman that works in something you like, loves writing and like girls. That’s all you need for now“.
I know it sounds so simple that seems stupid, but it actually worked and helped me a lot: I am a woman who works as a graphic designer and lives for it, who loves writing more than anything and like girls more than boys, who feels comfortable thinking about having a relationship with a girl and see a future with them. And that’s all I need for now, no definitions, no extra labels, no more overthinking: this is something that’s always been present and I should focus on it, with all the good and bad parts.
But she also said: “if in five years, one year, forty years you change and realize that this is not what you expected or wanted, you can try other things out. You will have time to simplify then. And if nothing works, you can always get a dog!”
I hope this is the definitive moment, the right one and I can stop (at least for now) of coming out and doubting myself: I wrote a lot of poems, articles, reviews talking about this and that’s okay, because it’s a part of the process.
I’m a woman, a lesbian woman, who is trying to simplify her happiness to this moment, a carpe diem if you will, and I think it’s gonna work.
Dear Stores (and other public places),
I’m writing today to ask for a favor. I’m asking for you to consider implementing something that I find essential to a good experience.
As someone who struggles with anxiety and finds that I often need to sit when in stores and other public places, I’ve discovered a lack of seating options. There have been times when this has caused me to feel forced to sit on floors. I do not like having to do this. I feel embarrassed, sad, and honestly, it takes away the fun of getting out.
Now, I know what some of you reading this may be thinking. Not everyone has anxiety. To this I say, fair point. However, this isn’t just about those who struggle with anxiety. It’s about anyone and everyone who ever feels the need to sit and rest. The elderly, the sick, and the tired. Even just a long day of shopping can wear someone out. I see nothing wrong with offering seating as long as it is not somewhere where someone can be injured.
Here’s another thing. Not everyone likes to have to ask for somewhere to sit. It can be hard for us to request this and oftentimes, we’re worried that we’ll be a hinderance. Therefore, having seating already prepared for individuals who may want to sit is the best course of action.
Putting out chairs or other forms of comfortable seating is not just beneficial for the customer or guest. It’s also beneficial for the employees and companies offering this option as well. By doing this, employees and companies show they care about the consumer and they make their place of business comfortable. I know when I see stores and other public places doing this it makes me feel like I’m respected and valued. It makes me want to return to the place in question.
So this is what I’m asking. If you’re a store or public place that does not currently offer seating, please consider doing so. It may seem small, but it can go a long way to making those who visit your establishment feel comfortable, safe, and important.
If you’re a place of business that already offers this, THANK YOU! By providing a place to sit for your customers and guests, you are offering a huge service and showing your kindness as well as your generosity.
Thank You,
February is writing down memories of mother earth,
Covering the horizon with the snowiest fairy tales,
Bright, and cool, the splendid moon sings to sun hymns of rebirth,
Yearning warmth, peaceful and sweet, crafting hope through love’s details.
In the mornings, northeast winds whisper tune from hazy skies
Caressing the bare ash trees: Would you be my Valentine?
From ether, the psalms of joy bring the heaven close to heart,
Whitening the barren past through the miracles of times.
Turning frozen winters up to the glorious spring art,
Snowdrops smile, cheerful and bright, listening to robins’ rhymes.
Great grey shrikes are chirping songs in the quest of love skyline.
Candid days are asking nights: Would you be my Valentine?
Fieldfares, finches, cardinals are embracing with their wings,
Seeds of hope in barren stems, penning beauty under skies.
Carrying notes from the ninth cloud with the harmony’s bright strings,
Great crested grebes’ excitement moves are enchanting passion’s eyes.
