empty nest
Real Stories

Proud Mommy Has An Empty Nest

I’m a single over 45-year-old mom, I have raised 2 beautiful daughters, the oldest left home and went away to college at 17 to another state back in 2004, she’s an educated woman, very loving, fun, graceful, a homegirl who has many friends that rely on her opinions, she’s organized, high spirited, and a world traveler, my youngest daughter graduated high school last year in May of 2016 she’s loving, very smart, very nice young woman, caring, happy go lucky, deep thinker, very artistic and I’m still trying to fully figure her out (smile).

We have all lived away from my hometown and away from our immediate family together in the same state the past 4 years so that baby girl could have some guidance from her big sister and they could bond while the youngest went to high school.

Now that the youngest is an adult I have a lot of time on my hands and feel really relaxed, not having to worry about school projects making sure she gets an “A” on a paper, did she eat her lunch at school?, does she have everything she needs when she walks out the house for school (we know how they forget stuff then call us at work “oh mommy I forgot my project and I’ll get a bad grade if you don’t call and tell the teacher something” or just worrying that she’s made it to and from school safely.

I know from when the oldest left for college that it doesn’t stop, they’ll always need advice, guidance or a little push sometimes and I’ll be there for them 100%. I believe that I’ve done a pretty good job as a single mother, I’ve provided unconditional love, attention and affection for them to know that I care and love them beyond what words could even describe. I’ve truly enjoyed raising my daughters from little girls to grown women.

Now that my life is sort of about me (lol) I began working out more, thinking of more things to occupy my time because now all I do is work and come home. I’ve been spending time looking up different places outside of the United States that I would like to visit or move to.  I’ve been wanting to travel for adventure, excitement and to see different parts of the world, spending a few weeks at a time or even months getting to the know the people, their culture and helping others less fortunate while I’m traveling.

I’m looking forward to the mommy questions when they still need me and the spare time I’ll have for myself.

Having an empty nest isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, both of my daughters are happily on their next journey in life.  I couldn’t be prouder of the women they are today.


Author: Marcella Adams
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Self proclaimed best mom in the universe, having daughters is the best gift ever, new lover of small dogs, world traveler in the making and philanthropist by heart, giver of happiness, lean on me when you’re not strong, I will love you until there is a reason not to.
Link to social media or website: https://www.instagram.com/marcella_honeyqueen/


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