Real Stories

Ditch Diets: 7 Tips To Gain More Control Over Your Health And Happiness


Let’s face it, diets are fads and often yield short term results! So, why are we so obsessed with them?

Most people will point to external things. Like the gorgeous models on the cover of magazines or the flawless actresses on the movie screens!

But what if we looked inward instead and decided to take control of our own life?

This is what happened to me. I began reflecting on my choices and consumption habits. What I saw prompted me to make immediate changes to my nutrition and lifestyle!

Before I did this, I actually considered myself to be “healthy”. I worked out 5 days a week, ate healthy 75% of the time, and was a size 4. So, I should be happy, right?

Wrong! I was relying on numbers to determine my level of health and happiness. And ultimately, I wasn’t happy.  I decided to make changes in my life.

As a result, I found 7 tips to gaining control of your health and happiness:

  1. Get to know your body

I stopped dieting and I made it my mission to learn as much as I could about my body.

Notice I said “my body”. Everyone is different. Why do we expect the same diet to work for everyone?

Of course this requires you to analyze what you are doing and change things in order to see differences.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

You don’t have to do it alone. Find support through a health coach, a nutritionist, or even start a food diary.

If you truly want to feel good, you must learn and listen to your body!!

  1. Think positive

Stop making excuses and start to create more positive affirmations. We’ve all heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Negative thoughts will only create negative feelings.

If you want to feel happier, you need a positive mindset. Jim Rohn says it best: “For things to change you have to change.”

What do positive affirmations look like? “The gym is fun and important to me. I will make time to plan my meals for the week. I am strong and beautiful.”

First step is creating a positive mindset. The next step is to make those affirmations come to life through discipline and execution.

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.” – Jim Rohn

  1. Behavior breeds behavior

If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle then you should surround yourself with people who can motivate you and show you the way. This will also hold you more accountable to your goals.

Those who continue to fail, do so because they either have no desire to change or they do not have the right models around them for the change to occur. Both are within your control.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

  1. Dream big & have a compelling reason “why” 

Without a goal you are on the road to nowhere. Your goals should evolve and be big enough that they push you out of your comfort zone.

Often people have small goals thinking it makes it more realistic or manageable. And although that may be true with some things in life, I find that the bigger the challenge, the more you must stretch yourself in order to succeed.

A diet is a small goal. A lifestyle change is a big goal. The first will get you short term results and the latter will last a life-time.

Of course a goal is only as strong as your reason “why”? When the reason is unclear the will to act is often smaller.

Initially I wanted abs so I could look and feel good in a bikini on my honeymoon. This was very shortsighted.  Now that I am leading a healthier lifestyle I see the bigger picture.  Being healthy makes me happier and as a result I am a positive role model to everyone around me. Plus, I have the energy to balance being an entrepreneur and a mom to an active 7 month old!

How do I stay on track with my goals and motivated with my “why”? I create vision boards. Just like you would for decorating your house or refining your brand, the right visuals will inspire you to see what is possible and excite you to take action!

  1. Keep the mind sharp

Schedule and Implement time for self improvement. Being healthy is not just about eating well. It’s about growing as a person. Often we get stuck in our comfort zones. But this is not where we will feel growth.

If you want to live a healthy life you must evolve as a person and this means constantly being curious. So even if it’s 5 min out of your busy day it is important to make time for things like meditation, ted talks or finding people who can challenge your views on the world.

I personally love listening to Jim Rohn, searching Flipboard for inspiring articles or talking with my husband about lessons learned in the start -up life.

When you are curious, you will learn something and gain fresh perspective. This will have an impact on your happiness.

  1. It’s all about balance

I often get asked the same questions about my nutrition plan: “Do you get hungry? Do you drink alcohol? Do you eat dessert?”

My response is always the same: “I make choices that I know will result in feeling full, happy and balanced. If you know that your choices will not lead to this, than you have your answers!”

What makes me feel full, happy and balanced?

  • Lots of colorful fruits and veggies
  • Quenching my thirst with water and tea
  • Allowing my taste buds to indulge occasionally
  • Eating smaller but more frequently
  • Splitting time between me, family, friends, and work
  1. Jump in without hesitation

If you’re thinking “I’ll start Monday because this weekend I have a birthday party and I want to be able to eat that slice of cake or drink a few glasses of wine,” then you’ve missed my point and you should stop reading this and just go on a diet.

Yes, a lifestyle change is tough and will require you to make changes that you may see as impossible today.

But change nothing and feel the same as today. The choice is up to you. Either jump in or sit on the side watching others take control and gain happy, fulfilling lives.

But what if I fail?

My husband always says “fail fast, foward.”  At first I didn’t quite understand what he meant.  Then I realized, the point is to not be afraid of failure as long as you keep moving forward.

Hope these steps inspire you! For more inspiration and a taste of my life, check out my blog at www.laurakyttanen.com

Author: Laura Kyttanen
Email: [email protected]
Author Bio: Laura Kyttanen is a lifestyle blogger giving you a taste of her life as a wife, mom, entrepreneur, health addict & multi-sensorial brand consultant living in LA. Besides spending time with her family, Laura loves traveling, selfies, pixsweet ice pops, cooking, and anything lavender. You can learn more about her and read her blogs at www.laurakytttanen.com
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Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/SayokoLynnPhotography/

Photo Credit: http://cellardoorphotography.us/



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