From my frosty winter’s tale, thoughts are crossing, bare, love’s line,
Whispering to you my pitch: Would you be my Valentine?
there’s glitter on my Northface.
i noticed it this morning.
as i was getting ready for this particularly chilly day, i put my jacket on, noticed the additional sparkles, and immediately knew where they were from.
the students have been asking me to help them work on their pirouettes. so, we practiced.
we talked through physics, placement, and technique. we did some strengthening exercises and worked through a few combinations of turns. i could see the dancers working hard toward their goals, falling out of their turns, but never giving up.
after a round of pirouettes was over, we took a short break before taking another stab.
the students gathered in a group over by the stereo, where i keep my things and where props are kept. they began to rummage through the props and ask me random questions about what was in my dance bag, as pre-teens do.
i went to pull their focus back to turns. it was important that we not lose track of time, get off task, or miss out on valuable training opportunities.
almost on queue, a timid “ms. sarah?” emerged from one student.
“can we use this hair glitter tonight?” she asked me, indicating to an aerosol spray can tucked in with the props.
i paused for a second.
my initial response was to say no, pull them back to turns, and remind them that we’re here to work hard.
but i stopped myself.
“sure!’ i said, “for anyone who can show me a clean double pirouette, you can have hair glitter tonight!”
why not, i figured. they had been working hard and would continue to work hard, just with sparklier hair.
so we practiced again, and i will say, with a marked improvement over the initial round of pirouettes — they did fantastically.
one by one, they would show me a double pirouette (or as close to one as they could get), and I’d spray their hair and congratulate them.
by the end, everyone was glittered and turns were looking cleaner.
“do you want some?” one student asked me?
i paused for a second.
my initial response was to say no, explain that i have a serious job during the day, and remind them to work on the next item.
but i stopped myself again.
“sure!’ i said, “throw some on there!”
why not, i figured. if they could work hard with sparkly hair, couldn’t i?
another student cautiously came over to take a peek at my hair.
she looked at me carefully. I could see the wheels spinning in her mind before she spoke.
“you’re a fun teacher,” she said to me.
“i try to be,” i replied back and adjusted my newly sparkled hair.
we completed the rest of our class, did our cool downs, i excused them, and we left for the evening.
i’m grateful to these students for teaching me that you can accomplish a lot and still have fun, that you can spread that mentality to others, and that you can work hard with sparkly hair.
It can be hard to let go of the experiences that could have been or should have been, the one who got away, the life we imagined, the result of our actions, or the opportunities we should’ve taken, and the list goes on. It’s that feeling of wishing you could do it all over again knowing what you know now or wondering “what if, why me”, or “why not me?” Longing and disappointment from holding on to things that only remind us of what we’re lacking, what we didn’t do, and/or what we didn’t get, is an isolating, soul-crushing, and heavy space to be in. The weight on the mind, heart, and spirit will in turn have a negative effect on the body without changing the present outcome. When these elements are disrupted, we rob ourselves of the fulfillment, joy, and physical well-being we need to live a life of color. When holding on seems to be the only option or the safest option, I invite you to reconsider even if you’re hesitant or afraid to do so. Letting go is an option you give yourself, it’s an art form that’s worth honing for a healthy, productive, happy, and thriving life. Letting go starts with the decision to be OK with the idea that although you may not be ok and things may not be ok, holding on will not make things ok. Ask yourself, “is holding on to this and limiting myself really what I need to move on? Is this making me, my life, or the people around me better? Will I look back and be content that I chose to hold on over my peace, sanity, and/or health?
Holding on has kept you stuck, doubtful, fearful, and in limbo for longer than necessary, I know because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to continue doing the same thing and know it won’t serve me in a positive way. I knew that holding on kept me from letting go and to some extent, holding on fueled my doubt that I’d ever be able to let go. One day, I just got tired of holding on, tired of wishing, and tired of imagining a different outcome. I had to accept the apology I never received, take responsibility for the decision(s) I made, forgive myself for not choosing myself sooner, and most importantly, I had to give myself grace. I didn’t know what I knew after and was using my beliefs, knowledge, and mindset I had at that time. I realized that holding on was doing more harm than good and my desire to set myself free was greater than the safety of holding on.
