Real Stories

Anchored Through It All

Waves crash endlessly into your boat of security, rocking your world until you’re dizzy. Rain slashes at your face and limits your vision to what’s just in front of you. Thunder shakes you to your core and lightning seems to narrowly miss your small frame on the vast ocean of life. We’re faced with these storms all too often. The power of things you can’t control can make you feel minuscule and weak, but we have the ability to stay anchored in our faith when we feel the most shaken.

Eventually all storms dissipate. The clouds break their formation and sunlight reaches through to comfort the world so recently abused by nature. Even when your dark storms seem to stretch on endlessly, you can rest in the comfort that your tempest will also dissipate and rays will seek to rebuild you. Being anchored doesn’t always look like unwavering strength; sometimes we tremble in the face of obstacles, we fear the lightning and we believe the end is never coming. Continue on – despite these things keeps you from sinking.

Strength usually rises up when we feel our weakest. Each wave can feel a little heavier than the last. When you still stand every time after, you prove to both you and the storm that you’re a force to be reckoned with. You are a storm of hope, dreams and faith; you’re a storm of light greater than one of dark depths. The boat you’re in may feel close to capsizing, but the fury within you can’t be shaken by temporary struggles. The belief in something greater than a watery, fearful defeat will carry you on toward the horizon of possibilities. Victory over the storm is written in your story. If you simply choose to fight through the harrowing seasons, you’ll learn to be anchored through it all.

Author: Madison Huffman
Author Email: [email protected]
What category best describes your article: Spirituality and Self-help
Author Bio: Madison Huffman is 20-years-old and was born and raised in Nashville, TN. She’s loved to write since she was a little girl and is currently pursuing her dream of writing a book. In the meantime, she’s committed to uplifting others with her words.
Link to social media or website: Instagram @madigale0597 




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