I knew letting go meant I had to face parts of myself that I hadn’t faced before, it would force me to acknowledge uncomfortable truths, and dig up painful things that I needed healing from. Holding on can sometimes be a way to focus on everything else that happened outside of you, in other words, the things you can’t control. Why focus on what you can’t control when you can change your mind and decide you want a different experience and want to be free of the past? Letting go starts with an honest desire, decision, and commitment to (finally) let go in the name of self-love. I had to love myself more than I wanted to be comfortable. I went deep, took accountability, took note of the lesson, and exhaled the tension I had been carrying around. A made-up mind is one of the most powerful tools we can use to change our physical state, the energy we exude, and how we show up in the world. I fully accepted that the past is the past, and although we can’t change it, we can learn from it, grow from it, glow from it, and live our lives looking forward with the hope that there are better days ahead.
Picture this: it’s date night, and you’re racking your brain trying to come up with something fun and exciting to do with your significant other. Dinner and a movie? Been there, done that. Bowling? Meh. Mini-golf? Boring.
If you’re looking for a truly unique and memorable way to spend some quality time with your special someone, then we’ve got just the thing for you – car date ideas!
That’s right, car dates are the perfect way to break out of your routine and inject some much-needed excitement into your love life. Whether you’re taking a road trip with your partner or just looking for some fun things to do in the car with your boyfriend, drive dates offer a whole world of possibilities.
And let’s face it, who doesn’t love the feeling of hitting the open road with someone special by their side? So if you’re planning your first car date, discussing car picnic ideas, or brainstorming date ideas if you can’t drive, you’re at the right place!
Car dates aren’t just about the thrill of the ride; they’re also a fantastic way to connect with your partner and create lasting memories together.
Whether you’re exploring new places, trying new foods, or just enjoying each other’s company, there’s something magical about spending time with your significant other on the road.
So if you’re ready to take your love life to the next level, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride – because we’ve got a whole list of exciting car date ideas to share with you.
From romantic sunset drives to off-the-beaten-path road trips, these cute car date ideas are sure to make your next date night one for the books. So what are you waiting for? Let’s hit the road!
Related Post: 30+ Vital Goals in a Relationship!
Whether you’re a couple of adventure-seekers or just looking for some quality time together, we’ve got over 20 car date ideas that are sure to rev up your romance and make lasting memories:
There’s something magical about hitting the open road and taking a scenic drive with your significant other!
You’ll be amazed at the breathtaking views, rolling hills, and charming little towns you’ll encounter along the way. Just hop in the car, roll down the windows, and let the wind blow through your hair as you explore the beauty of nature.
You could stop for a romantic picnic in a secluded spot, surrounded by nothing but nature and each other’s company. Or you could seek out a quaint little town and go antiquing or explore local shops and boutiques.
There’s really no limit to the adventures you can have on a scenic drive through the countryside. So pack some snacks, put on some good music, and let the road take you where it may. You never know what kind of hidden gems you’ll discover along the way.
Looking for a unique and romantic way to spend time with your special someone? Look no further than a picnic in the trunk of your car! Not only is it a cozy and intimate way to dine, but it’s also a fun way to shake up your usual dining routine.
Simply park your car in a scenic location, pop open the trunk, and set up your picnic blanket and basket. You can pack all your favorite picnic foods and drinks, from sandwiches and fruit to wine and cheese. And the best part? You don’t have to worry about ants or other bugs ruining your meal!
Plus, the trunk of your car can be a perfect spot for a private and romantic date. You could watch the stars come out, listen to some tunes, or just enjoy each other’s company in a cozy and unique setting.
There’s something magical about lying under the stars and taking in the beauty of the night sky.
To find the best stargazing spots, look for areas with low light pollution and clear skies. National parks and remote locations are often great options. Some popular stargazing spots include:
Once you find your spot, bring blankets and pillows to lay on, and some hot cocoa or tea to keep warm. You can also bring a telescope or binoculars to get an up-close look at the stars!
Do you like drive in movie date ideas? Take your car date night to the next level with a drive-in movie experience!
It’s a perfect way to combine the classic movie-going experience with a fun and unique twist. All you need is a car, some snacks, and a good movie.
To find a drive-in movie theater near you, check out Some popular drive-in theaters across the US include:
Once you’ve found your drive-in theater, pack some snacks, bring some blankets to stay cozy, and pick out your favorite movie. Many drive-in theaters show double features, so you can make a whole night of it!
Are you ready to unleash your inner rockstar? Then, buckle up and get ready for a karaoke session in the car with your significant other!
Singing along to your favorite tunes is not only a great way to pass the time, but it can also be a hilarious and unforgettable bonding experience.
All you need is a good playlist, a Bluetooth speaker, and some enthusiasm. Choose songs that you both love and can sing along to, and don’t be afraid to get silly with it.
So turn up the volume, grab your hairbrushes, and let the karaoke session in the car begin! You never know, it might just become your new favorite date activity. And hey, even if you’re not the best singer, it’s all about having fun and making memories together.
Are you and your significant other foodies at heart? Well, I have got a drive date idea for you!
How about attending a drive-thru food festival or fair? This is the perfect opportunity to indulge in all your favorite festival foods without having to leave the comfort of your car.
Imagine cruising through a food-filled wonderland with your boo, snacking on deep-fried goodness and sipping on lemonade or beer (if you’re not driving, of course). You’ll be in foodie heaven with endless options to choose from.
Some popular food festivals and fairs that have adapted to a drive-thru format include:
You can expect to find classic fair foods like funnel cakes, corn dogs, turkey legs, and cotton candy. Moreover, you may find unique and exotic eats like deep-fried Oreos, bacon-wrapped everything, and even some vegan and gluten-free options.
This date idea is not only exciting, but it also adds a little bit of friendly competition to your relationship!
To start, create a list of clues or challenges that will lead you and your partner to different locations around the city. You can make them as easy or as difficult as you want, depending on how adventurous you’re feeling. Some examples of clues or challenges you could include are:
The possibilities are endless, and you can tailor the scavenger hunt to your own interests and the city you’re exploring. Don’t forget to bring along a camera to document your adventures and keep score.
So hop in the car and let the scavenger hunt begin! You’ll not only get to see your city in a whole new way, but you’ll also have a blast bonding with your partner over the thrill of the hunt.
Are you and your partner itching to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in nature? Camping in your car can be a fun and unique way to experience the great outdoors!
Pack all your camping essentials, such as a tent, sleeping bags, camping chairs, and a cooler filled with your favorite snacks and drinks.
When you get to your campsite, set up your tent and then get creative with how you utilize the car. You can set up a makeshift kitchen in the trunk or use the backseat as a cozy lounge area. Don’t forget to bring some games, books, or a guitar to keep yourselves entertained.
Here are a few tips to make your car camping experience a success:
So grab your partner and hit the road for a unique camping adventure. Who needs a fancy RV or tent when you have your trusty car?
Are you and your partner thrill-seekers looking for a spooky and fun night out? Look no further than a haunted ghost tour in your car! That’s right; you can explore the eerie and haunted corners of your city while staying safely inside your vehicle.
First things first, research some of the most haunted locations in your city and map out a route that takes you to all of them. Once you have your route planned, load up on snacks, drinks, and plenty of blankets (you never know when you might need to cover your eyes!).
As you drive from one spooky location to the next, turn off the radio and listen to some spooky podcasts or ghost stories to set the mood. Don’t forget to snap some pictures of your car in front of the haunted locations to commemorate your adventure.
Here are a few examples of haunted locations you can add to your ghost tour:
Just remember to keep your doors locked and your windows up, you never know what ghosts or ghouls may be lurking around. So grab your partner and a few brave friends and get ready for a hauntingly good time!
Are you and your significant other looking for a fun and sudsy activity to do together? Why not have a car wash date and wash each other’s cars!
First, head to the store and pick up some car washing supplies, like soap, sponges, and towels. Then, find a spacious and shaded spot to park your cars and get to work!
Start by washing your partner’s car and making sure to get every nook and cranny (don’t forget the wheels!). Take your time and enjoy the bubbles and laughter that come with a good car wash.
Once you’re finished, switch places and let your partner return the favor. Who knew washing a car could be so romantic?
To make the experience even more fun, play some music, have a water fight, or even dress up in matching car wash attire. Just make sure to keep the soap out of your eyes and have a towel ready for any unexpected splashes.
And when you’re done, take a step back and admire your sparkling clean cars and each other’s hard work. It may not be the most glamorous date idea, but a car wash date is sure to bring you and your partner closer together (and your cars will thank you too!).
Ready to hit the open road and explore a new city? A road trip is the perfect opportunity to escape your everyday routine and embark on an adventure with your favorite person!
Whether you’re seeking new sights, sounds, and flavors, or simply looking to make unforgettable memories, a road trip can be the ultimate cure for wanderlust.
Once you arrive in the new city, explore the local food scene and try some new dishes. Visit local attractions, such as museums, art galleries, or landmarks. Take a stroll around the city and discover hidden gems or landmarks you didn’t know existed.
Feeling adventurous? Rent a tandem bike or Segway and tour the city on wheels. Or, take a scenic drive around the outskirts of the city and enjoy the beautiful landscape.
So pack your bags, grab some snacks, and get ready to hit the road with your partner in crime. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a newbie explorer, there’s nothing quite like the excitement of discovering a new city from behind the wheel.
Looking for a sweet and juicy car date idea? Why not take a drive to a nearby orchard or farm and pick your own fresh produce? It’s the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon and indulge in some healthy, organic snacks!
Imagine cruising through the countryside with your sweetheart, windows down, and the sweet scent of ripe fruit wafting in the air. Once you arrive, you can grab a basket and stroll through the fields, handpicking the freshest fruits and vegetables straight from the source.
Not only is it a fun and romantic activity, but it’s also a great way to support local farmers and get in touch with nature. Plus, you can take your fresh harvest home and cook up a delicious farm-to-table feast together!
So why not pack a picnic basket, grab your significant other, and hit the road for a fruitful adventure?
Looking for a date idea that’s both romantic and adventurous? How about taking a drive to a nearby lake and renting a paddle boat for a leisurely ride on the water?
Picture it: the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and you and your special someone are gliding through the peaceful waters, surrounded by stunning scenery. You can chat and enjoy each other’s company, or simply sit back and soak in the serene atmosphere.
But why stop there? Take it up a notch by packing a romantic picnic to enjoy on the boat. Bring a bottle of wine, some delicious snacks, and a cozy blanket to snuggle up with. You can even bring some tunes to set the mood and create your own personal love soundtrack.
As the sun begins to set, you can watch the colors of the sky reflect on the water, making for an even more magical experience. And who knows, maybe you’ll even catch a glimpse of some wildlife along the way!
So why not grab your sweetheart, hop in the car, and head to the nearest lake for a romantic and unforgettable paddleboat ride?
The vast, open landscape is the perfect backdrop for a romantic and unforgettable date!
You can stop and explore unique rock formations, take stunning photos, or even have a little off-roading adventure. Bring a picnic basket filled with your favorite snacks and enjoy a romantic lunch surrounded by the beautiful desert scenery.
As the sun begins to set, the desert transforms into a breathtaking display of colors. Take in the beauty of the sunset and watch the stars come out as you snuggle up with your loved one.
So, if you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind date idea that’s sure to impress, hop in the car and take a scenic drive through a nearby desert.
Are you ready for a road trip that’s all about romance? Buckle up, because this driving date idea is sure to rev your engines! On this ride, red lights aren’t just for stopping – they’re for stealing a kiss, stealing a glance, or simply soaking up the moment with your special someone.
The concept is simple: every time you hit a red light, you have to do something romantic. It could be a quick smooch, a love note scribbled on a napkin, or even a silly dance to a favorite song. The possibilities are endless!
To make the most of this date, pick a route with plenty of stoplights and plan out some romantic gestures ahead of time. Maybe bring along some snacks and drinks to enjoy during the ride, and don’t forget to create a playlist of your favorite love songs.
So, put the pedal to the metal and let the red lights guide you on a journey of love and adventure. Who knows where the road will take you?
Ah, the classic zoo or aquarium date—a favorite among couples for years! There’s just something about watching exotic animals or marine creatures that makes for a fun and exciting outing. And the best part? You get to experience it all from the comfort of your car!
Imagine driving through the zoo, with your favorite person by your side, as you both gaze in wonder at the majestic lions, playful monkeys, and adorable penguins. Or cruising through the aquarium, marveling at the colorful fish and majestic sea turtles swimming right before your eyes.
And if you’re feeling adventurous, book a private behind-the-scenes tour or animal encounter? You and your partner can get up close and personal with your favorite animals, and create unforgettable memories together.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your honey, jump in the car, and head to the zoo or aquarium for a day full of adventure, fun, and romance!
Are you ready to put your love to the test? Why not spice up your mini-golf date by taking a scenic drive to a course that’s a bit of a drive away?
Not only will you get to show off your competitive side, but you’ll also have the opportunity to bond over the beautiful views on the way there and back.
As you drive, you can tease each other about your golf skills and share your favorite memories from childhood trips to mini-golf courses. And once you arrive, you can engage in some friendly competition while enjoying the quirky obstacles and colorful decor.
But why stop the romance there? After the game, you can take a romantic stroll around the course, hand in hand, while taking in the scenery. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even sneak in a quick kiss or two.
So grab your clubs and your date, and hit the open road for a memorable mini-golf adventure that’s sure to be a hole in one.
Delivering meals as volunteer work is a great way to give back to your community, spend quality time with your partner, and maybe even make some new friends along the way.
Create a fun playlist for your car ride that you can both sing along to while you make your deliveries. And if you really want to make it special, you could even dress up in matching outfits or wear silly hats to make the experience even more memorable.
So why not give it a try and see how much fun you can have while making a difference?
Find a quiet spot to park, maybe at a lookout point with a breathtaking view, and watch as the sky transforms into a stunning canvas of colors.
Snuggle up in the car with blankets and pillows, and take turns reading to each other. You can even choose a book that has a special meaning to both of you or one that you’ve been wanting to read together.
As the sun sets and the stars come out, feel the warmth of your partner’s embrace and enjoy the tranquility of the moment. This is the perfect car date idea for those who love to unwind and appreciate the simple things in life.
So, grab your favorite book and your loved one, and head out for a romantic evening that you’ll cherish forever.
Living in a car might not be for everyone, but it can be a unique and crazy experience for a day. You’ll have to get creative with your space and resources, but that’s part of the fun! Here are a few ideas to make your car living day a romantic one:
Just remember to stay safe and comfortable during your car living adventure. And who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy it so much that you’ll want to hit the road for a longer trip in the future!
Ah, the classic car movie date. There’s nothing quite like cozying up in the back of your car with your sweetheart and enjoying a good flick. But why settle for just any old movie when you can have the ultimate car movie night experience?
First, you’ll need a film projector and a screen to set up behind your car. Don’t have a projector? No worries! You can rent one from a local party rental store or even buy one online. Once you have your gear, find a spot with a flat surface to park your car and set up your movie theater.
Next, pick out the perfect movie for your car movie night. Choose something you both love, or perhaps a romantic classic that will set the mood. Just make sure it’s something that will make it easy to watch movie in car, and that you won’t mind sitting through for a couple of hours.
As for snacks, you can’t go wrong with classic movie treats like popcorn, candy, and soda. Or, if you want to get fancy, pack a picnic basket with some delicious finger foods and a bottle of wine to share.
Once everything is set up, snuggle up with your date in the back of your car and enjoy the movie under the stars. Who needs a stuffy movie theater when you can have the ultimate movie in car date?
In conclusion, car date ideas can be both fun and romantic. Whether it’s taking a scenic drive, having a car wash date, or enjoying a drive-in movie, there are plenty of ways to spice up your love life with a car.
So next time you’re looking for a unique date idea, consider a car date near me or car dates near me to add some excitement to your relationship.
And if you’re feeling really adventurous, try a drive in date or dinner in the car ideas. Who knows, you might just discover a new favorite pastime with your significant other. So buckle up, turn up the music, and enjoy the ride with your loved one. Happy car dating!